Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@homerdog maybe less prestigious to them, but top employers think highly of UofM. I would assume same with grad schools that get Michigan undergrad applicants.


I read that statistic to mean submitting scores didnā€™t help or hurt.

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@123mom123 good luck to your kiddo!! Iā€™m going to convince my son to check after finals on Friday.

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@19and21 Best of luck to your son! Fingers crossed the legacy boost helps. Amherst is such an admirable place. I havenā€™t run the Middlebury numbers where my D ended up applyingā€¦Iā€™d rather remain in the dark.


Thank you so much!!! I will wish the same for your son!!! Maybe they will both win the lottery, woo hoo!!!


@gotham_mom Hmm, maybe youā€™re right, it does seem high. Iā€™ll have to check it out. If so, that would be good news for the ED.

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D21 didnā€™t get in to UVA. Devastated. The last 36 hours have been awful.

Iā€™m so sorry. Big hugs and some ice cream are in order.

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oh no. Iā€™m so sorry.

Iā€™m very sorry.

@NOVAGirl87 I am so sorry, hugs to your and your D.

Soooo very sorry. Hugs to both you and your daughter.

I am so sorry.

Iā€™m so sorry. :frowning: Its so hard to see our kids sad or upset but it feels magnified this year after everything else. Hang in there, and hugs to your D.


So sorry! This is the hard part- I really hate it!


It especially hurts when itā€™s her parentsā€™ alma mater. Losing a dog last night and now this, itā€™s too much.

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Iā€™m so sorry about the loss of your dog and the UVA decision. Wish we could all give you and your D hugs in person.


Iā€™m so sorry, @NOVAGirl87 . It really is too much. Wishing for comfort for your family. :broken_heart:


Iā€™m so sorry @NOVAGirl87.

This tea leaf reading is going on all over the place!