Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I just want it over too!

UNC’s lack of handling Fall 2020 successfully and the behavior of some of the CH residents is definitely on our minds as part of the decision process. It’s one of the biggest strikes. Once bit, twice shy. The other strike is secondary admit to major with very limited spaces. The really good info session was with a Plan B major option, so that helped alleviate some of the secondary admit concern.

Our challenge is her best option (Arizona State, Barrett) is across the country (+ even after merit $10k-$12k per year more than UNC in-state). If ASU was 2-3 hours away, she’d already be committed there even with the extra cost.

Right now I am just excited that she wants to talk about it and make a decision vs the “I don’t want to even hear the word college” from a few weeks ago.

:pray: for strength for all of our families over the next few months!


What a great two days - so many amazing admits! Wash U, Colgate, BC, UCB…I know I am forgetting a ton!!

Sorry about all of the wait lists this year. We didn’t wait around to find out since D21 pulled her two deferred apps, but even just the thought of waiting around to hear about that was painful. I’d love to come sit at the WL bar and keep you all company though, I like to stay until the lights come on so I’ll be good company!


So Tufts (as an example) finals end May 14th but his mandatory, paper APs aren’t over until May 23rd.

Yeah as a waitlist that’s a whole other issue. I think mine has one of the Physics AP tests in the first AP session in early May and then the E&M AP is that second batch of AP Exams. I don’t know what our school is doing for finals this year as they’re just finally going back full time in two weeks, but normally seniors don’t have to take finals if they have a B or better in a class and less than 10 absences. He won’t be taking finals and the AP courses don’t give final exams. But our graduation is May 27, and then I have to also deal with figuring out how to get my two college kids packed up with their stuff stored and home and then one is going off to Israel for the summer on June 1! It’s never ending, seriously.


Neither of my D’s had a desire to apply to reach schools. They both did some harder ones but if I ever mentioned a true reach or god forbid a lottery school they said no way.

D21 is also going to a 70% acceptance rate school. She did feel funny about it at first thinking why did she work so hard in high school when she could have relaxed a little and still been accepted here. Then I asked which lower acceptance rate schools her list would she rather go to and of course the answer was none of them!

Now just like you @eb23282 we are all so excited and so much more relaxed than the fall!


Today we are a few baby steps towards closure. I told S21 to withdraw from UC- Davis and Santa Barbara. He asked me if there was any reason why he shouldn’t and my worst case scenario doom and gloom that all the bad things that could possibly happen to DH and me, but then I thought, no, any UC would be do-able worst case. So among the UCs, we are now down to UCSD/I/Berkeley (I was told not to use “UCB,” BTW). S21 is hanging on to Berkeley because our friend who is an Berkeley alum is going to take him, another kid (who’s going on this UCI/UCSD roadtrip with us on Sat), and the alum’s son to Berkeley to go through all his stomping grounds and food places to try to recruit them to Berkeley. One last push. My friend is recruiting hard because he has a ton of Cal attire that his son won’t be needing if his son chooses a SoCal UC.


So, I heard yesterday that both Rutgers and Syracuse have sent emails saying that they are going to be requiring the Covid Vaccine for students to return to campus next fall. Yay for them!! I hope all schools follow this, but I’m sure it will start a debate. Private schools absolutely can and I guess Rutgers is part private or something like that. Does anyone think this is going to be a game changer in terms of people NOT sending their kids if they require the vaccine? I think the alternative may be to require testing 3x/week for those who request for various reasons to be exempt from the vaccine since I’m sure there will be many of those who just can’t get the vaccine for medical reasons, or some who refuse for religious, etc.


Does anyone have any info/experience on attending UGA as an OOS student?
We live in the Northeast and I just don’t know if my daughter will feel out of place. It looks only 12% OOS students are enrolled.
Any advice appreciated!

I agree with this 100%. My son has already gotten his first shot so we’ll be good. I’d rather deal with worries from the vaccine than real tangible issues with my teenaged son. I have friends whose kids are in their 20s and who have been long haulers with crazy stuff like ED!

I’m not 100% sure a public can’t require it because it’s still a choice to go to college, unlike say, grade school which is mandated by law. I know my friend told me recently the nursing home her mom was at a large % of the staff refused to be vaccinated so covid was still getting in and they finally told the staff you are vaccinated or you are fired. They couldn’t have it continuing to kill their patients.


I saw a post on Miami accepted student parent’s FB page where a woman asked AO when Miami would state if they were going to require student to get vaccinated because if Miami was going to require shot they were going to send their kid elsewhere. Can you imagine making a decision on where to go to college based on having to get a Covid shot?


Finally got a chance to listen to the NPR podcast posted earlier and I felt so sad listening to the admissions guy from Trinity. I have to think that is going on at most schools since they all have a budget, including the need blind ones?


Rutgers is public. They are allowing for limited medical exemptions and religious ones.

Fun fact, J&J headquarters is in New Brunswick.

I admit that I am not an FB person, but I joined a parent’s page for one of D21’s schools. The school really needs to improve their website! The amount of parents who won’t get vaccinated and are not going to let their adult children do it either is a little concerning. I can’t imagine telling my kids they can’t get a vaccine, or a tattoo, or a piercing after they turn 18. It took about a day to remind me why I never go on FB.


I haven’t written in a while. This has been a crazy cycle for D21. She had a certain vision of the type of school she wanted (ie very liberal and not competitive; wasn’t sure at the time that she wanted to commit to journalism; maybe a women’s college, and thought she preferred a small school). She was unable to visit so she cast a wide net. She thinks she wants to major in English, government, journalism, something interdisciplinary and helpful to the world.

She was deferred ED from Brown (twin in ED at Duke). She only started her RD apps then. She’s accepted at: Bryn Mawr, Mt Holyoke, Scripps, Occidental, Oberlin, American, Puget Sound and Boulder, all with merit aid. She got an early write from Smith but her portal didn’t change so we don’t think she got the Stride scholarship.

She was WL at Pomona.

She still hasn’t heard from: Barnard, Vassar, Wesleyan, Northwestern (Medill), Cornell (ILR), Brown.

She is trying to tour some schools on the east coast now, as it’s her spring break, but she was barred from even walking on Barnard’s campus. Yet, some schools, like Oberlin, are opening to covid-safe tours. Anyway, she’s having trouble sorting much about these schools and doesn’t love any of the ones to which she’s been admitted yet. Hopefully she’ll have at least one more option, but otherwise she’ll need to pick one of these somehow!

It’s a bit frustrating because I think she could have gotten in ED to one of her top choices (like Barnard or Medill, or even Penn which she now likes (she has legacy), but she was so fixated on Brown. I’m stressed out by this process.


When our son had the opportunity he said “I’m getting it” and my husband was like well we have to sign off on it because you aren’t 18. He was like it’s my body, what difference is 6 weeks going to make? At that point I agreed with him and he got it. But once the child turns 18 the parents have NO say over what they do medically.


I attended UGA eons ago from out of state and found my people instantly. Athens is a progressive town, fabulous music and restaurants. My daughter was accepted to and we are still out of state (California), just not sure if we can squeeze in a visit. I’m from the northeast and D was mostly raised there, and have zero hesitations if that’s where she wants to go.


It’s almost impossible to deny someone who claims they can’t get a vaccine for religious reasons.


Love this @momtogkc. Congrats!

My sense is that they can require it once it’s no longer under an emergency authorization. Much like the meningitis vaccine.


Congrats on so many acceptances! My S21 is in at Oberlin and waiting on Vassar also.