Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@burghdad I saw that - then they promptly turned off comments! Then a parent posted asking how she can request a roommate who is vaccinated because she won’t let immune-compromised kid live with an unvaccinated student!

I hadn’t heard about Syracuse. I’m guessing Miami won’t require it. Rutgers is public. The NJ facebook pages are blowing up threatening lawsuits about them requiring a vaccine that only has emergency approval. Will be interesting to see how this plays out…

Congratulations!! UM was a tough one this year from what I understand.

The fall semester at Clemson the kids would get it and not get tested so as to avoid the 14 day quarantine. The school wised up this semester and require everyone coming onto the campus to get tested once a week.


congrats to @123mom123 and @srparent15 on a couple of great admissions…Hopefully more to come later today.

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Many thanks!!! He is thrilled. He adores GW and it’s location.


@123Mom123 , Congrats!! D21 received good news from GW as well into IR on Mt Vernon campus. we were unable to visit, any insight would be appreciated.


DS is probably headed to GT also and will major in physics and/or math. He is very excited to have been accepted there. Great school!


Train going off the rails here, another rejection for my S21.

@123Mom123 Such wonderful news!!! I’m so happy for your family!!! And a bonus scholarship that’s renewal. This is a good Friday.

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@MPT3D Congrats to your family!!!

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@srparent15 Yeah!! Do you have a favorite, yet?

On the vaccine front just got an email from the small LAC (1800 students) my D21 has committed to - Sewanee- they will receive 300 doses of vaccine next week at their health center and have made arrangements for another 100 at a local pharmacy for all students 18 and over. Clear that students still need to follow mask, distancing mandates but thought this was great progress. No word on requiring the vaccine for next year.
:pray: we can start fall in a more ‘normal’ fashion for the class of 2025!


So sorry to hear- which school?

@NateandAllisMom I don’t know chess, but I know this is a powerful analogy!! I want to learn chess to truly appreciate this.


Yes!! PM me and I’ll share what (little) I know!!! (I have a bad memory so I will PM you but just remind me if you dont hear from me later today or tomorrow!)

I am so sorry.

So sorry, too. This year stinks. Fingers crossed for some good news!

@NateandAllisMom omgggg, funniest thing I have read all day! :joy:

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Omg waitlisted AGAIN Notre Dame. Well he has an impressive WL list.


Oh my!!! So sorry!!! Better than rejection but I know it’s stressful and NOT the preferred decision.

Ugh!!! Feeling for you. This year is nuts. Truly.