Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)


@NOVAGirl87 Iā€™m so very sorry. When our dog died unexpectedly a couple of years ago, my husband I both cried more than weā€™d ever cried before. I understand how devastating it is to lose a beloved dog. To have your Dā€™s UVA denial on top of it is incredibly hard. I know there are brighter days ahead for your family but that doesnā€™t help at the moment. Iā€™m sending a virtual hug and youā€™re in my thoughts.


congratulations @purplemama and @EGHopeful! D21 was differed from Williams. I know it is better than a deny but it does not feel great even though we all know the odds. After she finish up her finals next week she will need to work on the last few applications. Onward!


@purplemama Congrats to your D! I love that you have one at Amherst and one at Williams when the schools are such long-standing rivals. I think you need to have a custom sweater made with both names!

@19and21 Congrats to your S on Amherst! It must be lovely to breathe a sigh of relief and be done with the college admissions process.

@EGHopeful Congrats to your D on Johns Hopkins! I was so happy to hear she was admitted test-optional.


OMG such great news! Congrats @EGHopeful, @purplemama, @19and21
and @AOP1925, Hugs and yes Onward and Upward!


@GoldPenn My old copyediting habits are hard to break :wink: Iā€™m thinking of your D tonight and wishing her the best with Midd.


Son accepted at Whitman College! So excited for him! I hope heā€™ll have an amazing four years in Walla Wall!



I agree. DS got an A in AP Language & Comp, always does well in writing classes and he got a 2 on the AP test.

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Iā€™m so sorry :frowning: Thatā€™s a lot in just a couple days.

Iā€™m so sorry, @NOVAGirl87. I hope the disappointment fades over the next few weeks so she can start looking forward to her other possibilities.

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@EGHopeful congratulations! Impressive! So happy for you.

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ED is such a stressful time. Iā€™m so glad my S21 isnā€™t participating this year, but we were right there with you guys last year with my D20. Man it was tough! Congrats to those with good news and Iā€™m so very sorry for those who didnā€™t receive the news they were hoping for - I truly believe they will end up in the right place - and also truly know how hard it is to see that right now.


@purplemama, wonderful news! Many congratulations! Williams was one of our first college tours and I was sold.

Congratulations @19and21! Wonderful news!

@Novagirl87 Take good care of yourselves. Better times lie ahead.


Can you share your daughterā€™s stats?

Congrats on the great news!

Can you share your daughterā€™s stats?

This year everything is so random.