Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congratulation for reaching this milestone!

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I like to read the end first too! If it is the movie, I fast forward. Now changing the pages of the calendar to no avail!



I grew up dancing, so hereā€™s an idea for parents of dancers with lots of costumes:
My parents kept mine in bins in the attic. When D19 and D21 were little, they brought them out whenever we visited. We had the most spectacular dress up parties. My girls never danced, but they loved it! A couple costumes were used for Halloween.

When my girls got older, my parents gave the bins to friends with younger granddaughters. If you have the space somewhere out of the way, it might be worth it!


D21 got a notice from UCLA regarding housing. It says they are opening application early this year (april 1). Although UCLA is one of D21ā€™s top choices, sheā€™s still waiting for more RD decisions. So, does anyone know if thereā€™s any advantage to applying early? And do we have to commit and pay the deposit before applying for housing? Is housing generally an issue at UCLA, say pre-pandemic?

@annegp S21 submitted his request to be on the WL for UCLA on the same day. Dude had his LOCI letter ready. If you want to still be considered, Iā€™d just do it now and get it over with. We have low hopes.

Youā€™re not over thinking. Just asking :). Overthinking is me immediately going on UCSD 6th College GE and using their 4-plan generator (okay, thatā€™s amazing for you UCSD parents!!) and comparing it to UCI and then asking my son if heā€™s thought it thru.

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D20 currently attends a school where S18 declined his offer of admittance. I donā€™t think it is a consideration.


@Seabass927 Seriously! Screw UCLA as it was National UCLA WL/Rejection Day for so many of our kids on Friday :sweat_smile:. But that said, I wouldnā€™t tell UCLA noā€¦maybe.


Well, this Saturday Iā€™m driving a couple of boys who canā€™t decide if they want to go to UCI or UCSD or not to give them a tour. They arenā€™t banking on Berkeley.

Iā€™ve realized that despite the fact that we toured the campuses before. UCSD in July evenā€¦itā€™s not the same perspective as if and when youā€™re accepted. Now the Sixth College at Hogwarts UCSD means something. We didnā€™t even drive by the 6th dorm last time. And two years ago no one even walked the dorm section of UCI. I think for D24 Iā€™m not going to do any college tours unless we happen to be in the area. I just think we will go back to the same college well in a few years, too. Minus Cal Poly SLO. We donā€™t need the slow roll, cruel tease of admission notification again. One of S21ā€™s friend got into SLO for EE and after going there this weekend, he realized he canā€™t live there for four years. He needed a bigger city with more diversity. So these kids with all their ā€œdestinationā€ colleges are now all changing their mind!


Wow - a whirlwind tour! My S has been accepted to Clark and was very happy with his visit. Furthest acceptance and tour (tbd) for us is Bard. Weā€™re also waiting on Middlebury but I think itā€™s v unlikely for my S due to competitive year and (lack of) demonstrated engagement.


S just registered for in-person orientation in June. Hopefully it actually happens because itā€™s really exciting!


@123Mom123 Founding officer here. :rofl:

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Iā€™m sending you a PM.

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@BertieMom I havenā€™t seen this documentary, but I will say that we were very impressed by Colby when we visited. The students seemed friendly and happy. It sounded like there was frequent engagement between students snd faculty, and opportunities for internships and study abroad. And now theyā€™ve recently completed $200 million athletic facility. It is quintessential New England - so picturesque. The only thing that put us off was how gleeful they were when talking about the low acceptance rate - but Colby was TO well before other schools, which could be a contributing factor. D21 had been planning to apply.


Finally my D21 is getting excited about UVA Echols Scholar program she is in! I think that will be our route if lottery ticket colleges are not favorable.


I see you post around CC and I canā€™t wait to see what your D gets!


That is wonderful, promising, hopeful news ! Where ??

Haha, not so much an over-thinker here but definitely an over-planner!! Which is why I was done about 3 months ago!! Or rather, wish I was done!

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@srparent15 you are in the home stretch!