Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@srparent15 I love the pictures they include of their friends. It’s gotta be nice to have friends memories and memories of hanging out after this ISOLATING year! The bathroom pix with the group is kinda funny. They alway crack me up. My son’s friends did this for prom. They all piled into the bathroom.

I post pix of food, but I’m a little obsessed with food and cooking. A lot of times I do it to bookmark restaurants and places I travel to do that we or our friends will know to check out the restaurants.


My son would be so overwhelmed picking a roommate. He has decided that if attends UT he will go random and his other choices the schools assign the roommate.


I had less of an issue with my son going random roommate than my girls and they didn’t. They’re both great friends with their roommates from last year which makes me happy. Some of it may be that they’re just used to sharing things with one another that they easily can get along with a roommate even though they have their own rooms and tbh can both be very messy at times.

But having said that, after engaging in a conversation with a mom in the Michigan group the other night who told me just randomly that her son refuses to wear a mask other than if he goes into a store that requires it, I realized then that it is not just about simple habits of being messy, or getting up early/staying up late, it’s unfortunately come to the point where it’s about a lot more things. My son would never be comfortable with someone who could care less about wearing a mask at this point. That’s not saying that in 6 months masks won’t be necessary, but today when they are, that tells me that their views just don’t align on that and who’s to say he won’t be bringing into the room others with similar views etc especially if they are not required to be vaccinated. Also, Pfizer apparently announced today that a booster will most likely be needed after 12 months so it will be like the flu shot - annual boosters. And, my kid will have habits that someone else doesn’t like, I guarantee it. He speaks loudly and doesn’t believe us when we tell him. It can be annoying!! He will need a patient roommate! But my son also studies a lot and will not want a room with a revolving door as many kids like that. So, that said, if my kid doesn’t decide to look for a roommate and goes random, he may not know what he’s asking for. I think he hasn’t done anything about it yet because he hasn’t quite figured out what he would do about the waitlist schools, although he did tell me today he’s most likely not bothering with one of them. So that’s 1 down 2 to go.

Also, has any mom of boy kids had other parents reach out to you about your sons being potential roommates. I find this so odd. My girls did everything and no one ever asked me anything but with my son I’ve had like 5-6 people reach out. I don’t have a good answer because I don’t want to play matchmaker. Is this what it will be like when my kids are single and 25 and people start wanting to fix them up? Help me as my son is turning 24 in May and ugh maybe this is when that will start.

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Btw, if he attends, what’s his major? My son has a friend that committed but hasn’t done anything about a roommate and only put his housing deposit down in January, uh oh! Did not realize housing may be an issue! He’ll be in CS.

Here I am playing roommate matchmaker after I said I don’t want anyone to do it to me, lol.


Some personal insight on attending Boston College ?

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Lol he is Plan II and sustainably in COLA. He is hoping that if he decides to attend there will be room in the honors dorms still. He put the housing deposit down in November.

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Even though this kid is not a partier and not interested in Greek, he thinks they are all partiers, although they aren’t and I gave his name to a kid I know in one that is all the smarties and they like to go to parties, but they are not partiers and super nice boys, if that makes sense, I told her she may want to suck it up and look at Castilian or Callaway because everyone told me if he didn’t put his deposit down until January, then he will have very slim pickings left and that’s not a good thing.

I also can’t remember what people have been saying in the parent group about sophomores returning and if they want to live in the dorms whether or not they’re getting first dibs as if it’s a do-over for them.

Returning or continuing students at Michigan are placed into North Quad, Stockwell or North Campus apartments. My sense, I don’t think there’s a high demand for on campus housing since most kids really like the off campus apartments and houses better.

There’s a lot of new fancy apartment buildings offering free coffee and pastries, onsite gyms, Amazon lockers, rooftop events, etc.

Me too! My own Insta feed is about 70% food pics lol…I love to cook :yum:


Wait a minute…what do you mean by bathroom photos?

Nothing inappropriate just a weird background for pics to share.

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Don’t think it’s the bathroom— it’s the mirror that is the lure. :heart_eyes:


I love how the conversation has turned to Accepted Students’ Instagram pages. Maybe an Admissions officer is taking notes on how to protect yield.


I always tell my kids colleges and employers look at these things and that they should always remember the NYT headline rule. Would this make the NYT front page and would you be ok with it?


My high school friends and I often say how glad we are that cell phones/social media/tracking did not exist when we were teens. We would have made many a NYT as I assume a lot of others would have. Over the years, the kids and their friends try to shock me with their tales- silly kids!

We also talk about how interesting it will be in the future, when presidential candidates have had their whole life on social media.


I love food porn too! Taking pictures of succulent meals is okay in my book. Taking pictures of yourself constantly seems sort of self-centered (maybe narcissistic is too strong a word). I know these kids are usually really good, grounded kids, but it’s still weird to me. But I’m in ny 40s and definitely tuned out of modern culture.


@STEM2017 I think it was actually called a yearbook. :rofl:


Back in the day, some colleges had a book they mailed to incoming freshmen, which had pictures (usually the yearbook photo) of each student plus high school, home address and dorm room. I will refrain from saying what skidad says the book was called. :grin:


I still have mine! But we didn’t get ours until we got to campus and they didn’t include anything but our photo, high school and hometown.