Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@19and21, @purplemama, @whiskeyyankee, and @EGHopeful

Fantastic news! Congratulations to your teens!!! :blush:

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Has anyone seen ED stats for LACs? Iā€™m really curious to know if applications are up! Amherst, Bowdoin, Carleton, Colby, Harvey Mudd, Vassar and Williams have notified ED applicants of decisions but I donā€™t see any details on numbers. Someone posted on the Williams thread that Amherst had ~850 applications with ED acceptance falling to 25% but I havenā€™t heard anything about the others. Anyone in the know?

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did some digging and it looks like Bowdoin doesnā€™t report ED numbers in past years until January.

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Oh, no. I am so sorry . Big hugs.

Congratulations, @EGHopeful, @purplemama, and @19and21!

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Congratulations, @whiskeyyankee!

Iā€™m having a hard time tracking some of these replies on this new website so forgive me if I miss something directed to me. I wanted to respond to your mention of my Amherst daughter, we are Latinx and I know that is considered a hook in admissions. Both girls are similar academically, but one was more well rounded in ECs and the other more pointed. One applied with an in range test score and the other went TO.
Since we are all wondering what the ED admissions numbers will look like, the Williams letter did not contain any info except to mention joining a class of 550. Iā€™m incredibly curious and want to know as well.


These ED and EA releases are making me dizzy. Is there a ā€œCliff Noteā€ version? :smile:

Congrats to all the great acceptances. Such great schools. And what a total bummer about UVA @NOVAGirl87. Oy!

D21 has just one EA school here in CA, no EDā€™s, then the rest are pretty much all UCā€™s and CSUā€™s here in CA. So, weā€™ll have a VERY long wait until March.


Well, I did a bit of sleuthing and found the following information, all directly from admissions offices.

Johns Hopkins ED applications up 11%.

Duke ED applications up almost 18%.
60% of applicants submitted SAT or ACT scores, while 40% opted not to.

Wesleyan international apps up over 40 %

Dickinson Applications up for both domestic/international ED.

Tulane: ā€œa huge chunk of our applicant pool applied without test scores. Many applicants noted they signed up for 3 or 4 or 5 administrations of the SAT/ACT and each one got canceled.ā€

At Loyola Maryland, ā€œthose who are applying test-optional are way up. In a typical year, we see 65%-75% of the applicant pool submit scores (weā€™ve been test-optional since 2010). This year itā€™s currently only 35%.ā€

University of Denver reports that in their applicant pool, ā€œ57% are applying test-optional compared to 25% last year.ā€

At Boston College, only 42% of the students who were accepted Early Decision had submitted test scores.


Not really a LAC but UVA posted that their ED apps were up 38% and they filled just under 26% of their incoming class through ED. They did not report how many were TO. Also said 39.2% were in state and 25.7% OOS but didnā€™t say what the remaining % were and that seemed off or a mistake. Canā€™t imagine they had 35% international but who knows.

Tough year for early decision applicants all around and next week a lot more hearts will be broken. Congrats to all of those who did earn spots in these schools but for those who didnā€™t you or your kids accomplishments are not meaningless and they will all find that place theyā€™re meant to be.


Congratulations to everyone accepted EA and ED!!! So exciting and such a relief!!
So sorry to hear about the deferrals/rejections. This can be such a difficult time. Just want to add ā€“ it does seem that in the end most kids find their place at a school that comes to feel like home and where they were meant to be. Redirection can be a good thing but often we only recognize in retrospect.
As someone above said ā€“ Onward and Upward!!!


Yeah it is frustrating and I donā€™t always see a pattern. We got one honors acceptance but not the other. What honors?

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Congrats on all of yesterdayā€™s acceptances!!! There were so many I couldnā€™t keep up!

And Iā€™m so sorry @NOVAGirl87. My S didnā€™t get the news he was hoping last week for with his ED so I can relate. :frowning:

Havenā€™t been posting as much recently, but Iā€™m enjoying watching everyoneā€™s journey!

@GoldPenn ā€“ tks for sleuthing those numbers. Iā€™m really curious to see what Rice puts out. All Iā€™ve seen is that their ED applications went up ā€œsignificantly.ā€ My S did some sleuthing and found that in one recent year they only deferred about 100 kids from ED to RD which he saw as positive and fits with his letter that said ā€œsmall number.ā€ That said, he knows he needs to mentally not expect too much.

Heā€™s expressing some dissatisfaction with the rest of his list right now so navigating those waters and trying to get at the heart of the matter to see what additional schools he might add. That said, Iā€™m concerned theyā€™d all be reaches and heā€™d get dinged for no demonstrated interest at this point.


@NOVAGirl87 so sorry that is a lot to deal with especially for a 17 year who has also had her live turned upside this past year with covid.

Hard to think about now but she is wonderful young lady who will find the place she was meant to be and thrive.


@purplemama. Congratulations as mentioned above it is very cool that you have one at Amherst and one at Williams. Says a lot about the parents of your girlsā€¦

You need to decide on a new avatarā€¦lol

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Congratulations! @purplemama @19and21 @EGHopeful @whiskeyyankee

@AlmostThere2018 Rice is a really tough admit. I know some very accomplished kids who have been denied ED in recent years. While itā€™s hard to wait on a deferral at least there is still hope and the chance to submit additional materials that demonstrate your childā€™s accomplishments. @AOP1925 A deferral from Williams is still something to be proud of, even if it might not feel that way right now! Fingers crossed for admission during the RD round.

Congrats to the many folks who got positive news from UT and hereā€™s hoping that those who are still waiting are in the next wave of acceptances! Rutgers also releases in waves and it can be very nerve racking to wait.

@NOVAGirl87 Big hugs to you and your daughter! Thatā€™s a lot to absorb at once. I hope that better news awaits your family soon.

@goldpenn Thanks for all of the sleuthing and data!


Thatā€™s awesome, @whiskeyyankee ! One of my D19ā€™s closest friends is a sophomore at Whitman and she absolutely loves it. What a beautiful setting!

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Really interesting re: UVA - if you look at the reddit thread, itā€™s hard to find anyone who was admitted TO for UVA ED.

My D21 was deferred from UVA. We are OOS. And we have not heard of anyone actually getting in!


Yes, D21 went TO, she was unable to get into a test. It seems that those admitted ED from her school, as we suspected would be the case, are those doing the IB diploma, which she isnā€™t. Her school is pretty competitive, so it seems IB diploma is needed unless you have some really compelling reason to not get it (like maybe someone who transferred there too late).

Her two best friends came over with some gifts last night. She has some really sweet and supportive friends.