Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

If a child who is graduating this year declines admission to a certain selective school, do you think it will affect a sibling’s chances of getting into the same school when they are ready to apply in a few years?

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Opps! don’t know why I thought Monday was the 25!

Cal is one of our remaining schools, but: a) D isn’t going to be accepted there and 2) we’ve spent A LOT of time on that campus and the City of Berkeley over the years to know that it’s NOT for our family.

Edit: opps. I thought Monday was the 25th. I mean Thursday.

Well, we are about to find out. S19 was accepted to Davidson and didn’t enroll. D21 applied and decisions come next Sat. I have to believe it won’t make a difference. Each student is different. Of course, if she’s accepted we can say, no, it makes no difference. If she’s denied, then we won’t know!

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Mine won’t be accepted there either but we are both alum and live not too far away.

Why did she apply if you already knew it wasn’t for your family?

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No, I doubt they would even make the linkage. And even if they did I don’t think it would matter.

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I wanted to waste my $70 or whatever the app fee was :grimacing:.

We checked all the UC’s with the uncertainty of Covid. And I know more now than I did back on 11/30/2020.


@BertieMom My daughter is a freshman at Colby and has had a great year so far. One of the reasons she likes it is because the students are down to earth and enjoy the outdoors. She attended a big public school herself and no one would ever describe her as preppy/ she’s found many other students like her there. I don’t know much about ballet, but the school is investing tons of money in arts and performance spaces and classes. Happy to answer any questions!


Hmmm I had 2 kids get into UM Engineering that didn’t go and this one is postponed and 2 kids get into CS at UIUC and didn’t go and this one is waitlisted but put into a different program there so maybe there is something to be said for that rofl. I sure as hell hope not as each kid in a family is different and it would be bad if a) schools held that against a kid not knowing If a school is their first choice and b) I would be amazed if a school even cared to keep those kinds of records

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Yes, we are pretty compliant with all the tiers in CA. But, LA County is even more strict about it, and S17 hasn’t been on the Caltech campus since March 18 last year. They’ve already announced that commencement will be online, even though vaccinations are supposed to be really ramping up sometime soon. And, they haven’t announced the fall plan yet.

Haven’t listened to this yet, but wanted to share link to yesterday’s episode. Love this show generally! The Campus Tour Has Been Cancelled - This American Life


So I did a little digging and for the large UCs at least it is now time for them to put together their fall schedule. UCSD is telling faculty to plan for pretty much fully in person and they will adjust downward later if needed. UCSC has a convoluted statement that basically seems to be giving more discretion to the faculty for a partial reopening that could be upgraded but only for increased housing by fall but not for classes. I didn’t attend UCLA but heard they seem to be planning remote for large lecture classes. UW said “largely” in person. So I guess this means for western publics we won’t necessarily know what our students might get by May 1st, but it probably won’t be normal even if the vaccines roll out as planned?


My S accepted his offer at Cal Poly SLO for CS yesterday. I’m so happy to be finished with this process and he’s so happy to be a Mustang! My nest will be empty, but I have one of the best beachy areas in CA to visit for four years!

This thread has been like a warm hug for me through this process. Thanks to all of you for creating this supportive thread. I am sticking around because I am anxious to see all of your kids land happily in the right place.


A big congrats to your S!!!
I bet that will feel darn good for many days and weeks to come to know he’s got a fabulous school and he is DONE with this process!!!

We will need reunion updates on here of parents visiting kids (especially those near beautiful beaches)!


Thank you!

I still check in on the Parents of HS Class of 2019 thread, even though I was pretty silent on that one. I will definitely look forward to reading all of the updates on this one!


What’s everyone’s thoughts on visiting schools that your student has been waitlisted for?

We are visiting Clark next week and I’m wondering if we should stop by Conn College on the way home as it’s just a short detour to add it to the trip (and possibly a few others in that general area depending on this week’s results). However, from what I’ve read about waitlists it seems that those that applied for financial aid are the last to move from most waitlists so I’m thinking he’s not moving off of it. Should we even bother to visit a school that he’s unlikely to get an offer to?

My concerns are that he’ll see a particular school that he’s been waitlisted for and get bummed out again about being on the waitlist. Conversely, what if he moves off of the waitlist with just a few days left in April and now he has to decide by May 1 without seeing the campus? Then it’s a mad scramble to drive to the school and visit and make a decision.

I’m leaning towards not visiting waitlisted schools. Sound like the correct call?

I just listened to this podcast. Very well done. Nothing really new here but I like the interviews and the perspectives provided.


If it is not far out of your way, it might be a good idea to visit. What if they call and you have to make a quick decision? That would be hard to do if you have never seen it.

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