Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

We all love W&M over Uva – toured them both in 10th and then didn’t even apply uva. BUT she likes small-medium. W&M reminded us of the private mid-size top school we attended. Slightly more scaled back, intellectual vibe but also fun.
That is the group instate from our HS that picks WmM over UVA too.
UVA just not a fit at all for D21. We’ll tour again w D23 and try not to voice our opinions tons. D21 got in “early” in Feb to WmM and it was near the top until the recent acceptances. She is likely declining tomorrow and we are a little crushed! She did not apply to anything else is in-state so she is officially leaving the state. Sigh.


Whomp there it is.

My USC trauma began at 13 and it still exists today.


@Camasite I’m with you here but for some reason, I don’t despise Stanford as much as I despise USC. It’s hard to hate trees.

Edit: for clarification and because a parent thinks me saying I hate or despise USC is offensive on a day that USC notified students of admissions. My use of despise or hate here refers to USC in terms of sports and how they always seem to be a football powerhouse. Kinda like how Huskies fans hate Cougar fans during Apple Cup. Or, I don’t know, when AL hates Auburn due to sport rivalry.


Oh for sure, definitely. I like to say they’re stingy with money! Hence why it cost almost as much as an Ivy if you’re from OOS, but after year 1, it’s a steal! 13k a year tuition for a top notch education if you’re in one of their top ranked programs. Of course my luck, kids seem to pick the most expensive programs at each school they seem to get into. I noticed that today with Michigan also. :frowning:

Well, at least you won’t have to play them if Michigan pulls this game out. Zaga took care of them but good.

Of course, you may have some UCLA trauma after this too. :wink:

Btw, why does Michigan charge more money for Juniors and Seniors? I’ve not seen that before and noticed that today when look at the COA.

All the other Pac-12 schools are big diverse public universities. From the outside it just feels like USC and Stanford are overflowing with wealth and entitlement. So if you are a public university student it is easy to dislike them.

If they were in their own world apart like the Ivy League or schools like University of Chicago, Washington University, or Caltech then no one would pay them much attention. Or if they were bad at sports like Vanderbilt or Rice then no one would care. But the fact that they are rich and entitled AND always in the running for sports championships makes them easy to dislike. I think the Duke and Notre Dame hatred comes from the same place.


I’m OK with UCLA winning right now, because of John Wooden and his Pyramid of Success. Either way, Gonzaga is going to crush UCLA (or Michigan, had it been Michigan).

I think these comments are completely inappropriate on a day when so many fantastic people are celebrating their acceptance to USC. It brings neither information nor support. It’s not humorous, just cruel.


Because they can? :man_shrugging:

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Feels like bait and switch. Is that something other schools do too? Or is that just Michigan? I’ve never heard of that before. Different tuition costs for undergrad, grad, and professional schools, sure. All schools do that. But raising the price for juniors and seniors? I’ve not heard of that before.

Michigan also adds fees for labs, certain courses, copier fees, recreation fees, student legal services, Covid, etc. Unfortunately I’m not in charge of fees. :grinning:

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@Southoftheriver I am not one to jump into controversial threads but have you followed the USC comments? Many of us have kids who applied to USC. The entire discussion on USC is based on banters and childhood traumas of many of us in the PAC-8/10/12. Not once have any of us said that the amazing kids who got into USC are going to a terrible school or they will be miserable. Why on earth would we let our kids apply there then?

Lighten up. Kids got waitlisted, kids got rejected, kids got accepted. This is banter. Don’t make something out of nothing when there’s nothing there. If your kid got into USC, cheers! They did good.


I have no dog in this fight — mom of a junior. Also wife of an ardent Alabama football fan so I understand “banter” and have seen my H go through some tough losses. Auburn will not be on D22’s list. What I saw on this thread crossed the line into mean spirited, particularly on a day when a good number of this community are celebrating their USC acceptance. I’m not the person who should reconsider their behavior.

What was specifically mean-spirited?

Vomiting emojis, disgust at working with USC graduates and the word “hate” used by several people.

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You’re taking the word hate out of context.

  1. If you’ve never hated a cross-town rivalry for sports, etc., you’re kind and will go to heaven. Congrats.
  2. I literally will avoid dealing with interns from the University of X because every time I inherit one of them, it’s pulling teeth to develop them. They’re terrible. When someone can’t stand people they tend to deal with from a certain university, it’s an opinion from their experience.
  3. People who have gone to USC have joked that their school is the University of Spoiled Children or University of Second Choice. So if they’re laughing at themselves, perhaps those without skin in the game can also have a few laughs with them.
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It’s 99% about sports. Anyone who sends their kid to Duke, USC, or Notre Dame should know that they are walking into a lifetime hornet’s nest of resentment and jealously because those are the successful teams that everyone else loves to hate in basketball and football. And because they are the top private athletic programs they all have a larger national following than public schools they compete with. No one follows NC State or Indiana or UC Berkeley much outside the borders of those states but all sports fans are aware of Duke, USC, and Notre Dame. None of it has anything to do with the schools themselves.


Hate was used like despise, so it was inappropriate — and in context. I’ve hired a lot of young people too and would never dismiss someone out of hand for the school they graduated from. I certainly wouldn’t brag about it.

I have an opinion, and I’ve made it, so I won’t belabor my point.

Thanks — I see what you are saying, but you may have missed that my husband roots for the Tide? Believe me, I understand athletic jealousy. This website is not ESPN or the Athletic, it’s for families needing support for a very exciting but difficult process.

What makes USC different from say NYU is not the academics. They are of similar size, similarly situated in major cities, have similar rankings and similar endowments. Rather, it’s the big time college athletics. Anyone going to USC should be well aware that athletics is going to be the first thing that comes to mind when many people hear where they went to school. And here on the west coast people are likely to have strong opinions based entirely on sports and having nothing to do with academics. By contrast, I doubt many people here can even name the NYU mascot, nickname, or school colors without looking them up. It is what it is.

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