Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Daughter got a surprise email to check her W&M portal and she is admitted as a Monroe Scholar. 90 minutes later she found out she’s in at Emory. It’s been a fun laid back night, as she’s thrilled with acceptances, but has lost interest in these two schools since applying so wasn’t stressed about Emory and W&M caught her off guard. BIG net cast and she is 12/12 with acceptances so far with 5 more to go.



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My D waitlisted at WashU and Emory. 4th waitlist now.


Now no one wants to reject you. Just waitlist is in fashion now.


Has she turned some of them down at this point?

She did not accept waitlist position or send any LOCI to U of Chicago or to Emory and WashU. So they will reject her.

Actually my comment was to Rue4, but thank you for your reply!

@anaray They’re sending rejections! My friend’s daughter was rejected from WashU.

Oh I just saw it.

Oh.I didn’t realize it. Since my D has been slapped with waitlist after waitlist (actually 5 so for, UNC, U of C, UCLA, WashU and Emory) , I did not know that they are even rejecting. So I think my D21 application is somewhere in the middle. They couldn’t reject but they couldn’t accept either! Limbo!


Yeah - we can’t go wrong with UCSB or UCI (which is 8th - tied with UCSD and Georgia Tech) I suppose.

@anaray Remember when we started this process and we were all green and learning about acceptance, waitlist, rejections? I always thought that waitlist meant that you qualified and they want you to go to their school. They just can’t select you because there are so many spots. If they had the space, they would totally accept you because YOU ARE QUALIFIED. But now who knows? I would like to think that if your D is WL’d, she meets their standards to be included. The missing variable is space at the school.


This makes feel better.Thank you!

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Congrats on the acceptances. Seeing as she isn’t interested in at least those two and possibly others that she’s been accepted to has she at least started to decline these offers of acceptance? While my son didn’t apply to either Wash U or Emory it sounds like many here did and are either waitlisted or were rejected so maybe it just helps free up some space for those who know for sure the schools aren’t for them to be kind and decline the acceptance so someone else doesn’t have to wait longer than necessary.


Congratulations!! Great news!

What school is U of C? Also, did you D apply for financial aid at WashU? They are need-aware, so maybe that has something to do with the WL.

Big week here with seven decisions coming. First one today was Colgate and she’s in!


University of Chicago is U of C. She did apply for financial aid.

I agree. My son has been admitted to 4 schools so far (deferred during ED), so we are still waiting to hear from 9 schools. It will come down to his top 3 choices (gotten into one so far). It’s only fair to start declining the offers he is 100% sure he will not accept so more kids can be pulled from the waitlists.


She has turned down 4. After adding in two more today, she has two more she’s done with that she’ll now notify. Several others have kept throwing money at her, so not yet ready to pull those. She is narrowing the field. We visited one this past weekend, have another admitted student tour scheduled early April and will continue to attend virtual admitted student events to narrow her list down.