Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@havenoidea amazing choices! She cannot go wrong with any of them!

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@mamaedefamilia congratulations!!

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UW-Seattle didn’t charge any fees when I put the deposit on the credit card. I’m sure they will though if I try to put the whole tuition payment on it next fall.

Boston U or Baylor U?

I didn’t mean to imply that Barnard was a commuter school. Most of the students I know at Barnard and Columbia are either NYC natives or live in the metro area, but did live on campus. During the “Before Times,” many of them went out on the weekends all around the city, but still went to campus activities, too. The city is opening up, but most of the bars, clubs, and concert venues are still closed.

On a lighter note: WL bar buddies, someone just posted that they got off the Wake WL.


@evergreen5 they are currently working on getting approval for monoclonal antibody cocktails as Covid preventatives. They call it “passive vaccination” because they just give you the engineered antibodies rather than triggering your immune system to make its own.

Maybe this would be a safer way to protect your son!


Yay California!

Cal Poly SLO also requires the Men B vaccine too, so we have to get that one as well.


Regarding credit cards, instead of earning miles or points, our credit card awards money into our kids’ 529 accounts. I joke that every time we shop we are saving for college!


So happy for you! She is going to excel in everything she does and you will be happy about her choice. Thank you for updating us.

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Good idea in any case to get the Men B vaccine. (There were cases at UCSB several years ago; I don’t know about at SLO.) S21 still needs it, but we need to wait until 2 weeks after his 2nd COVID vaccine.


That was our doctor’s recommendation as well. D gets her 2nd Covid vaccine dose this Sunday, I believe. And we’ll probably at least double that “waiting period” and start the Men B vaccine in June or July.


Some colleges require a TB skin test so check the checklist so that you can schedule the Meningitis B vax together with the skin test to save yourself a trip.

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Interestingly, our doc said S21 had to wait a month after 2nd covid vaccine. He’s got his two shots set up as well.

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Our pediatrician recommended the meningitis vaccine at my kid’s 15 year old check up. I thought it seemed early at the time, but glad they got it completed way before college.

IIRC the two shot Men A series is the one that they start at age 15. I know my S had that series starting then, but Men B is a different vaccine that they typically do shortly before college age.


PSA: most of the colleges prohibit or discourage Freshmen brining your own car on campus (dorm). You can drop your teenager from your auto insurance if the campus is 100 or 150 miles away (I forgot please check your insurance company) and doesn’t have a car. She/he is still covered as “occasional driver” under your policy, if they were on yours prior to leaving for college, when they come home for holidays/vacation. We saved tons of money for two years. Now my DS has a car so our auto insurance premium skyrocketed again.


Thanks for this! Much appreciated. We are just about to add our second kid so making the first occasional will be helpful.


Once committed, how do we pay the registration fee?
It’s going to be down to the wire on a decision in my house so want to be prepared!!

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my son decided on St. Olaf. There’s a small friendly parent’s group on FB for class of 2025. The description of the students above is our impression too. I don’t know if it will help you with the decision but maybe we’ll see you there.