Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

This is good to hear. We haven’t visited and looks like we aren’t allowed to visit before commit day. My daughter is just far from a keg party kind of person. She is very excited as she has focused on the outdoorsy nature but it’s a pretty small place to not be in tune with majority of the students.


I am unaware that it was possible to overthink. Welcome to this admission cycle - pretty much the AP class of overthinking. Thank God it is test optional.

This is what we (I’m not the only one) do best. Own it !


Thanks for sharing- it was fantastic. It made me super proud to be a Longhorn (and a tiny bit less mad at Texas for rejecting my daughter).


@BertieMom i just watched the documentary. It seems like whomever produced it sent a survey out looking for unhappy students and asked ‘what do you dislike most?”. And then followed up with counselors and asked what the most common struggles are for incoming freshmen. They could have been talking about any college campus. There was no balance with positive perspectives with the exception of one person at the end, and her comments were benign and vapid. I would put that piece out of your head - it is one-sided and a small group of students from 7-8 years ago. D21 will find her people if she ends up at Colby.


@MissingThe90s But in this AP class of Overthinkers, can we all get a standard 5/5? No digital exam, no in-person exam? Just grade us on our body of work?!

@Solstice155 @srparent15 We could be in the home stretch or reach schools could punk us and put our kids on a waitlist and tease us with possibilities !?!


WL coming. I can feel it. We already have 3! Punked unless we opt out.


Hey UVA Echols scholarship is a lottery ticket as well… :grinning:


@MommaLue Lol! We will all place out of AP Overthinkers, so no exam necessary.

And having to hang in the balance on WLs is a nightmare after what this class has gone through. Hopefully they will move quickly!


Yeah I was thinking the same thing!


For those of you getting WL in RD, what have your deadlines been to take a spot on that WL? I know Wellesley gave kids until 4/8 and Denison gave kids until 4/1 to take a spot. I hope most schools are at least giving kids until 4/1. I’m afraid of WL. If D takes any of those spots on 4/1 and is called on 4/2 or 4/3, we most likely will not have gotten out to visit schools yet.

What’s the harm in accepting the waitlist spot? We’ve been saying yes to all of them as soon as they come in. If he moves off before May 1 we’ll consider it vs current offers, if not, nothing lost by being on the waitlist.


One gave us 5/1 I think, I don’t remember UNC date, Georgia Tech is 3/29 and for Illinois he’s just in an alternative program and waitlisted for top choice (which isn’t happening) automatically. GT is the only one as of now we don’t have plans to visit.

What happens these next two weeks may change it all though which is why I think he hasn’t done the GT yet. Also has some nice things that have happened since applying everywhere to add to LOCI if schools take so that’s an unexpected bonus.

This reminds me. Our third quarter just ended and grades will come out probably after Spring Break first week of April. Is it worth uploading those to schools that allow supplemental info if on waitlist to show he’s still taking senior year seriously and/or should he add it as a one liner when asked to send a LOCI like Ga Tech where words are limited?

I think Wellesley isn’t even opening up the waitlist until after Ivy Day.


Schools give you only a couple of days to decide if they call you off of the WL. So, say D gets all of her decisions by 3/30 and accepted a WL spot. We plan on visiting schools she gets into but won’t get to all of them in the first few days of April of course. Say she gets off a WL on 4/4 and she hasn’t visited that school yet or any other school she still wants to see and they want an answer by 4/6? No way to say yes if she hasn’t been able to visit all of the schools that have accepted her or go to all of the virtual admitted student days that happen in April.

We need all decisions and to visit all schools and to have her go to admitted student sessions and then she can decide. I don’t see that all happening until 4/20 or so at the earliest.


right that’s 4/6 so they gave the kids until 4/8 to take WL spots.

Oh ok, I didn’t notice the deadline just thought it was interesting that they didn’t want anyone accepting a waitlist spot until they had all their decisions. Good to know it’s a short time frame to do it in!

So decision day is May 1 for an admitted student, but a waitlisted student only has 3 days to accept the offer if moved off the waitlist, even if it’s before May 1? That doesn’t make any sense to me. But as I’m finding as we move through this college admission process for the first time, little of it makes sense.

I would not lose sleep over this. The likelihood of movement off the WL before 5/1 is infinitesimal.


I had the WL conversation with my S this week. Added wrinkle is he’ll be off the grid from June 6 to Aug 8 at a remote camp where they put their phones in a locker and can only access once a week! So if he takes a spot, he’ll have to give the colleges my contact info and I’d be calling the camp landline to get in touch with him.

My preference is he commit and not look back, tbh, but he told me there’s some WL spots he’d take. Sigh.


@sccaflagger74 It is not binding. No risk.

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