Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congrats to your D! Especially nice to hear about a covid silver liningšŸ˜Š

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Same for us. Our state university, ,gave
the least FA even though DS is a NMF and a Pell Grant student . Frustrating.

Yeah!!! Knew it! Colgate will be wonderful for her, I am sure!

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Anybody get a random email from Princeton thanking you for your interest? That happened today, and they were never on our radar screen. At least it wasnā€™t an unsolicited acceptance like UK :wink:

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Congrats! I am sure she will love it! And letā€™s hear it for silver linings!

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Philosophical, rather, an ethical question, for you: What if teachers at a highly ranked US News high school had a college admissions consulting company on the side? So, these teachers are writing recommendations for students, who are blindly requesting teacher recommendations, not realizing they are ā€œcompetingā€ with these teachersā€™ clients? Thoughts?


Iā€™d send them an email back saying how can you appeal their WL decision? :grimacing:

Thatā€™ll confuse them.


My daughter was also accepted to Colgate. What a beautiful campus and that acceptance package was the best one ever.


My son has decided on ND!


Saw the Kentucky thing on the news a couple days ago and remembered the comments here about the kids being accepted randomly. So funny.

My son is in E&M this semester and while he said he feels solid with Mechanics from last semester doesnā€™t feel as much so with E&M. Also told me he was shocked that his teacher yesterday told them that theyā€™re not behind for the AP Exam either. Usually that class is always rushed. But maybe itā€™s because theyā€™re not taking that one until the end of May block and Mechanics theyā€™re taking in the first May block of AP Exams.

The worst thing though is we found out Michigan is first come first serve for freshman orientation/registration so he will have to sign up for fall classes before getting back his AP scores so he will have to make an educated guess on whether or not he needs to enroll in a science course for the fall and which one. My guess is if he has to, sign up for E&M. None of my other 3 received a 5 on this one so why would he be the first lol?

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I need your help and input for one my friends. Her son got into UVA, Pitt, USC and UIUC for Biomedical Engineering. For UPitt, she will have to pay $48000, UVA-$70000, USC-$65000, and UIUC $56000. He wants to go to Med school later on. He also has acceptance from local UAB with $12000 as the fees. Now that he has USC acceptance, we are a bit confused if it is worth spending 65K a year knowing that he will likely spend again for med school. Or is it better to go to UIUC or UPitt as the Biomedical program is good? Or is it the best idea to go to UAB as the price is cheap, but the biomedical engineering rank is not as great? Please give your input. We are mostly deciding today about what to do and I am confused as much as they are.

And thank you very much for your advice regarding this matter.

Omg no hesitation go Pitt or UIUC from a purely logical standpoint ā€¦ unless there is another facet/draw to one of the others such as legacy etc. Our eldest D turned down UVA, GaTech and some other fantastic Engineering Schools simply because they did not give her enough money and she is beyond practical - knowing she could/would be successful at a school with a lesser ranking. It was a little hard for us as parents to ā€œget overā€ at first but we are proud, saved a TON of money and she is now knocking it out of the park :+1:


I mean, he obviously canā€™t go wrong at UVA or USC ā€¦ we just come from a place that does not like to pay retail price for anything but I know others feel differently and maybe he had his heart set on one of those ? My gut just says even if I CAN write the check I just canā€™t stomach it knowing med or mba is in the cards ā€¦

Thank you for your nice suggestions. And it is getting little bit clear to get an input from someone other than the family so we can get an objective opinion. And CC is my second family!


He is so fascinated by USC and thatā€™s why it has become confusing.

Are there no in between options? Seems like this student should have some full tuition merit options?

Of those listed Pitt would make the most sense for premed since there are a lot of opportunities for research and volunteering at the hospital.

Itā€™s a huge commitment and the bottom line is you want your kiddo to be happy in the environment they will be living in for the next 4 years ā€¦ so to the extent he has a handle on those vastly different places (I mean really distinct !) and where he sees himself thriving, THAT should be a major contributing factor.

In what way ?