Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Agree that it’s common West Coast. My daughter has a lot of friends with sunset silhouette type pics and/or some healthy less puckered, less close up swimsuit shots.

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So, don’t want to sound lurky, but now I’m super interested in checking out my S21’s future college’s accepted students insta. Unfortunately, it’s locked! Did you guys request to join or are others open?

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That is so funny about the follow/unfollow. But you wouldn’t be the only one to feel like the creepy parent follower, trust me! I accidentally joined the Michigan Class of 2025 group not realizing it was the kid group. So this morning, these feeds come through my page and sure enough, it was stuff like “Hi, I’m xxx and this is my major and my interests blah blah” and I’m like wth, is a parent pimping their kid? Then it hit me. Wrong page and I left in 2 seconds flat because I did not want my kid to think I was a)spying or that b) I too was some creepo parent. But I have to tell you, it was such a turnoff to see how these kids (and it’s mainly girls) are showcasing themselves with pictures etc. I can’t imagine some of the pm’s they get. But not only that, these are truly NOT official college pages. They are mostly all run by those Humans of University or whatever they’re called and they are not real. They market their own crap and pretend they’re for the university, which is probably how I was accepted because they don’t care who they accept and have no filters. So everyone put your kids on notice that any real perv can join these groups and there are plenty of kids going to college in the fall that are not yet 18 so who knows if any pedophiles actually join these groups. The idea makes me nauseated.

I made sure to remind my son last night not to post anything personal.


I had to lurk my S’s admitted students page with him - no parents. This is an unscientific observation but I think the pouty face and flipped ball cap (I’ll equally offending here :wink:) might be more prevalent where there’s a Greek system? I see more pets and music instruments the closer we get to 100 level of USNWR. :grin:


Your son’s future college’s kids seem to be smarter :slight_smile:

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Narcissistic no. Inappropriate, yes!

We made a rule eons ago that our kids are not allowed to post any pics like that on their facebook pages or social media pages without our approval. We told them why. They always abided and/or asked if they could post something. I cannot say the same for some of their friends. And I can’t believe the parents let them get away with that. Some friends wear clothes 2 sizes too small! I don’t get it. I’m not and never have been a big makeup wearer and my kids aren’t either but maybe because I didn’t and couldn’t really show them how to do it. I offered to take them places and they had it done for special occasions but it was never over the top. One issue as I saw when one returned over spring break and was stuck on a major delayed plane and an older couple on her flight approached her to ask if they could help (all on the up and up) they were concerned she was traveling alone at her age 15-16 and wanted to make sure she knew there was another flight and could they help her yada yada. She told them she was 20 and they were surprised and ok no prob, They were seated across from her on the original flight. Not creepos. Anyway, I think they know if they looked and showed themselves off like some of these girls I would kill them. It’s just not appropriate and more so because you don’t know who’s looking at these or what kind of creepo is looking at them or how the pic might get circulated or used again later. Colleges may see these pictures, etc. The only place now they ever post any pictures of them ever in a bathing suit is on insta and their pages are completely private from anyone that doesn’t know them. That’s the other thing w/fb. They were only allowed to friend people they actually knew. So to me I don’t see anything narcissistic just immature and inappropriate. Having an 18 year old boy, I will have to ask him though what he thinks about girls doing stuff like this.

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I don’t know about parking lot photos but I have never understood the food porn photos. Now my kids are starting to do it and it drives me nuts. Like who cares what the food you look like looks like in a picture and posting it for your friends to see looks stupid and braggy when it’s a nice restaurant.


Just sat with D21 and looked through the UNH IG- at least the majority of the 1st pics were normal. Flipping through there seemed to be a requirement- here I am with friends, I know how to wear a mask, I look great! selfie, beach/bikini, PARKING LOT, public bathroom, ski/board, coffee drink. D21 hasn’t posted yet- she’s not certain she has enough photos where she bothered with makeup!!!

All in all the kids looked great! I’m sure they spent hours choosing photos-they have 1,000s to choose from! :crazy_face:


I love food pics, I follow a few foodie insta pages.


Only 1,000’s to choose from? Probably 100k to choose, lol.

My twins can sit outside for 40 mins taking pictures but I finally figured out their game. One of them will convince the other to take pictures of her in exchange for the same in return, but then after god knows how long and 100’s of pictures later (they seriously all look the same), the one then says I’m too tired to take yours and then catfight. It never fails. My other poor daughter falls for it hook line and sinker. Sucker she is. The other one is just so bossy. One day I think I"m just going to tell the other one, who cares, just use her pictures, you look the same anyway and who’s going to know the difference!

They are never satisfied no matter how many pics taken either so it was definitely so much easier when we were kids and no smart phones.


I like to eat it, lol. That’s probably my problem!

:joy: the boys are here are I am trying to look cool, this is me playing sports, this one hanging with my boys and here is me and a group of girls.


Also… me with my dog,
:joy: had to edit- what I typed didn’t come out as expected- I’m getting flash backs of RISD’s mascot!!!


I think in today’s vernacular, that is the way girls pump each other up and show support.


Awww thanks for saying something nice instead of making fun of them :slight_smile:


We visited SCU with D21 along with some of the other Jesuit and Catholic universities on the west coast like Seattle U, Gonzaga, and USF.

My impression is that SCU is very much trending upwards and starting to distance itself from its other west coast Catholic school peers. That might partly be due to Silicon Valley money. But they have 2-4 times the endowment of any other Catholic school on the west coast and are rapidly becoming more selective. Probably looking to become the west coast version of Notre Dame or Georgetown frankly although they aren’t quite there yet. The new engineering and STEM facilities are impressive.

Rather than parochial school slackers it is starting to seem like more of a backup school for those who don’t get into Stanford, USC, or Pomona.


I sensed that. I may be idealistic but putting so much emphasis and solely on looks felt very wrong.

Yep, but it’s a photo, so it makes sense to comment on what’s in the photo. Kids have their own way of communicating, which obviously doesn’t make sense to a lot of us old folks :wink:

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I also checked out my daughter’s admitted students instagram… not too many bikini pics, thankfully! My daughter has been inundated with DMs from girls asking about rooming. It is all a little overwhelming! And yes, it is all based on looks.


LOL. Photography is my side hobby and I’ve got a set of pix I would love for S21 to use but he’s like, “No, mom. This is not my thing. I’m not posting.” But the kids seem to be on discord and connecting so it’s exciting to observe them meeting new people and having a catalyst to meet new people. My son has been in the same school district his entire life so he’s fortunate to have a stable group of friends. Now a new chance to expand.