Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Texas flagship universities have the most unorganized admissions process I’ve ever experienced. They basically have rolling admissions (by major) but don’t state this. If the major fills up, a student won’t be admitted to the university at all, unless they are auto admit (top 6% of TX public high school). They also have an archaic system and are known to lose documents. My daughter’s guidance counselor sent transcripts both electronically and via snail mail to the Texas colleges because she said Texas schools tend to lose them :flushed: Then the pressure is on for housing (for UT especially). We had to put down deposits early on because housing fills up quickly. By now, I’m sure pretty much all UT on-campus housing is full, even though many kids haven’t received all their college decisions. This year, UT “cancelled” a bunch of international students applications. These applicants submitted everything on time, were “under review” for weeks, and then just “cancelled” in March. Not denied, just cancelled. They got no explanation from UT.

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How did you find out how many on waitlist?

School newspaper online

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Syracuse seems to be trying to give UT a run for their money in the admissions mess this year!


Has anyone else here been impressed with the virtual offerings by the colleges for accepted students? My son was on a virtual hangout with 200-300 other students last night and learned so much about the other kids that might be attending. We could not have gotten that experience from an in-person tour or sleep over. He also took a class about brain trauma research using fruit flies. I am thinking these opportunities are really going to help him make a decision.


UT Austin Turing program had a virtual session that was fantastic. Relevant presentations, chances to talk with current students and fun activities.

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My son had really enjoyed the virtual class and the activities done by UT.

Bowdoin really quiet and not much going on.

ND is starting events next week.

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Yes, Hamilton has had some great ones. For example, D21 sat in on a class yesterday (virtual). Accepted students have active Zooms and chats going on. She’s having a blast.


This is one of the reasons I believe the Class of 2021 is going to be all right - Wall Street Journal article today highlighting a group of kids that created a fake college and application process plus had a lot of fun doing it on Reddit. Great stress buster.

If link doesn’t work - can search: Stress over getting into College - Just invent your own.

Go Carl the Soft Shell crab mascot !!!


At D19’s HS, the HS counseling office has a strong relationship with ND admissions (usually 6 - 8 admits/yr), and would get calls from ND about specific wait listed kids to get a confirm of who would say yes if taken off the list. So I agree with the others who have recommended it, ask your HS counselor to make a call to the Admissions Office directly on your student’s behalf if you are really interested, in addition to a LOCI. That said, I hope your assigned AO is not a newbie. Are you in CA ? My daughter couldn’t get a response to her questions from our region’s newly assigned AO, in December…the AO was on maternity leave but she didn’t even have a named fill-in person, just a ‘sorry, I’m out’ auto email response, the month before the app due date. D21 contacted an AO assigned to another region of CA instead with the same specific questions, but never heard back from that one either. I can’t share the specifics but we later found out that a number of applicants from our county had a similar lack of helpful experience with the AO this year. It left a poor impression on my spouse and I (we are both ND alum who volunteered our time and our $ to the university, not that the assigned regional AO and the other AO that D21 contacted would need to know that to simply do the job of answering admissions questions that are not answered on the website). D21’s HS is not known at all to ND - no attendees in many years- or I would have asked her counselor to call the general admissions office and not our rep. Good luck.

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@coffeeat3 This is amazing!! Thanks for sharing. If these kids who spearheaded the fake college don’t get into their top school, the schools are missing out. This is what I want to fill my college profile. Creative, funny, innovative, scrappy kids.


Agree - it made us all smile at our house today and I sent on to their school’s counselors that have been saying they need to learn more about Reddit. So many kids are using it for support - my generation would have never been this open about all our personal ups and downs and glad these kids are talking about the good and the bad in their lives with their peers.

@Pnwfamily I called in on a few of the UCs ones and I’ve not been impressed. Yesterday there was a parent one for UCI and I was bored out of my mind and I felt that I got more useful info from the parents on the CC UCI page and UCI parents page.

My daughter has had acceptances, waitlists, and rejections but tonight is the one that could really break her heart. I hope I’m able to support her in the way that feels loving to her if that is the outcome. So nervous for her.


My son decided to stop the crazy train from
running anymore and commit to Maryland today. He hadn’t even heard all of his decisions! He’s loved the school forever, proud of our future Terp!


Vassar decisions are out. My D was accepted!! :grinning:


@BertieMom Praying that your daughter’s dreams come true tonight. These heartbreaks are so hard.


The “dream” outcomes are the hardest. I will be thinking of your family tonight and crossing fingers for good news.


I will rant with you because I am also quite annoyed at the amount of work my D has. The IB program decided to forego exams this year due to covid, but in place of an exam in history she has an huge paper to write. The kids have completely lost their motivation but are still completely stressed.


Thank you so much for the prayers @MommaLue !! I honestly think the dream dream will be ok (next week) because she doesn’t have any expectation of a yes but tonight I know there is hope so I think it’s almost worse. She’s at ballet when decisions come out. She hadn’t decided about checking when she gets out of class or waiting until she’s back home. :grimacing: