Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I hear you @Tribegiant. My DS21 applied to 2 West Coast schools with a minimum number of direct flights (AZ and Oregon)…I think he picked those schools on purpose…LOL :slight_smile:


My D was also waitlisted at Wash U. Hang in there!


Congrats @homerdog. My S in too. Hubby threw this one in (no essay) which IMO is not a fit at all, but I’m hoping it’s a good sign of the remaining. Pretty campus. No merit but they had a lot of applicants 2x!.


Once students have made a decision they should decline acceptances at other schools.

But, this won’t necessarily lead to any waitlist movement, as colleges plan for X% yield, typically based on historical numbers…which may have to be tweaked this year!

For example, a school with 40% yield has already planned for 60% of accepted students to decline the offer of admission. So, they have to get more students declining than they anticipated to move to the waitlist.


I’m not familiar with Colgate, was it established by the toothpaste company of the same name? :laughing:

Sorry couldn’t resist. Congratulations. One of many to come.


@sushiritto Yes. The founder of Colgate Co donated a ton and the school changed its name to him. I work for the competing company so my children will never be allowed to apply there. JK. Well, kinda.


They did have three optional essays. D did all three. Lol. Congrats to your S!!


@NateandAllisMom Your kiddo is determined to move far away! Now you got PNW and then the other coast!

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Oh, I am sorry! I think bestmom888 is correct. I searched up about WashU Financial aid and it clearly says that they are need aware. It may be the reason they waitlist.

By the time we hit the last few schools, anything optional was blown off! We aren’t really part of this world so optional meant optional. Even recommended was optional. I just reread the niche and the preppy, dressy student profile is not my kid, it’s a big Greek school, plus the programs for his major are small. I really don’t know what my husband was thinking but I guess he liked the campus and rep. We also got a couple of sponsored extra apps at the end from his school. But it’s a yes and I hope a good sign. They will look if they go out there Easter week and it’s not locked up. The next few schools will decide if they book that flight. Prices went up a lot but even now we aren’t sure.


He is waitlisted at U Dub but he’s into Seattle U. Actually Seattle would be a pretty easy flight to our regional airport and they have the great rail system so not bad at all. :airplane::evergreen_tree:


First off huge congrats today!!!

I did my good deed for the day. I was on the fb "parents of TTU engineering page, when someone posted a link to the schools patio…I kid you not, I thought this was a link to sign up for parents to meet on a patio on move in day…
Well low and behold, Patio is another social media site…found the engineering group and the kids were posting what engineering major they were. Well I saw a girl who is majoring in electrical engineering!!! Could not DM her fast enough…Long story short. D and the girl are now texting each other and have now officially became room mates!!! I am the roommate whisperer!


LOL!!! I saw that link for patio on the TTU Class of 2025 page and had no idea what Patio is/was…so I stayed out of it :rofl::rofl::rofl:



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@TVBingeWatcher2 I accidentally joined UCI Class of 2025 vs UCI Parents and that page had patio on it! So crazy.


I wonder how this will change the betting pool on your other big thread!? Congrats!


Congrats on Colgate for D21. One of the eldest friends is a junior there and loves it

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Finally had the guts to look up the Northeast tour rules. Most of the colleges are closed to visitors even though the states involved have loosened restrictions (except NY so far).

Today’s thought: this is kind of like online dating. Things look great in the photos but you don’t know what they are really like in person. Or like buying a bathing suit on the internet. Sure, looks good on the model but will it fit?

Yesterday my son mentioned a third area he is interested in studying. :roll_eyes:. Some of his schools are direct admit for that one. It’s become clear that the popular schools in the West seem to be limited in terms of exploring fields of interest and changing to impacted majors.


Very crazy for sure.

or an Air BnB - We have been to some that look great in photos but when you get there you find all sorts of quirks that they didn’t show!