Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yes, he wrote a great book! Where You Go is Not Who You’ll Be.

He’s a UNC alum (my alma mater) so I’ve always had a soft spot for him. That NYT column cracks me up every time. I like the line about how admissions is considering asking applicants for recipes using organic kale. :rofl:


My D is deciding between UTD and RHIT. We’ve ruled out UCF because of the uncertainties there right now, although it looks like a fantastic school. Has your D made any contacts with potential roommates yet at UTD? My D has actually had more luck at RHIT so far but I think that may be because applicants commit later to UTD. Not sure though.

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My son has > 4.0 and the most competitive school he applied to has a 70% acceptance rate. He looked at more competitive schools but really didn’t like the environments for a variety of reasons. The school he ultimately chose has an 80% acceptance rate and average scores of 3.5/1180, but they’re one of the few that has the major he’s interested in and they checked more of his boxes than any other. He’s excited, so we’re excited, and we’ve enjoyed seeing him wear his no-name swag with pride since the fall. Life is good.


I hope I’m not “that guy” left at the WL bar when it’s emptying out at the end of the night (July) and you’re still desperately looking to score a date out who’s of your league. :laughing:


On the good news front my S21 finally checked his TAMU financial aid portal and he got unexpected merit money from them. Makes TAMU his most affordable option now.


:joy: let’s hope we are all out of there well before last call and the lights come on.


Oh, I understand it now. I was starting to believe that college decisions are so random and so I have no idea where we stand at this point.
That will be great if our Ds end up at UMich and I will send a PM once I know how to do send a PM:rofl:.
Right now it is between UMich and UVA and we will decide based on the Financial Aid we get by April 6th.

@NateandAllisMom @Aguadecoco this WL bar could get dangerous, at least for me. While my D hangs out drinking water I am sipping my wine. Last night was the first night there after the second WL notification and I am not sure my liver can handle a full summer. Recalling someone here mentioned CBD gummies, maybe I need to make the switch.

But seriously-she is perfectly happy to wait it out. As a parent, would you consider imposing a deadline for this. If you don’t hear by x let it go. When do you really think the shuffling will begin? May 2 is my hope.


Wow! That’s great news!

Does RHIT stand for Rose Hulman?
Similar cost with UTD?

Is UCF committed to funding NMF for incoming students even if state funding is pulled? If so, they have good school spirit.

Be good to yourself! My kid is handling this way better than I and could easily switch it up in July. I think there will be a ton of May action. My S will be dropping like 9 spots by second week of April. Hang in there and we will keep each other company. :wine_glass::cheese:

On your question - probably not on the deadline if my S is ok with it and we feel it’s a trade up. We will just plan on some expensive last minute plane tickets if he gets a super late offer. I hope that after he settles on a May 1st plan, I am feeling relief by then but if his WL is not in the West I might still be neuortic wondering if he will be close enough to come home for the weekend or not. That’s what’s eating at me lately, along with the general uncertainty. The common advice is to sort of put in your LOCI and mentally let it go since the odds are 10% or less typically.

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Glad to hear your family liked UVA. It’s a great school (even if I can’t stand them in sports :wink:).

That’s interesting about your experience at UNC. We were there on Sunday (D21 visit) and there was a fair amount of people out and around campus and on Franklin Street. People were sitting on the lawns, walking dogs, jogging, taking unofficial tours, and at restaurants. It didn’t feel markedly different from Pre-COVID Sundays (other than masks and trying to stay socially distanced) and much less dead than the Fall. It actually made me sad for my current UNC student who has been living at home instead of staying in CH (feels like she’s missing out on at least some resemblance of college life). Between that and one really good virtual info session, D21 is now leaning UNC (but not quite ready to commit yet).


Bellying up to the WL bar, needing a little hair-of-the-dog. No, I wasn’t drinking last night yet feel surprisingly hung over this morning - WL insomnia.


Yeah, it was a little strange. The bookstore was open and there were a few people in there and some outside in the area around there but that was about it.

We realized that if this is what my daughters see at school it is a little depressing, but at the same time I remember UNC opened then quickly closed this fall whereas one of my kids actually has some in person classes so more students are around and the other one I assume campus is more like this but gets out more.

Hopefully next year they can and will fully open. After all his decisions are out he will have to decide if he would jump off any school he commits to if he were to get off the waitlist spot, which is ultimately something we’ll have to research the pros/cons of that as well once all decisions are out over the next 2 weeks. Sigh…just want it over.

UCF has not committed yet this year. Luke vanBlaricom said recently it’s too soon to tell what they will do. In any event, She is admitted to the CS ^2 program at UTD, so that eliminates UCF and most other options. RHIT hasn’t given us their final number but she has at least full tuition plus the NM award. She’s waiting on some other scholarship notifications.


My H and I were just discussing the WL and how if he got off after the students left, maybe we would get to tour a gated campus. Also, summer might be safer virus-wise than April and my son will be vaccinated too :crossed_fingers:. :thinking: This would be a really good thing if my S gets waitlisted at Tufts, for example. It’s a great school but hard to imagine going without seeing it or getting the reality check of traveling across country even though the students wouldn’t be there.

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I suspect traveling last-minute for a visit after a WL acceptance could be extremely challenging, potentially impossible, depending on when the call happens and how much time they give. First two weeks of May are AP exams… Summer may be easier, albeit less informative.

Seems like a number of schools will be offering limited in-person tours for admitted students, but presumably only thru April.

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Yeah the chance of actually getting off the WL after their students leave is pretty low of course. If he wouldn’t go without seeing it, I guess we would have nothing to lose by asking for a little more time to get out there. Maybe they will be in a generous mood? Lol.

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I’ve been thinking about this too, which is why we through in this quick visit Wed-Thur to go see UNC (waitlist), Duke (reach RD) and UVA (admit). It was our one shot that we could nail all 3 at once during our Spring Break but I have to say, flying was sooo uncomfortable. The airports are packed, the airplanes are packed. There are plenty of non mask wearers. They had to kick someone off our plane returning home from CLT and that pushed us back another 40 minutes. Ridiculous.

In thinking what my son has going on between now and the end of the year I too have no idea how we’re going to visit any if he doesn’t get into his very top choice. He has a national competition thing for DECA in early April I think, then some other academic state thing also one of those weeks in April, and the tennis season begins on Monday here! I totally forgot when we scheduled our Purdue in person visit for late April on a Saturday, that there could very well be a tennis tournament that day. So…we may have to scrap that and instead we may have to fly into visit a school on a Saturday and come back on a Sunday if he gets in or off any waitlist from some of these places. Oh, and also needs time to study for all the AP tests not to mention go to school since he doesn’t want to miss school! Crazy! I guess the one good thing with covid is that all these competitions (except tennis of course) are virtual so he’s not running around traveling for those as he normally would be.


Add another parent who was extremely enamored with UVA after visiting for the first time a few weeks ago. I’m actually glad I didn’t realize that before decisions came out or I’d have been a lot more nervous. D was accepted EA OOS and it’s definitely a top contender for her. :orange_heart::blue_heart: We loved it so much that I believe she’d have considered applying ED had we seen it earlier.

Good luck to everyone!