Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@rarz69 Yup. No longer hopeful about next Tue. We are lucky to have choices, but definitely the notion of safeties was ridiculous this year. The only hope I have is for S21’s bestie who is on the CMU priority waitlist. I don’t know what that is but S21 said it’s a good distinction if one were to be WL. I just want each of the kids to have a win. They all deserve one friggin win after the year they have had. We are putting the deposit down for UCI tonight.


When doing the numbers, it seems that most Ivies and Stanford will be in the 2-3% admit rate for RD. We are making decisions now and just assuming all rejects next week! Best of luck to your D at Barnard…my niece went there and loved it!

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Lol, yes, we will wait to see what happens with Barnard, she isn’t home for another 2 hours to check. And see what happens next Tuesday. I know we are both waiting on Brown. She wrote a heartfelt LOCI, talked about getting a 4.85 gpa 1st semester senior year, reminded them of how much she enjoyed taking their two summer classes, and that it is definitely still her first choice, etc. etc. But we are not expecting anything other than maybe waitlist? Who knows. It all seems to be some cruel lottery, which is so on brand for this dystopian like year we have had. But we are pretty sure we will be putting a deposit down on Boston College next Tuesday night.


Thanks! We don’t know if she is in yet! She won’t be home for 2 hours to check. We are of course expecting nothing, seems to be easier to face what happens that way. She goes to an all girls high school so she wrote an essay about how special and wonderful that is and how she would love to continue that into college. We’ll know soon enough. And it will either make moving on easier, or more difficult with decisions. Either way is fine.

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@rarz69 We are having the exact opposite experience. D has gotten into all of her safeties & matches with some merit at all but state flagship. Meanwhile she is getting flat-out rejected from all of her reaches. 0/4 as of now (Vassar tonight) with 2 more expected next week. I guess they’re called reaches for a reason. Still sucks. And I told myself I wouldn’t drink tonight :rofl:


My daughter got into all 4 of her safeties, and 6 of her targets. She got waitlisted from 2 of her targets and rejected from 1. She got waitlisted from 2 of her reaches and rejected from 4. And we are still waiting on 3 reaches. Her experience over all has been pretty good actually. But some of her friends with nearly equal stats have had a brutal time. She feels so bad for some many people.

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I apologize for asking this so late in the process, but I am really confused about “targets” and “matches”. I know what safeties and reaches are, but is a “target” easier or harder to get into than a “match”? @rarz69 @Bkmom28

Target and match are interchangeable. They are schools that your child should, in theory based on stats of kids admitted in prior years, be able to get into. In a normal year.


This yr has been kind of crazy, my S knows kids that have gotten into every single school and some that are all WL or denied at most.

I am sure the WL will be hopping, since it seems like all the same kids getting in to these schools.


So sorry. I am sure your daughter has other amazing choices. Barnard was my daughter last result to come and she got waitlisted. She really wanted to go to Barnard. But, we are thankful she has other great schools to choose. Best of luck to your daughter.


Congrats to your D! My D is a senior at Vassar and we are also from the Atlanta area.


Sorry that your D is disappointed, but you shouldn’t give up hope on Barnard yet. I agree with all of the previous posts that there’s gonna be a lot of WL movement. Fingers crossed for her!

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@BertieMom, I’m sorry. Hugs to you and D.

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Can’t believe it’s only Wednesday and, technically, still March.


I am sorry. I just noticed the previous post.

Daughter finally home, checked portal, 8 hours after it dropped. Aaaaaand, thank you sir may I have another. Drink that is. At the waitlist bar. 5 shots for waitlist #5? Waitlisted at Barnard. But that’s ok. We’ll take it, why not.

20 down, 2 to go. Only thing I know for sure is that this ride will eventually exit in the gift shop, as all rides do. But which gift shop? My daughter currently has her Boston College Bookstore cart already filled with $300 worth of merch, just in case that is where this ride exits when it ends.


Was able to get 17 y/o D scheduled for Pfizer tomorrow at CVS!!:woman_health_worker:


Fantastic news!

Still waiting?

She got in last night! Taking “late March” literally! LOL She also got merit, but not enough. Waiting on the full financial aid package. Miami still leading the pack, but CoC put her into Honors College, so visits the week of April 10 before a final decision.