Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Thank you very much! You answered every question we had for him.

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Congratulations! Is this the end of the line for you? :joy:

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@NateandAllisMom I have had to Google the school name and AP credits. Make sure you check the link to make sure it’s from the current/updated school year. I’ve had search take me to pdf forms from a few years back and they don’t reflect current criteria.


Yes! Only two kids! Whew.


Only? You say that like two wasn’t enough. This college application season was the only time that I didn’t wish I had more children :crazy_face: Done here, too :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:


This season was my oldest of 4, I feel like we ran through fire! :rofl: :fire: So happy it’s over and I have a few years to recover!


Haha more kids? No way. I have 4 and am so happy I am done.

Not so happy to have my kids scattered between MI, CA, TX and NY but will be an empty nester and have the luxury of time to visit when I want and travel how I want.

Of course, thanks to UM having literally the crappiest winter vacation ever, I had to cancel our planned cruise (who knew with covid it was even going to happen) and my backup cruise isn’t going to work either because it leaves the last day of UM finals and I’m not willing to take that chance he has one. Unbelievable and I guess the story of my next 4 years. So, it looks like the Bahamas here we come and my son will not have any time for any appointments most likely over winter break. Oh well - don’t think he will care too much!


Well, Michigan did have a month for Xmas vacation, which isn’t normal. And they eliminated Spring Break this year, thinking the didn’t want kids traveling outside the area and then coming back after 7-10 days due to Covid.

Hopefully, the normal academic calendar will return in 2021-2022. On the plus side, unless taking classes in the Spring the Summer, students have roughly from May 1 to September 1 off from school, which is great for internships and jobs.

Next year their winter break is last day of finals Dec 20, classes resume Jan 5. They have spring break end of Feb which is so early and then end in April. Which is also ridiculously early. Nice for them maybe but still really early.

My others both finish before Dec 20, then one goes back Jan 25 and the other Jan 18. They end a week apart which hopefully is the same the following year when they graduate because this year and the past few years their graduations have been the same weekend and that’s the last thing I need because it is physically impossibly to make both.

That’s a normal academic schedule then. I thought the 4 months of summer was an advantage for Michigan when I/we heard about it during orientation a few years back. Lots of jobs/internships want you from 5/1-9/1 +/-. However, friends at other schools usually finish up 2-4 weeks later than her.

Yeah, my one daughter’s internship begins June 1 and the other leaves for Israel June 1 but I honestly think if they had more time, they would actually like to have the time off to get some things done before starting their internships. The one will, the other only comes back on May 25 and then off she goes so no dice. Then returns July 27 and thinks she’s going back to Ithaca to move into her apt Aug 1. Fat chance, lol. The one with the internship here has to do an internship during a full semester of school. I’m hoping she will do it in Austin or here and not be one of those kids that wants to do it in NY and then use all the money she makes to have to pay her rent and living expenses. Actually, I just realized she loves LA ugh with my luck she’ll want to go there. Well, she fortunately has an Uncle she can schmooze off of. Kids have it so good these days.

Perhaps too lofty of a question, but one worth exploring-- how has the pandemic impacted our kids social/emotional development?

When I reflect on my most memorable HS moments, they were all about friends and doing things we weren’t supposed to. Pushing boundaries. My D’s year-plus in our house has seriously thwarted the ability and opportunity to do that sort of exploration. Academic and on the introverted side, not much fun stuff has truly transpired for her. I won’t go down the rabbit hole of how that is disappointing, but will instead just wonder how this bodes for freshman year of college.

I have been reading about generational theory and our kids have had quite the ride: “Simply stated, generational theory explains that the era in which a person was born affects the development of their view of the world. Our value systems are shaped in the first decade or so of our lives, by our families, our friends, our communities, significant events and the general era in which we are born.”


Even before the pandemic, I called Gen Z the PTSD generation. Not old enough to remember or born at 9/11, but reaped all the fear of it. D18 was 2, but she experienced the DC Sniper ordeal. These kids have had lockdown drills since elementary schools. A lot of their friends are scared to drive. Social media has probably done a number on them as well. It will be interesting to see how they raise their kids and the type of adults they turn out to be.


Per the Lehigh thread
someone just got off the WL! For all of you at the WL bar, I am trolling daily for good news of WL movement and crossing my fingers for you!


My D hasn’t decided on a college yet, and I’m pushing hard for her to go somewhere that is fun and low stress. She can always turn it up in grad school, but right now she needs some fun.


I have been thinking a lot about this too. My daughter was just starting to blossom socially and then, pandemic. Thankful that at least they all missed the pushing the boundaries experiences and not just some. Except the extroverted kids- they didn’t seem to miss a beat.:wink: I might start saying, “don’t ever drink the punch” instead of good morning soon


I was just telling my D the other day that I want her to have a better school/life balance in college. She grinded so hard in high school. She deserves to have some fun while she is still so young. She didn’t get a lot of that in high school sadly.


Yeah! I’m praying for all our WL kids. I know there are many in the US but I really want our forum’s kids to get in :slightly_smiling_face:

Brown announced vaccinations required in the Fall and a few parents said they will now go elsewhere because they feel like vaccine mandate (religious and medical exclusions exist) is bad. My initial reaction was, “Good! I know a few great kids who deserve to take your kid’s spot.”


Clubs and activities will be really important! My S decided he no longer wanted to be the kid doing hw on the bus on the way home from a meet. He also opted out of a couple APs and picked classes with teachers he wanted to spend a challenging year with. Next step is to go where he’s challenged but not buried in books. I’d like to think the pandemic year flushed out what’s important to each kid, what they value.


Yes! There are a few similar responses on the Duke2025 page

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