Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I’ve been following this thread for weeks, and really enjoyed reading how everyone here and their kids have handled the highs and lows of this turbulent year. Lots of humor, camaraderie and perspective.

I’m a longtime lurker who first logged on here years ago. D21 spent much of her time holed up in her room working on her creative pastime, l wondered what became of kids like her who eschew traditional high school ECs. This forum, and so many of its wise posters, did so much for us. It showed her the path to sharing her work with the world. Her art gave her a voice and, eventually, helped her find a community of supportive, like-minded kids who shared her passion. She found validation of her work, and while she remains very unsure about trying to make it as an artist, she grew so much from her pursuit. When it came time to apply to college, this forum was far more knowledgeable than her college counselors as to what to shoot for.

In December, when my daughter was deferred from Harvard, and saw how much applications rose due to TO, she went into panic mode. She’s a fast writer and thinker, and over our objections ended up applying to something like 20 schools, far more than she needed to. Not all of the schools on the final list made sense to us from a fit perspective, but she insisted that the hard work calmed her nerves, so we let her at it. She has attended small privates her entire life, so LACs were a no for her. She did not seek aid.

She is an ORM, top of her class at a rigorous private. Here is a list of her results:

Accepted: St. Andrews, UCI, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC, UCD, UCLA, UC Berkeley, USC, Georgetown, Duke, Columbia (likely), U Penn, Brown, Yale, Princeton, Stanford

WL: Dartmouth

Rejected: Harvard (ha!)

Many of the acceptances have been released. We are vaccinated and on the road so she can see these places for the first time.

She is excited and grateful but almost overwhelmed by the options. She was lucky to have gotten so much validation for her art, but she also benefited from an admissions standpoint from being a very dedicated humanities major (a dying breed). The Berkeley admissions rep at our info session all but spelled that out to us!

We are sorry her deferral and resulting panic mode caused her to suck up so many spots. I’m also sorry college is way too expensive. This system is a mess, and does our country’s best students no favors.

I personally am thrilled by the Harvard rejection. It is an amazing place, but I did not see it as a fit for her. It seems they agreed with me!


We are at UVA right now investigating it. So honored that she was chosen and was hoping that she would feel at home here (I got here ahead of her due to work so she will see it later today) But then Stanford came in last night out of the blue so I have no idea what’s going on anymore. Very hard to beat the Jefferson Scholarship, I agree! We didn’t even know about it when she applied. Her guidance counselor quit in August, and then another one came in and knew about it so it was totally a very happy accident.


You’re a great storyteller and what a great story your D has! I can’t wait to see what she picks so be sure to share the ending! :slight_smile: Glad to see her commitment to her passion recognized!


Thank you! Will do for sure.

So many people on this forum helped us, I always vowed to return the favor when we are done. I’ll also need to hang around for help with DS24, who has totally different interests!


If you have 36 and 4.0UW Bama gives the Presidential Elite that @TVBingeWatcher2 daughter got. I had my daughter who had a 35ACT take ACT again on the chance she would get the 36 and the great scholarship. But alas another 35ACT.


Yes my son had a 35 as well - didn’t realize there was extra for a 36 (as there should be!)

With that criteria W&M a perfect fit. Congratulations to you D finding her dream school


William & Mary sounds like a great fit for her! Congratulations.


She is still leaning Georgetown but visiting UVA as well. She likes the city vibe of Washington DC. And we have direct flight from Mississippi to DC, which will make things easy. And she likes government and politics as well, for which I think Georgetown is a good choice. Thank you for keeping me posted. I am just hoping the visit to UVA may change her mind though. Because she likes pretty places and it seems like UVA is prettier than Georgetown.


Son studying finance, got direct admit to all schools that offer it:

Accepted: Maryland; Purdue($); Indiana($); Clemson($); Virginia Tech($); Penn State; Marquette($); Xavier($)

WL: Wisconsin

Denied: Michigan; Georgia

He has enrolled at Maryland, but did accept his position on the WL at Wisconsin


I was a math major, we rule :slight_smile: Congrats to your daughter. I love hearing about young women in math majors, back in the early 90s I was the ONLY female math major in most of my high-level math classes.


Uva is very pretty. C’ville has a very particular charm. You can’t go wrong with either of those schools.

S21 has a friend from his class that is deciding between Georgetown and UNC (in state tuition). Think it will ultimately be Georgetown (she has a passion for public policy), but the difference in tuition is staggering.

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Thank you so much! I think it is going to be tough choice then. She likes beautiful places as well as has a passion for government.

Any thoughts or insight on the Claremont schools? Have seen seldom mention in this group. D has decided to accept the WL spot for Claremont McKenna. Won’t get to visit and doubtful a spot will open for her but am curious how she would do there. She loves the languages and ability to study across the consortium. Lots of research oops and support.

@2ski don’t know a more perfect combo. Math and GT! Math and applied math are amazing fields and I’m so incredibly in awe of her strength here as a woman. May she dominate and help pull up so many more women in this field!


@homerdog i don’t know if this is too late but friend is going to SoCal for spring break/campus tour for her junior and senior. Senior got into LMU. I asked her if they could tour CMU since I heard that it was gated and no one could enter. She told me that accepted kids could tour. I don’t know if the policy changed since you asked, but FYI.


You can tour but have to stay in your car and I just don’t think we are going to gain much info doing that, especially with no students around. Unfortunately that ship has sailed for us.

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Son undecided major. Priorities are quality teaching and accessibility of professors, collaborative learning environment, happy students, warm and accepting social environment.

Accepted: Bentley, BC (MCAS), UMass Amherst (Isenberg), Univ. Minnesota (Carlson), UW-Madison (pre-Business), Macalester, Rhodes, Skidmore, F&M, Providence College

WL: Bates, Bowdoin, Carleton, Wesleyan

Denied: CMU and Wash U

Still need to visit Skidmore, UMass, BC and Bentley.


Indeed! I worked in computer science research for twenty five years and my smartest colleagues were several famous women mathematicians. To avoid breaking anonymity I can’t name names but they were experts in mathematical logic and discrete math. You have no idea how thrilled I am!


Summary of my son’s apps:

Accepted: UMich, Northwestern, Northeastern, Boston College, UCSD, and a few safeties
Waitlisted: Purdue (did not pursue)
Denied: Stanford (a big reach but worth a shot), UIUC, UCLA, UC-Berkeley

3.89 UW, 1530 SAT, 10 APs & Leadership ECs, Hispanic

Likely attending UMich College of Engineering for CS although Northwestern hasn’t been completely ruled out. We are in-state for Michigan so the tuition difference is definitely a factor. My son is drawn to Northwestern’s ranking and being near Chicago and away from home. He’s not taking the acceptance to UMich for granted though and is thrilled to have been accepted. He knows many qualified kids who didn’t make it in.

Thanks to all the posters on CC. I’ve really benefited from all of the information listed on the CC threads and appreciate the time so many put into answering questions and passing on info. I’m a natural researcher, so having a place to come to for info on the various colleges and the process was invaluable. I think my son tired of me saying ‘Some parents on the cc thread said…’ :slight_smile: