Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Who didn’t hate USC (but for real, cheers to the kids who got in since those of us clearly supported our kids applying to USC!!) growing up?! I can’t even handle liking Pete Caroll as our coach for the Seahawks and we knooooow stuff went down under his watch with all the booster controversies. And you telling me that’s not a trend and Op Varsity Blues is isolated? :slight_smile:

It’s pretty much always a hot mess at our house so a sense of humor is needed.


UT is so cheap, I would drop them from the list if those other options are cheaper.

You are correct. I think I will tell here decline UT or put UT in the waitlist!!!

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I mean her to

@CRHeel94 impressive! So many great choices!

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She has some amazing choices already!

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Thank you!

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Our house is required to hate USC because my Northwestern alum husband will never get over the 1996 Rose Bowl. I would tell him to grow up, but I’m still mad at Virginia Tech for beating my Longhorns in the Sugar Bowl the day before.


Why did you guys grow up hating USC? @sushiritto I mean, I don’t have a great impression of it either but it’s because of the never-ending stream of scandals.

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Ha! We were at that Rose Bowl cheering on the Cats too! Tough loss but a big deal for us NU grads from the 80s. Football teams during our NU years won something like three games total so that '96 team was so fun for us.


As far as I know, campus is open and you can walk through it. Bear in mind that it’s been a while since I was there and I haven’t been on campus during Covid. But normally it’s open and anyone can walk around campus. Enjoy! Hoya Saxa!


I went to UCLA and they are rivals. Even though I dislike sports, I took on the rivalry. Also, at the time it was easy to get accepted and it was known as the place where you went if you were not a good student but your parents had a lot of money. Everyone called it the University of Spoiled Children. I don’t really dislike it now and just joke about it. I know it is a very fine institution of learning. I did not want my boys to apply because I don’t like the location and I know they wanted some place coastal preferably.


Gtown is up there for D21 also. She’s interested in environmental policy. But she’s still waiting for some Ivies. UCLA and UCB are also in the running still. Got into Tufts today but probably going to decline.
I may have misremembered, but is your D considering med school? If so, I know GTown has a program for their high stat sophomores to apply to their affiliated med school. No MCAT required and you know early! I wish I had known that because D18 is premed.


Thanks. His field of interest is mathematics and he has a put in a lot of hard work over the years (two time gold medalist in math olympics but missed out on IMO twice by one spot). As parents we try to walk the fine line of letting them succeed and fail on their own; encourage and support but at the end of the day its on them.

It was dark around here when the first replies were a EA deferral, two rejections and a waitlist.


It’s how I feel about UMICH when we had to tie with them for national championship. Desmond Howard was also hella annoying with his Heisman pose after each touchdown.

But USC being a private school in the PAC-10/12 earned it a lot of jabs.

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You are correct. My daughter is considering med school. That’s only path she is thinking right now.

I am sorry and things will be better next week.

Not for OOS. You have to remember for OOS UT is close to the same cost if not more than others on that list. It cost us nearly as much as the Ivy my other twin is at to send my daughter to UT. She was able to get attain residency this year but that’s not always a viable option for everyone. But again at $44k/year tuition alone it’s right up there with some of the private universities and one of the most expensive OOS ones as well.

I grew up in Eugene, home of UO watching football games with my Dad (a UO alum) from about age 6 through HS. Then I went to school at UW and watched them play the Huskies for four years and ever since as an alum. So my entire life of watching Pac-8, Pac-10, and now Pac-12 games always involved USC as the hated rival. Plus, listening to the USC band at football games endlessly playing that little snippet called “Tribute to Troy” after every play is worse than dental surgery.

So that is why I can’t stand USC. I’m sure everyone else has their own unique reasons. I also reserve some space for Stanford hate as well.


Oops, I was trying to say UT will not give her daughter money so if she has better offers, I suggested dropping UT.