Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yes, the John and Abigail Adams scholarship. Less impactful financially at UMass Amherst but my S put it on his resume nevertheless!

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I’ve seen an occasional call (and/or email contact) or two to the local ND AO help in moving apps towards the “top of the pile.” If your S tells them he will 100% come to ND, if admitted from the waitlist, then his chances of admission will improve greatly.


WL bar buddies: I just want to buy swag, a little something they can wear to school on decision day. Maybe the nicer the swag I buy for School A, the more likely they’ll end up getting off the WL in May at School B? Of course, that involves choosing School A among schools X Y Z first, in time to order said swag
 Maybe now I can at least start shopping on Amazon among X Y Z, keeping them in my cart for when they’re ready to deposit later this month.

Edit: waaaa, the options on Amazon for XYZ are kinda lame! Need to check out bookstore; wonder about shipping speeds.


Serious question because I don’t know the answer
 I’ve heard it suggested that it can be more effective for a GC to make that type of call to an AO about a waitlisted student who would definitely attend. Is this accurate? What should be communicated?

They enroll about 2,200, so 3,100 is ridiculous.


Yes, I have heard this same thing about ND.

Yeah, I have an email in to her asking what she thinks. It’s a small school that does send a kid now and then to ND, but she doesn’t have much pull really. He’s so swamped with homework and tennis that he still needs to write the LOCI letter. My daughter at public school has barely any homework, and my son is just buried this year. She’s only a freshman but still. It feels like he doesn’t even have much time to consider his choices even during the breaks. They are already loading up his spring break. I’m a bit frustrated with his teachers tbh and admin for talking about mental health all the time but then going nuts with the workload. oops a little rant just slipped out. lol


I don’t know about other colleges, so I’m not making any global statements, since every college is different. But I’ve seen and heard about contacts made by students to ND AO’s work. @Mwfan1921 has WAY more knowledge about this kinda stuff than I. I was just posting an observation about ND only.


The nice part is that it’s a small school so she knows him and about him fairly well. Catholic school and we aren’t religious so not sure if that’s an issue even though he is big on service.

Thank you. I didn’t realize you were speaking specifically to ND. I appreciate the explanation.

@NateandAllisMom Last 5 years of applicants admitted from the ND waitlist, per the CDS:

2020-2021 530
2019-2020 108
2018-2019 20
2017-2018 96
2016-2017 85

I’d consider last year an aberration, but this year may be as well.


ND school paper has an interesting article out. It basically says that they think yield this year will be better than last year, but just in case they’ve loaded up the list.

Are you aware of ND’s Parietals:

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@NateandAllisMom LOL. That’s what our fellow board member told me. He went there/Marshall.

@mozwo123 I didn’t realize you’ve got a CS/Math kiddo. For CS, don’t stop, don’t collect $200. Go straight to Berkeley!! The pace at Berkeley for these two areas will be much faster, more advanced. Most importantly, CS will be set with employment upon graduation from Cal. If my son was CS, I’d sit on him and force him to pick Berkeley. For Bio Sci, I’m willing to cringe and look away as he withdraws his Berkeley acceptance this week.


The only thing I’d add about Cal vs. USC is that they’re both big schools with 40,000-45,000 UG and grad students. I wouldn’t characterize USC as a “small school.”


UT is really putting on the pressure on my son, phone calls several times a week, daily emails, something in the mail almost daily.

Their terrible admissions notifications, where decisions randomly trickle out and then they want an answer ASAP? No UT, you will wait.


Wow. Surprised about the pressure from such a big school. I’m sure they have a bazillion kids who would want to go there

Thanks @MommaLue, that sounds consistent with what I have heard from others as well.