Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Ok I thought S would be UC bound as of May 1st but apparently he’s determined to leave mom in the dust perhaps. :disappointed_relieved: They will go see UCSD and fly from there to Boston and see what they can in the Northeast. Now would not be a good time to get a waitlist call. :grimacing:

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Same thing here with Wesleyan. She added it last minute because of no essays. Had a bizarre interview with a current student. Will know in 20 mins the result! Don’t know if you don’t try…


Seeking advice from all the knowledgeable East coast Moms. A friend’s son is accepted to Brandeis and Boston University. Wants to study CS. Rejected or waitlisted from all UCs even if a top candidate :frowning:
She is aware that these are two very different institutions - small, suburban, Jewish (?) vs large and urban. Would you recommend one or the other based on some personal perspective? Thanks in advance

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It’s great that it went well for your family! I’m sure that’s a tremendous relief.

Here is the question from OP to which I was originally responding

“Does anyone think this is going to be a game changer in terms of people NOT sending their kids if they require the vaccine?”

I said yes it’s possible because there are people whose opinion is that there is some level of risk in getting the vaccine (and people will weigh that against their opinions about risk of COVID itself). People have differing conceptions of that dynamic (COVID risk 》vaccine risk or vaccine risk 》COVID risk) and I get the concept that different people have differing opinions.

I have seen the arguments from both sides and was sharing perspective into what some see as a mystery as to why everyone isn’t rushing out to get vaccinated and why some oppose mandates right now.

People in the health care industry aren’t even all on the same page right now because this is all new. What percentage of health care workers didn’t get vaccine when eligible? If you read through the reaction forum that I have been following people are getting all kinds of differing medical opinions.

Again no one is telling anyone not to get the vaccine if they want it. By all means they should. However, people who don’t want it are Already being told they will have to get one in order to go to college, return to work, etc and generally not be treated like lepers.

It seems when arguments go the other way so do opinions on college being a privilege and what constitutes force. People on the other end argue that if people don’t want their kid to be around people who aren’t vaccinated they should keep them home because college is a privilege, COVID risks to most college students are low, people make voluntary choices, and nothing is being forced (+ if you’re kiddo is vaccinated, they’re protected and risk is even lower).

Will be interesting to see how it all plays out by Fall.

Same with my sister. Severe peanut allergy. (Also has autoimmune issues.) Pfizer. No problems.


Anyone wanna join me at the Reject Bar? D rejected from Georgetown & Wesleyan. For those of you wishing you weren’t at the WL bar, it’s way nicer than the Reject Bar, trust me!


I know what the original question was. I stand by my reply.

I hear what you are saying and can see merit to both sides - at this point medically speaking. It is true, knowing that colleagues of child-bearing years have opted out at this point so we are far from everyone on board here.

I find it hard to believe any org (maybe outside of the military) could legally enforce such a requirement - particularly given the fact that I personally know many that have opted out of other critically important vaccines for years even though our schools “recommend” them. It’s just such a big leap from “suggested and would be nice to have” to mandatory. It will be interesting and just another layer of craziness to add to the pile !

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I can’t help you with CS angle as my daughter is planning to major in math or physics. We have toured both Boston University and Brandeis. They are extremely different schools as you might guess.My daughter definitely preferred Brandeis by a wide margin as BU seemed a bit too impersonal.


He’s going into CS, so at Purdue he was in for CS and Michigan he would be able to declare CS after one semester based on the AP credit he already has. So when you compare the two schools for CS, Michigan is higher ranked than CS Purdue. They are both OOS for us, do not qualify for aid. If he was straight Engineering only and for certain fields, Purdue may be the way to go, however, at Purdue you aren’t guaranteed the Engineering major you want. I’m not sure what the competitive majors at Michigan are, but for CS surprisingly it is a low GPA and he will be in it after one semester with opportunities to do more. Again, that’s if he chooses UM. It isn’t his top choice as he is hasn’t ruled other schools he’s accepted to out yet, and waiting on others, but he’s whittling down his list.

ETA: About 20 kids from our school were accepted to Purdue and I think he didn’t want to go there with all of them. We had about 30 at Michigan as well but UM is a much bigger campus and we only know of 3 that were admitted to COE and 1 is not planning on attending.


Congratulations on the acceptances!! I need to read back through the last couple days posts because I’ve just been able to skim them. Lots going on here! And what’s this I’m reading about cocktails? :cocktail:

Barring any crazy surprises with super reach schools, my D is deciding between Davidson and Washington & Lee. Davidson has been her #1 from the beginning and she is an alternate for a full tuition scholarship there. However, she is a Johnson Scholar (full ride) at W&L. As a donut hole family, that merit means a lot to her (and us!) as she knows it will guarantee we can help with grad/med school. So if she gets off the alternate list for the scholarship at Davidson, I don’t know what she will decide as cost won’t be a significant factor at that point. We are re-visiting both schools next weekend and will see what she thinks. I’m super proud of her efforts to get to this point.


Congratulations to your daughter!

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Congrats to your D regarding Davidson and W&L!

Davidson parent here – PM me with any questions.


Amazing!!! What awesome news you shared about your D!!! Huge!!!


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@amsunshine and @Rivet2000 - It is reassuring to know that your kids had no side effects with the Pfizer vaccine. Thank you.


Another MOT here. Wish they had nested threads on CC.

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There’s a fb MOT group! It is very helpful, especially when looking for people to connect with when visiting schools.

Chag Sameach to any and all who celebrate. I realized today with only 3 of us here at my house I forgot to get potatoes for the “adama”. We usually go to my parents and this year they’re vaccinated, but my brother is going with his kids who are not, and my son is not and since they just came back from Arizona, and we just came back from visiting UVA no way are we putting the kids together. Out flight was jam packed and airports people were not wearing masks, the flights didn’t feel much better.

@annegp and @goldpenn


Thanks! I’ll look it up. :relaxed:

My D was rejected from Wesleyan today as well. It’s her first rejection and I think it’s a good one tbh. I don’t know if a third WL in one week would be a good thing. Cheers!

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I am belly up to reject bar right now