Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Makes me wonder if, as explained by some of the “experts,” this is an example of a college being conservative with their RD admits to more carefully manage yield via the WL.

Never a dull moment in this year’s process, eh? I hope their April WL acceptances give the applicants until May 1 to respond - I haven’t seen.


I think that for the ‘tippy top’ schools, the WL will always be the WL - essentially a rejection for most. But for the next tier and lower, the WL will be a true lever used by the schools to perfect their enrollment numbers. Another, more cynical, thought I have…once kids are put on the WL, they basically move on with their emotion - almost no chance they will say yes. If, however, the school puts ED applicants on the WL, the school knows that the kid really wants the school and will more likely be a ‘yes’ if invited.

I am thinking waaaaaaay too far into this.


No you’re not thinking too far into this. There are different applicants, for whom the WL will lead to different emotions - and different likely yield.


S21 was WL’ed at Villanova after ED1 and RD. This is the only WL offer that he would immediately accept, even possibly into August - I think they know this considering his LOCIs.

He has moved on emotionally. He has great offers. But I know it still tugs at him.


The two that posted here on CC coming off the WL at Cal Poly SLO were for Theater and Kinesiology majors.

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VT started taking OOS kids off the WL 3 weeks ago…so I would not be surprised if others start in the next week or two.




Same with my daughter, She is one of the 3 girls in AP Physics Mech and E/M. Unfortunately our district does not even offer a post BC math class, so she is auditing it at the local community college this semester.


As someone whose kid got into his first choice school (VT) off the waitlist very quickly and then just declined it I can see how feelings can change once they start getting attached to a new school. My son had considered applying ED to VT but stuck to EA and when we toured the school again this week as he was making his final choice he said “I am very glad I didn’t ED here as I just don’t love it as much as I did when we first visited.”


The emotional roller coaster!

I have one at VT and one at Penn State - I have to say - your S had a difficult decision.

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So has he decided where he is going?

Yes, he picked Penn State! We are happy for him, although as a burgh dad I am sure you can understand that my husband, who went to Pitt, is going to have a somewhat hard time rooting for PSU!


He did, but as my husband and I kept telling him–there is no bad choice here! I think he would have been happy at either one–although we much prefer the 3.5 hour drive to the 7.5 hour one!


I just hope he isn’t expected to wear the PSU swag…I could never do that.


Really? Can you pls verify with that friend if it was for real? WL due date for UCs is on April 15th. I’m surprised to hear UCB WL is moving…Haven’t heard anything on that Berkeley WL discussion as well.

@evergreen5 You’re kidding. We have a few kids at our school who got into top/mid UCs who are really hurt because of the way Cal Poly SLO rolled out the decisions. Well, hurt is a little extreme of a term, but many actually wanted to go to Cal Poly SLO.


Since this was from a second hand source, I will delete my post till it is confirmed. I should have confirmed first.

Yes, there are several reports both here on CC and Reddit of applicants coming off the waitlist at Cal Poly SLO. So, far I’ve seen Kinesiology, Theater and Business Admin., not CS or engineering majors from the WL. One rejection appeal was granted for Materials Engineering.

And after watching the UC and SLO threads, there were quite a few students with acceptances to Stanford, UCLA, Cal, mid-tier UC’s, etc., who received rejections from Cal Poly SLO. Why? Dunno.

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As long as they are not playing Pitt I think he will.

Those SLO rejections were mostly or all in the very competitive majors without any holistic yet subjective assessment.