Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Love how Tufts rejected my S and is now hitting him up with marketing for their misc. programs. Delete!

On Reddit the kids are funny. UC rejecting some and now the data stolen and SSN being offered for sale. We got a notice from Boulder that they were hacked and my S’ info compromised. At least he got in there.


The UCs have been absolutely BRUTAL this year. My college roommate’s D21 is a 4.5 gpa, big time athlete, great kid. My buddy just knew she would get in at Cal, UCLA, San Diego, Santa Barbara. Shut out. She’s deciding on some top notch New England LACs. (Same thing happened to his S18 with amazing stats; dinged at UCLA and waitlisted at Cal. Now thriving at HYP (one of them).)

Our D21 got into a couple of UCs, but not her dream school Santa Barbara. She decided to attend our local CC’s honors program and transfer to SB (or possibly Cal or UCLA) in two years.


I guess your friends don’t understand the demographic makeup of Texas??
When we moved from Texas to Virginia years ago our Texas friends would say ‘ahhh going to a yankee state!’. Ummm not exactly (maybe a history lesson is in order).


About that data hack… My sister works at a UC and my husband worked at one 10 years ago. (That’s at least how far back the stolen data goes.) They offered free credit monitoring to employees and former employees. Why not to the students and prospective students?

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I’m in Santa Barbara and it’s so tough. GC confirms. They come to S’ high school each year to basically warn them. None of our local friends got into that one. Many got into 1-3 other Ucs. Our local CC is great.


I saw a tweet saying UCLA got 140K application and accepted 6300 students but only 60% actually attend there. I googled and came across with this article (Jan 2021). I was surprised that a lot of IVY colleges have 60s% yield. I guess the same students apply for all these highly selective colleges and can only go to one of them.


Wow - the campus has to warn the local kids they may not get in.

It seems UCSB’s approach is to become the liberal arts college of the UC system - but on a much bigger scale. By that I mean that UCSB focuses hugely on the undergrads. As you know, they just broke ground on the first building used for classrooms since 1967, which will increase class room space 35%.

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You might check out SBCC unless your D wants to stay home. It’s on the ocean - with views - near downtown. Very popular and large so a lot of variety there. My cousin’s daughter is going that transfer route.


I didn’t see the tweet, but that tweet is most likely confusing accepted students with enrolled. In a typical year, from glancing at their 2019 Common Data Set, UCLA would enroll somewhere in the neighborhood of 6k students after accepting >13k, with a yield rate of 43% for class of 2023. (Maybe the tweet mentioning 6300 “seats”? That would definitely refer to enrolled, not accepted.) I think that tweet way overestimates UCLA’s typical yield and it seems extremely unlikely that yield was anywhere close for class of 2024 given that campus was closed, though I haven’t looked it up. Adding a quick google shows that UCLA admitted >15k to class of 2024 and just under 6k enrolled, with yield rate of 37%.


I think I read the same yield article. I read in the comments section of that article or another one that Stanford (and some Ivies) increases its yield by locking in people via early admit. Stanford and Harvard are about 80% yield.

It seems that the 60% or so yield rates at the very elite colleges are a result, as you suggested, from the top kids applying to all the top schools.

(The UC system has an overall 90% yield rate for in-state students for all 9 undergrad campuses; apparently because of the low relative cost/prestige of the UC campuses. Can’t pass up a great deal - if you can get in.)


Stanford uses SCEA so not as much a lock-in as ED.


FYI, there was a news story on CNN recently about conservative-leaning Californians moving to Texas to live around a like-minded population (e.g., less Covid-19 restrictions, less taxes, safe space for their politics).

Yeah, SBCC is great! Our local LA-area CC is really good and has a solid Honors program.

We gave our S17 and D19 the same choice as the D21: if you like the UC you get in as a freshman, go. If not, go to our local CC honors program. BUT - you have to perform well enough to have a shot at transferring to Cal or UCLA, which requires around a 3.8 (with no honors or AP bumps because these are college courses). Cal and UCLA transfer admit rates are - not great (23% to 25%), so we tell the kids really contemplate your decision (bird in hand and all that).

Our S17 took the gamble, did well and transferred to Cal (his dream school). Our D19 has done even better and is waiting (with thousands of other top performing CC kids) on the transfer decisions this week from Cal, Diego, and SB (which is today). UCLA (D19 dream school) said it will release decisions this week or next.


It’s looking like I may be there with you at least until last call.

We’ve gotten to “leaning,” but D21 refuses to acknowledge that’s her final answer although she said she would have her final decision made by now.

H and I are planning on being out of town May 1, so I had better have an answer before then or she’ll be figuring out how to get her older sister to pay her enrollment fee.


I remember reading that Cruz won the transplant vote and Beto won the born in Texas vote.


Wait, your HS senior doesn’t know how to use your credit card!!! How do you expect them to succeed at college!!!

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Speaking of deposits, I was surprised that a CC was not an option for the deposit. Only electronic payment from your bank acct.

Bellying up to the Decisions Bar with you all…St. Olaf vs Lawrence. Ds has met with college profs from both colleges in both of his intended majors, has had a sample music lesson from each college, and has met with students from each college. His takeaway at this point is that he likes the student vibe at Lawrence but is more taken with the Professors at St. Olaf. I’m trying to figure out a way for him to meet a few more students at each college. He’s not on IG or FB so any of the admitted students groups there aren’t an option. Short of watching various youtube videos put out by each college, the likes of which ds deems too “corporate” lol, I’m not sure how to proceed. We do have a live tour set up with St. Olaf led by a student so that will be at least one more student-to-student opportunity. The clock ticks on…


That’s my hope, that his decision will be one made with agency and as much info as possible so he can feel confident in his choice.

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Maybe because of the transaction fee? Although they could give the student the option to cover it ?