Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I have a number of friends who have kids in those schools who today are going to Catholic/Jesuit colleges. I just think that many of the kids who go to parochial schools (at least in SF) do tend toward Catholic/Jesuit colleges. Those are the colleges many of these kids peers are looking at and talking about. Obviously, this is a generalization based on a limited sample so take it for what it’s worth. Gavin Newsom also started his education at a parochial school (Notre Dame de Victoires) but left due to dyslexia.

I really don’t get the trend of parking lot photos- maybe this is a local thing??? There are kids paying $100s to have photo shoots in parking lots! They are all dressed up and standing in space 212. Cones, trash cans in background. It looks ridiculous.


Re: instagram pages. I saw a lot of the puckered lip photos when I looked at U Arizona several months ago. Just looked at one of the UCF pages… a few of those types of shots but a lot of normal looking girls and a few guys. whew. :slight_smile: A few parking lot shots, one of them of a girl in a grocery cart?!?


I’m guessing if smart phones and digital photography and social media were a thing back in the 80s/90s most of us would have taken a zillion pics and posted away just like our peers would be.


I joined (and later left) the accepted students Instagram page of one of the colleges that my kid was accepted in to. Nothing objectional of the posted pictures of the kids (The pics were classy), but the comments from the other kids to the posts were a bit surprising. Most of the comments were related to saying how pretty, gorgeous, stunning the student was. It was almost like saying “Hi” or “Welcome” or “Nice to meet you” was replaced with just a “You are gorgeous”, “What a babe” etc. Is this the new form of communication? Im a bit old fashioned so do not understand this :slight_smile:




My D21 couldn’t care less about social media and if she did, she’d probably post random photos of odd shaped fruit and vegetables or of the family pet. The female cousins, however, are into the pouty provocative selfies, with lots of validation about how attractive they are. To each his own, I suppose.

I am hoping for a decision soon - it’s likely to be a women’s college and I’m really happy about that. The pause on the J&J vaccine is a reminder that we’re still not out of the COVID woods just yet. A relatively small LAC bubble with a good track record of COVID management is a plus, in addition to the academic and social fit that she will find in either case.


These pages are not run by the school so I do wonder if someone wants their pic taken down at a later time, how they would do that?

Just snooped on Colgate class of 2025 Instagram and not one bikini or fish lips! Feeling good about the posts I saw. :slight_smile: :smiley:


Don’t follow on Instagram if you are serious about Covid that’s for sure!

My son isn’t on any social media but I follow the Whitman 2025 admitted student IG. I just checked out the spring UMiami page and they’re like night and day! I don’t think I saw a single bikini pic on the Whitman page. Instead it’s a lot of outdoorsy (hiking, climbing) and mask pics! :joy:


My S21 just deposited on Hofstra too (hoping for a WL at another school but still made the deposit here). Felt very comfortable at Hofstra as well. Congrats!


Yes. I saw it for a west coast school but I think it is a thing everywhere. The culture of Instagram, selfies, Kardashians, Snap Chat, sending nudes etc.

Yes, I’m sure a few kids from parochial high schools in SF matriculate to Santa Clara U.

But when someone is considering Santa Clara U as option, as my D did, who definitely has not “screwed off” (paid job, volunteering, varsity sport, great grades, etc.), then I have to give a rebuttal.

Santa Clara U is not where SF “screw ups” go for college today. I grew up there and went to a few parochial schools.


My friend told us to definitely check out the social media pages for his accepted schools. She found them to be very telling as to the type of kids that attend the school. We have definitely seen some bikini schools and some more serious schools (sometimes you see one bikini picture and it makes you wonder if they looked through the page before posting.)


Okay, I had to snoop, too, and now I’m all choked up! The kids look so young and earnest and excited for college. It’s hitting me that D21 is really one of them.


Not so much with the bikini shots. I looked briefly and saw a variety in the way the kids were portraying themselves. Many just looked like normal fun kids. It did seem too be mostly girls, though.

Totally did not mean the current experience/climate, I pointed out that my thoughts were based on 25 year old data. The kids who go to parochial high schools in SF today are all top performing, altruistic, well rounded kids or else they wouldn’t have gotten into these exclusive schools to begin with. I would definitely find out whether or not SCU is planning on having in person instruction next year, as a friend’s daughter who was deciding between SCU and Villanova last year chose Villanova due to the fact that they were allowing the kids to be on the campus. And I’m a proud SCU law school alum, I loved the place, admin, professors, fellow students, and it’s much more beautiful now after renovations since I left.

LOL. For sure would avoid UCSB party page. I totally don’t have any issues with bikini pix. I think it’s normal for West Coast and SoCal kids. There were some where I had to wonder, “Was the discount on the top equated to less fabric needed?” I didn’t need to see the complete underside some women’s body parts.


It’s the typical word from SCU that they plan to be reopen but giant caveats about Covid. Many schools saying the same thing (except UCSC) so good to look at past practice. Covid is really well controlled here where I am in California but it’s not over yet globally or nationally. Remote would be horrible. Santa Clara County has been subject to outbreaks and the health department is one of the most strict. None of my S choices have come out to say they will require vaccination.

I learned my lesson…from now on I’m sticking with the Harvey Mudd insta page.