Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Ds is still on the fence. I reminded him he did not have to wait till the 11:59 pm on May 1st to commit :wink:. Heā€™s got a couple more one-to-one meetings to attend this week and then time to sift through all the info and impressions before making a choice. Itā€™s great to hear the excitement in the posts of parents whose kids have made their choices. Onwards :dancer:t3:


@tablamom Why do our kids do this? Wait til the last minute?! S21 immediately told me he rescinded his spots at the other schools after I asked him if he accepted. I feel like a recording, ā€œDid you accept? Make sure you rescind the other spot, WL spots, etc.ā€. :joy:




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Oh, I feel for you @tablamom. My S18 finally gave us his decision on April 30. I had to have swag from both ready bc his school always did a college sweatshirt day at the beginning of May! On the plus side, when they spend that much time considering their choice, I think they feel pretty good when they make it.

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@Ynotgo I just saw your post regarding S21ā€™s final choice. His selection of schools and the final choice conveys wonderful maturity regarding his recognition of his strengths and interests.


Congrats on the decisions. Tick, tick, tick we have none here. S is absolutely buried in schoolwork. Meanwhile itā€™s been snowing and 20 degrees at one of his top picks. Brrr :cold_face:. He put ā€œneutralā€ about the weather change on our pro con list. :laughing:


It will be in the 60s and 70s by next week at the snowy school! Odd snow events in April are short lived!


YAY!!! Congratulations!!! They are lucky to get him!!! So happy for yā€™all!!!


Chiming in on the Texas/Cowboy Boot/TAMU/TTU debate here. Iā€™m a born and raised Dallasite, have never owned a pair of cowboy boots, am low ā€œmaintenance bougieā€ (self made up term lol, I like nice things and work hard play hard)ā€¦total liberal leaning city/urban gal. Wrapping my head around Lubbock for my son was hardā€¦at first. The kid has traveled the world from London to Honk Kong, Istanbul to Parisā€¦goes to a diverse, Title 1 high school and is a brown Muslim boy, first gen college student. West Texas seemed so foreign. And scary. Until we visited.

Everyone we met (student ambassadors, tour guides etc) were all from the Dallas area. He saw kids that dressed like him, looked like him and sounded like him. It felt like TAMU (his first choice) but MUCH prettier (seriously, TTU campus blows College Station away!) MUCH homier and something just clicked.

After joining the parent facebook groups for Tech, my qualms have dissipated and I feel 100% comfortable with sending him there. Heā€™s getting more excited as the days to graduation get closer. He and his buddies are deciding on a date for Raider Camp and will register for it soon! Wreck ā€˜Em!!


Thanks! Guess what school doesnā€™t have their logo available on the Yeti site, :weary:

I think you and I will be the last parents at the Decisions Bar and will be asked by the staff to turn off the lights when we leave.


:joy:. And we are still hanging at the waitlist bar after that at least until third week of May per Notre Dame. Supposedly they donā€™t pull after that. Not sure he will hang in all summer for the other three. Iā€™m kind of hoping he doesnā€™t at this point.

Still, Iā€™m feeling especially grateful for the choices he has. One of our good friendsā€™ daughter is ending up at a 70% acceptance rate private school after getting shut out of UC and having a tough season. Great kid, athlete and student. Hopefully she will have a good experience but I know the family is disappointed. :cry:


I have a close friend whose daughter ended up at her safety. She was inconsolable for almost a month.

Fast forward two years and this kid is knocking it out of the park. Has won all kinds of awards, already coauthored papers, won a huge research grant, and landed an amazing summer job that kids at Ivies would love to have.

Itā€™s really not where you go, but what you do when you are there.

I hope your friendā€™s student shines bright where she lands!


I love to hear stories like this. Our kids should also hear them.


Yes, I know she will. And her parents are like literally those parents who outparent everyone. So I know she has and will have great support. Iā€™m also a believer that everything happens for a reason. And her dad is a hospitalist so with Covid they wanted get close to home and will have that.


I will be there too. No decision yet from S. He knows all there is to know and now just needs to choose!


I think your friendā€™s daughter may end up getting in if she was waitlisted at some of the UCs.
An btw I will hanging out in the waitlist bar too!


@Momof3B Low maintenance bougie is now my favorite term that I will use to describe myself. Thank you for seeing me! :joy:

Decision Bar! LoL. You guys crack me up!


I am hanging around for last call at the waitlist bar with you fine people. And to make this even more enjoyableā€” my daughter has one school that she still has not heard from! McGill may not let her know for weeks. Crazy. She has so much schoolwork right now, I am trying to give her some space. Enjoying reading about everyoneā€™s process and progress and looking forward to some on our end soon enough. This whole process is an exercise in parenting for sure.