Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Believe me, it’s not me. We moved from Princeton when she was just a few months old. She used to say when she was young that she wanted to go back to Princeton and I don’t know how, it became her goal to get into Ivies. She worked very hard from 9th to 12th grade to keep her GPA up and stay involved in school activities. She also has good test scores and worked very hard applying to colleges. She may have had a chance last year and that’s why she feels upset. I have been trying to tell her that it is not the end of the world. She is not listening.


I agree with you. It is her who is so stuck with T20s and getting upset.

Socially, the juniors have a chance at an actual senior year. They might have homecoming, prom, Friday night lights, and all of the other traditional things. I hope they get those things. I’m done after this year though.


Absolutely. We were nervous for a while. We all forget that second tier UCs are still top 40 schools (public and private)!


Despite the pandemics and the very real academic pressure, my D found a strong group of friends and a boyfriend. She wants to stay for postgrad mostly for those reasons. If she does, it will save us a quarter-million dollars for the BSc/MSc. We are full-pay in the US


She shouldn’t throw in the towel just yet. It’s a slim chance but it’s still there!

This year has been so tough for the seniors and this year more than most so many of them will need to grieve for their losses regardless of all the great acceptances they may have received.

I’m so happy your D has so many excellent choices and once she lets go of those that didn’t work out she’ll get excited about the one that she loved and that loved her back!


Thank you! You made my day! It feels somehow hopeful now. Anyway you are so correct that she will ok wherever she goes once she is over this day.

I don’t know - she (edited to say that I mean your daughter!) got into Georgetown. She might just have something amazing tonight. I am rooting for her but she has great options even if she doesn’t get in. That’s what I’m focusing on with my daughter - we are assuming rejections tonight and focusing on the couple of gems that she does have.


Hi! My D21 has the same options, along with a few others, and I love what I hear about BMC and want to encourage it. How did your D get into chats? Some of the schools have zoom links for kids to hang out but my D said there wasn’t anything from BMC. Thanks!

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Most of the BMC admissions outreach is through the applicant’s portal. Maybe have your student look there? There’s also an ask/connect with a student page but I couldn’t find it by googling. My kid’s portals are a mystery to me!

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Thank you for all the replies. Not trying to be a whiner… just so confused by this. He applied to some reach schools and we were very realistic in his choices. He also applied to some schools that were safeties but they ended up not being safeties. I appreciate the support, understanding and advice which is very helpful! Last night I just saw his demeanor change as a result of all of this. I do wish everyone well and good luck tonight!


Exactly. Anyone who was admitted to Georgetown certainly has a chance at an Ivy!


I have my fingers crossed for your D! If she doesn’t get the results she wants, she will mourn her loss and then move on to love the schools that love her. If I remember right, she has Georgetowns, Echols at UVA, and Michigan, among others. Those acceptances don’t happen by accident!


Ha! I haven’t even seen my kid’s portals and would have no idea what I was looking at if I did. I think she accessed it through the admitted students web pages? I guess each of the schools she has gotten in have different servers (?) chats through discord or other “chat” platforms. Perhaps have her connect with her local AO? But, I do know that there is some platform where she is “chatting” with Bryn Mawr admitted students. There is also a HWC discord or some other platform. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help!


@RSBCNJBCSU90 I’m sorry your son is dealing with this situation. As a fellow parent, I can’t imagine how you feel. So many of our kids have done everything they’ve been asked to do and this year is just such an anomaly and it feels like your son is falling in that bucket of statistics that’s not favorable. I hope there are options in your state where kids can go to community college and transfer.


Yes very true. I don’t think the course would be as directly applicable for the career he wants, but the cost/benefit of paying for a $160K two year masters in the US (vs <$50K in the UK) is unclear too.

For us another consideration is that almost the whole family went to Cambridge (both parents and three out of four aunts/uncles), so S would be interested to see what it’s like there and explore his British heritage.

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Congratulations to your daughter! I’m a Haverford alum who took half of her classes at BMC. I loved BMC’s traditions and was lucky enough to be asked by a BMC senior to be what used to be called a “Garden Party Girl,” a big deal for 'Ford. I even go to the alumnae Step Sing when I’m on campus for reunion. Anassa Kata! :owl:


Our D is also seriously considering BMC. We were fortunate to tour during the fall of her junior year, and she feels the same way your D does. Sounds like we might have a few Mawrters from this thread!


Thanks! I hear only fantastic things about HC and BMC from current and former students, seems like a unique partnership.


We didn’t get to tour many places unfortunately as our major east coast trip was scheduled for April. I do think, though, that she has experienced enough virtually to be able to make a confident decision. She’s also going to shadow a class later this week, which hopefully will seal the deal! Maybe we’ll meet at parents’ weekend! (Fingers crossed!)

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