Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yes! I have such funny memories of sitting in our dorm suite freshman year looking up cute guys we met at parties in the “Facebook.”


At our college, it was a Facebook.

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We had a “Facebook” at my first job out college. They took a picture of you on your first day for your badge and put that horrible picture on the the “Facebook”

They never updated the picture so it was a mix of late 80s, 90s and early 2000s looks.

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To have had those resources at my fingers in college!! I can only imagine the amount of time my friends and I would have spent to walk past certain dorms just to “run into” a guy. Today, my kids call that creepy and stalking! :joy:

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Laughing because my Santa Monica, CA born kid is eager to pose in sweaters and scarves for her Decision photo for her East Coast school!


@Skymomla LOL. My child does not own a jacket. He doesn’t get cold. We went to Japan Christmas break. Everyone in their jackets. He’s wearing a hoodie. I got him a Columbia shell jacket/raincoat that he can put in his backpack. I’m just going to wait til he tells me he needs a jacket :joy:


Ours was called the Ram and Ewe (mascot is the Rams). Mine is a little battered from heavy use doing exactly the same thing with my friends!


Not sure how many will get this reference, but it popped into my head-

Mirror in the bathroom
I just can’t stop it
Every Saturday you see me
Window shopping
Find no interest
In the racks and shelves
Just ten thousand reflections
Of my own sweet self, self, self, self, self
Mirror in the bathroom
You’re my mirror in the bathroom
You’re my mirror in the bathroom
You’re my mirror in the bathroom

-The English Beat


Love it! I wish I saved mine.

Same :grinning:

We played “guess their intended major” before reading the “bio” caption. That was kind of fun.

D21 says Parking Lot pics was/is a trend :woman_shrugging:

A lot of the pictures were fine, but a few = yikes. I knew that some girls post bikini, sexy pose pics on their own social media, but wasn’t really expecting it on class of 2025 accounts. For some reason I don’t think potential roommate is the intended audience. :thinking:


My only issue on the IG admitted students page for my son’s school is that a handful of girls actually posted their cell numbers! And it’s a public page!!!

That, famously, was how Facebook got started. Zuckerberg hacked into the administration computers and created an electronic version that he called the Facebook.

At least that’s how the movie went.


I also saw parking lot poses and didn’t know it was a thing til you all mentioned this. Some of them are actually pretty artsy.

LOL. That’s all kids. We’re in NJ and kids here were walking around town in shorts during the 30 degree winter. My kid’s winter coat is a hoodie.


If you get a chance watch Fake Famous- on HBO. Social media is all so fake. My kids think of it as a necessary evil. The amount of their friends who post and then repost because it didn’t get enough likes/comments makes me sad.

I think they have also become more caring about having followers than caring about who the follower is. Nothing happened to my kids personally, but they learned several years ago that the threat can be right in the room and be very charming. If they can be right next to you, they are definitely online!

Thats my kid. Wears shorts all 365 days in New England. Shovels in 3 ft snow too.


Oh, my goodness! He did all that in shorts?!? Is their blood different when they’re younger? I’m ashamed to admit that I wear a jacket when it’s 60oF outside. I got him an inexpensive Uniqlo jacket knowing he may not wear it and my daughter wears it. I might sneak it in his clothes suitcase on moving day. We went to Tahoe where it was in the 40’s and snowing. Hoodie.

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Yep, my S21 only wears a hoodie and we live outside of Boston. Luckily he is now willing to wear pants as opposed to exclusively shorts in middle school.

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It’s interesting that you mention this aspect of social media because as I look at the pages for these schools, part of me wonders if these are even real students or prospective students. Who’s to know? There is one school that my son applied to where every post on instagram is of an attractive person, usually female. So the impression is, even though I know it’s not true, that you don’t go to to this school unless you are a model or some uber athelete. How do we know whether these are real students, or just young people trying to get “discovered” or publicity.

The other thing I’ve noticed is that on the Facebook page for this same school, the comments in response to the photos sound like they are bot-generated. They are all the same–either “OMG, we must be twins,” or “OMG are we the same person?” or “Wow, you’re gorgeous!”

I had to unfollow a few of these accounts because I was getting certain impression of the school that as a parent, wasn’t totally positive, or at least made me think that my son would not fit in at the school. So while some might think you could get a sense of the school from social media postings, I question this idea because it’s only a small percentage of people posting, and who knows if the posts are even real.