Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Wow that’s a major HIPAA violation asking to share the vaccine status.

UC and California State universities also will require the vaccine INCLUDING staff and faculty.


UNC-CH and Barnard have people getting in off WL…just fyi…the WL movement appears to be picking up…

EDIT: Wake too, starting to admit from wl! D21 has friends on WL there! Pulling for them!


Waitlist movement at U Washington the other day too, psychology major.


Not a violation if you share your own information which is what they are requesting.

And I wonder if the UC labor situation is different because they are all state employees?


^^Key point in the above article, UC requirement does not take effect until after full FDA approval.


Yes but “Pfizer could apply for full FDA approval of its COVID-19 vaccine as early as this month, and Moderna could follow soon after.”

"To get full approval, known as a Biologics License, companies will need to submit six months of data. … Both Pfizer and Moderna say they now have six months of data.

Typically it takes the FDA about six months to review a licensure application for a high-priority drug. Pfizer said it expects to apply in the first half of 2021, and it expects a decision from the FDA in the second half of the year."


I have read that Pfizer approval could come in the next few months.

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Could be, I have no idea. Just working out some timing issues, such as what is the due date for “fully vaccinated” (that is a 5-week process, yes? 3 weeks in between doses + 2 weeks after?)

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Colleges are going to need to get their vax rates up pretty high to pull off a good year, so they will be motivated to get it done. I think limiting what the un vaxed can do and then putting a walk up vax site right in the middle of campus will have a big impact. FOMO is real and mom and dad don’t need to sign off on an 18+ year old getting a vaccination.


This is what BU Admissions just wrote on a parent Q&A: " BU Admissions 07:32 PM
… currently there isn’t official policy for faculty/staff to be vaccinated. Anecdotally, I know most are eager to do so, and most colleagues I know of have already had their first shot, however BU has not finalized a policy around fac/staff just yet."

My son will likely commit to BU also.


Thanks for that update! I was also on that zoom but had to leave and didn’t get to hear much. I’m hoping one day I get to meet the other parents on here that also have kids going to BU!

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I had sent you a PM sometime back abt BU, hope you got that :slight_smile: Congratulations to your son by the way !!! Fellow BU mom here :smiley:

I agree with this. I also think unvaccinated students, especially incoming freshman, will have a relatively more difficult time finding a roommate.


Do you think unvaccinated kids be allowed on campus?

At some schools for sure…I don’t see the Florida publics ever requiring the vaccine, just to take one example. And all schools will probably allow medical/religious exceptions.


I hope my kid can get it, though there is no safety data on his type of special population, and the thought of just going for it (which he may decide to do, to avoid being a pariah) is really not comforting.


I think kids will be much less bothered by it than a parent might be…especially if there’s a medical reason (not that your child should have to share that information). Also your child might be able to request a single. My S had a single all 4 years and LOVED it.

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Feels a bit between a rock and a hard place.