Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I’m in, if we’re talking about juice bar. :grimacing:


D21 accepted to Wesleyan. Grateful to have another option; however, admittedly, this one was the least researched. STEM major, dancer, writer. Pros and Cons on Wes?


Thanks for your reply. I didn’t know that “at Purdue you aren’t guaranteed the Engineering major you want”. I thought they are like UIUC or UW, if you apply CS, you will be majored in CS.

Yes, for CS at Purdue you’re guaranteed CS if you get into CS, but CS is in the School of Science there not in Engineering. All Engineering majors otherwise are admitted into Engineering but start of in FYE (first year engineering) where they’re exposed to everything but my understanding is that you aren’t guaranteed your major because you either need to then apply or have a minimum GPA or something like that. My son just explained to me the other day that there is a big drop off of students who start in Engineering at Purdue who don’t stay in it or can’t stay in it because they can’t handle the workload or attain the grades to stay in the program since it is such a strong program. Those who stay in it are truly strong smart students. I’m sure there are others here who are more familiar with the program that can comment. Maybe @momofboiler1 can as her daughter is in the Honors Engineering there I believe and sounds like she’s done phenomenally well.

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I read your earlier post about Wesleyan. This was almost exactly my D’s experience last year. Going into the process I thought she would love it and on paper (and appearance) she seems very Wes–artsy, smart, funky, etc. We toured (separately) and she wasn’t enthusiastic. She had her only unpleasant interview with an alum who barely let her get a word in edgewise and dropped the f-bomb several times. (My D’s not a prude, but she found it off-putting.) She still applied since there wasn’t an essay and her school always does well with Wes. She was denied, which surprised her college counselor. Her BFF was accepted and had almost the exact same profile, a little less rigor, but more intensive arts ECs. The weirdest thing is that they both got into Williams. What a crazy process.


My head has been spinning the last two days between our visit to UNC, Duke and UVA and then the decisions that came yesterday (accept/wl to Mich and NU respectively) that I now have a class A migraine. I probably deserve it. My head has been spinning. I think this is a sign that I am on overload with all of this stuff that I can’t take much longer of it.

I would love a seat at that wine bar, but more for whining than wine since I don’t drink. Lol



Colgate coming on strong with a big package, handwritten note, and a LCD video screen card acceptance. :open_mouth:


In regards to your question about what percentage of healthcare workers have gotten vaccine, stats I have seen are 90+ percent of MD/DO, 50% ish of nurses.

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Congrats to your D, both of those seem like great options!

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@Pnwfamily congratulations!! Is Midd in the running? D21 will be there in the Fall. Go Panthers!


For some weird reason, there is a lot of vaccine hesitancy with nurses. I have heard it with my ex husband, I have heard it with my daughter at UT and with others. I don’t get it at all. They’ve seen all of this first hand.

Getting my vaccine (teacher) was like breathing new life into me. My husband had his first dose on Monday and he said the same thing. My 18 year old will be the last to get it in my family, my 3 other kids have received it and I can’t wait. Flying home with him made me so anxious and I hope he didn’t get it from the airport or plane. It was just gross.

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@Solstice155 It is in the running, my son’s greatest desire is to be a polyglot and Midd would be the place. I am personally rooting for Williams😁. But, not my decision!


Wow really? You are ok with this? It’s not ok to scam for scholarships, but ok to scam for acceptances into colleges? There was a Stanford AO helping kids on reddit and one of the first questions he always asked before giving an answer is “are you an URM?” – that is how much difference being a protected minority makes. There is a reason certain minorities are designated as “protected” – they’ve faced levels of systemic hurdles other ethnic groups haven’t. I think it’s sad that people feel the need to lie about their race for anything less than survival. And absolutely despicable to abuse a policy meant to help the disadvantaged.

Btw, unlike lying about URM status, the use of private consultants or essay readers (paid or unpaid) is common and allowed. People have the right to use their resources, monetary or otherwise, to help themselves, whether that’s a helpful English teacher or a paid consultant or a loving parent like most of us here on CC.


You know I’m rooting for Williams, too, but if my D had gotten into Midd ED1 last year, she would have been thrilled. It is hard to beat Midd if you’re a language person.


@Pnwfamily we were enamored with Williams, too. Visited on Homecoming weekend of D’s sophomore year and the energy was awesome. GL and congrats - great choices!
ETA: But I’m rooting for Midd. :blue_heart::white_heart:


The applicant in question not only is saying she is Native American, she wrote her essay on facing discrimination as a Cherokee. I’ve know this kid since kindergarten. Never once has she identified, claimed, or communicated anything about being Native American, so there’s no way anyone discriminated against her for that. It’s a total lie. And my kid has to compete with that evidently. Ugh.

D18 was accepted to Wesleyan, but chose Amherst. What an outstanding school, nice film program, deep alumni network in the entertainment industry. @circuitrider can tell you anything you want to know.


I’m not OK with any of it but I also think that a huge number of admissions essays are dishonest in some way. Either written about events or experiences or backgrounds that are embellished to say the least. Or not written by the students themselves. I expect that universities are well aware of this. But I think it is one of the most bogus and useless aspect of the college application process.

The whole URM category is so loose as to be meaningless anyway. What, for example, is Hispanic? My wife is Chilean, born and raised in Santiago. Her entire family still lives there. Spanish is her first language. She is clearly Hispanic. Our kids are all dual-citizens with Chilean passports and Hispanic names. The oldest was even born in Chile. Are they Hispanic? They are also blonde and grew up in the US like any other ordinary upper middle class white kids. Except that they have spent summers in Chile with their grandparents. What is the dividing line here? My daughter could legitimately write about visiting her family in Chile and discovering her Hispanic roots and that would be legitimate. But writing about any discrimination she experienced in the US would be bogus as no one here “reads” her as Hispanic. Can she claim to be Hispanic on the common app? When she registers for the SAT? When she enrolls in college?


Have y’all seen the press release from Johns Hopkins re admitted students to the Class of 2025? It’s actually comical…

Among those offered admission is a filmmaker who has been published in Discovery and National Geographic, a developer of an electric car and bamboo bike, a racial justice activist leading campaign initiatives and conducting legislative policy, a researcher on underwater robot archaeology, a founder of a malaria youth intervention program in Ghana, an author of the bestselling book on Amazon in the category of Asian History for Young Adults, and an inventor of an artificial intelligence framework for air quality that has a provisional patent.