Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Rejected from Vandy.
Not surprised. Not sad.
Thankful not a waitlist either.

Although I still plan to join in on the happy hours just for kicks! :hugs::partying_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Fortunately, this is my 4th kid, so he had visited a lot with my others and we always started preparing for college stuff during late sophomore year/summer before Junior year with visits and taking the ACT, etc. So other than the visit we made last week during spring break to see UNC, UVA, and Duke, heā€™s essentially visited all of the 13 he applied to now except for 3. Definitely harder for first time parents or people who arenā€™t just planners in general.


My S will see one of his WL schools on Easter break, along with some admits. His break dates are wrong for the few that had in person tour appointments but one school already accommodated an email request to add him. They will ask permission to drive through the closed campuses. We centered his OOS apps near Boston hoping they could see everything next week. Itā€™s not as open as we hoped but they will see what they can. Also will remind him of the reality of travel to home. Also he put a ton of work into his apps and essays so will get to see some of the results.


How does one know which schools defer just a small percentage of applicants, and which defer many? I have read that Yale and Harvard have large deferral pools, but otherwise, Iā€™m not sure what to make of itā€¦just another thing I find bewildering this year!

Omg, my son just told me he was waitlisted to Vandy. This is not even funny anymore. Streak of no rejections continues, but 6th waitlist. I thank god he has some good choices, feel terrible for those that donā€™t, but hoping heā€™s making room for someone else as he just rejected the spot on the waitlist as they just donā€™t rank up there for CS as do his other options where he is already in or that he is already waitlisted.


Well, Harvard acknowledged they deferred 80% of their ED pool and only rejected 10% and accepted 10% so that is pretty obvious.

For other schools you can look at the historic data as it is out there. In my sonā€™s case where he was deferred, they admit by college and on the website for his college (engineering) they actually are very clear they only defer a small amount which is typically around 20-22%. Still sounds like a lot, but relative to a place like Harvard, or Yale, 20% is nothing. Doesnā€™t mean much at the end of the day if you canā€™t get in but if he applied to Harvard I wouldā€™ve said no chance and move on.

You just passed us on the waitlist but we might catch up tomorrow. Sigh. This is the longest year.


It will take a long time for my SF-area D21 to decide between her schools: 22 applications, 13 on the east coast and probably out of reach for visits, and for the West Coast schools very little in person access either. Iā€™m glad she added 8 west coast schools, because pre-pandemic she was sure she would end up in the Boston area, but now CA seems like a safer choice. Weā€™re not scheduling any plane flights until the Ivies come out. 14 acceptances and 2 WLs so far. No rejections yet, and some tough decisions ahead.

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Rejected Vandy too and moving on! And really glad D wasnā€™t waitlisted at a handful of favorites. I know thatā€™s a lot of kidsā€™ stories this year.

Wrapping it up:

Admitted to SCU, LMU, Denver, Furman, Richmond, Colgate, Boston College, Davidson, Lehigh.

Waitlisted at Wake and Denison

Denied at Middlebury and Vandy

Now letā€™s see how long until we have a decision!


Knowing absolutely nothing about your daughter or the financials, I vote for Davidson :blush:. Good luck to her! What a great list of options!!


The last go around my kids were each accepted in December 2 years ago to their first choice schools. One did ED and was done, the other hung around just to see if she would earn any scholarships or anything at other schools but declined if there was nothing or no comparison to her top choice and we were well done by now. No waitlists for her period. There is no way this is normal. I could understand a few waitlists, but the fact that this is the 6th, with 4 admits, 1 deferral and 3 left to go and no rejections doesnā€™t seem normal. There should have been rejections at least. But 6 WL? No way.

That said is there anyone here whoā€™s kid had been offered a spot on the VT waitlist then was accepted last week and that forced them to decline somewhere else or are they just holding the acceptance now because they can?

@belmom Yeah that will be tough for her to decide and I know from my son who lives in SF it is not easy to travel to the East Coast, especially these days with fewer flights, but just on a non stop in general. He canā€™t even fly to LGA non stop because itā€™s in some ā€œtoo farā€ range so either has to fly to Newark or connect. So depending on which East Coast schools she is applying to and where they are, getting there may be the killer right there. Weā€™re in Chicago and my daughter has to connect to get to her Ivy. Itā€™s a pain but she chose it so it is what it is! :wink:

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Good for him to say forget being on another WL!

I am glad we are getting closer to being done!!!

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Some nice diversification of choices! My daughters have a friend at SCU who loves it, even with all the remote stuff this year. I think she considered LMU also, but chose that over LMU.

While U Denver is a little urban since itā€™s in Denver, itā€™s gorgeous and Denver is a great city and easy to get to. Lehigh we looked at with my oldest and not so easy to get to and in a mountain, lol. You either love it or hate it.

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Yes, so many WLā€™s at Vandy and am so thankful we werenā€™t even teased with that option.

We can move on!!

Canā€™t wait to hear about the final deliberations of your Dā€™s final decision.

Light is finally at end of tunnel for her and you all!!!

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Nice list of admits!! My D21 has Lehigh near the top of her list, but still waiting on a few more. Iā€™m just worried about her getting there and back from CA several times a year!

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Covid cases are going up again in NY & NJ. My mother works in a large NJ hospital right outside NYC, and she told me today that Covid hospitalizations are once again increasing at her hospital. I live in Texas, where the state mask mandate was lifted two weeks ago, and Covid cases and hospitalizations have gone down recently. What the heck? Iā€™m so confused. My biggest worry is that some weird strain is starting to spread up in the Northeast. I know the Brazilian variant of Covid is hitting younger, healthy people in Brazil hard. There are some reported cases of the Brazilian strain in this country. Maybe itā€™s starting to spread rapidly? The good news is the Covid vaccines seem to have some efficacy against the Brazilian strain (and other mutations as well). Is anyone else worried that weā€™ll have a resurgence that will disrupt things in the fall for our kids?


A few days ago cases in Texas were going up rapidly, so hold on to your seat.

NY also just announced that as of next Monday anyone over 16 can get the vaccine so it is going to be a race to get shots into arms as soon as possible as it should be at this point with younger groups.

The variant is in NY already so thatā€™s another issue. Syracuse just announced theyā€™re going to try to get all students vaccinated by the end of the semester. My daughter at another school in NY gets her second dose on Wednesday and it canā€™t be soon enough.

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You guys are killing me with the ā€œmountainā€ stuff. :grinning:

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