Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Completely agree. I had a colleague that when asked would tell people she went to school in new haven. Absolutely a humble brag for her and incredibly annoying to the rest of us! To each his own😊


Congrats!! I am with you on the done with that forever! This is my 4th but unlike you I can’t say mine are all on the East Coast!! :frowning:

Mine are literally all over the place - West Coast, East Coast, South and Midwest. Empty nester with lots of places to visit I suppose is the perk. I would like to think I am done with the school process forever but I’m not 100% sure I am. One is applying for her MPA which she has already told she won’t have a problem getting in, but that same one every so often talks about law school a few years after working for a bit so
I guess we shall see. The ironic thing with that is neither of her parents are lawyers, but both step-parents are and 2 Uncles and a Grandparent. None chose to follow their parent and aunt who are Dr’s which I don’t know what to make of. Is it the state of medicine these days, disinterest, long haul, or hopefully just finding something they all love and want to pursue.

God bless all of our children and seniors this year and those who have more to come and those who have paved the road for all these kids.


In my experience, this phenomenon does not exist with parents. But anyway, you are missing my point.

Yeah that I don’t understand. People aren’t stupid. Just say Yale. I wouldn’t call that a humble brag. That’s just an outright brag. If you don’t want people to know or are really being humble people do know how to downplay it. Those that truly don’t will pull some crap like that which is why it is annoying.

It’s also like the people who are Dr’s and insist someone call them a Dr, even in social settings. There are times I remember with my ex husband when I used to tell him he needed to use his title, like for things when our kids had issues to get attention. Sadly it worked and he knew when but otherwise, he never used it and hated it. He used to say why do Dr’s go by Dr but lawyers don’t go by Dr when they’re Dr’s also? He’s right. They’re Juris Dr but I’ve never heard anyone call a lawyer a Dr.

My mom’s oncologist won’t even let us call him Dr. He’s amazing and so down to earth. I still do because I can’t help it
but really humanizing to the patient and it’s wonderful.

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I think it depends where you are and who you are speaking with. I live in a low-SES, small-town area where the majority do not have any 4-year degree, let alone an elite one. There are so many social divides in this town as is (local folks vs out-of-towners is a big one) without giving people any more reason to be put off or to feel uncomfortable. My H has degrees from MIT and a UC ( not Cal). Around here, it’s not humble-bragging for him to deflect 
it’s simply a matter of not rubbing people’s faces in something that could seem almost alien to many. Anyway, I’d say most people around here don’t know the sub-text of what “Boston” or “California” mean and don’t care. With H’s colleagues, I’m sure he’s given the direct answer, but once is enough. I mean, the whole situation just doesn’t come up that much. It’s a different sort of life. There’s no networking and you rarely meet a new person, anyway.


Definitely agree. I live in an affluent area 15 minutes from San Francisco.

Yeah not missing the point. I’m married to an Ivy Leaguer and he also doesn’t say “I went to xxx”. It just isn’t a big deal to him. He has never run out and put his diploma out in front to show off for his clients to see it has never been something he has used to garner clients or started off a conversation with or even ended one with. So, no not missing the point. He just doesn’t care about it, cares about what he did with his brain, what others have done with theirs and not so much about what school they’ve come from. One of the best attorneys he ever worked with went to SIU law school. Not a top law school
a lot of it is who your mentors were out in the field not who you rubbed shoulders with in college or law school.

We’re also in the camp of not sharing where we went to school. I usually say “back East” if someone asks. We trash talk with our friend who went to a hockey rival but other than that, I have no idea who went to school where. (Except for the neighbors with some Big 10 affiliation that fly their flags when their team is in town to play NU).

Here is a better explainer than I can do in this format. And of course it does not apply to everyone who attended such a school.

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I think that’s a big part of it. The MIT and Yale references were in Texas where a Boston or Connecticut (or “back East”) reference is enough to stop the school discussion. Most people don’t care.

It’s fairly rampant in NYC with HY grads where you have to peel back multiple layers. Therefore I heard the Connecticut comment and asked how he enjoyed UConn
or was it University of New Haven. We can then talk for quite a while about their school and experience and my schools never come up. Haha.

Same is true for an awesome school without a widespread reputation. I once had a wonderful discussion with a Deep Springs College grad.


I read a piece about Deep Springs in the New Yorker, I think. What an experience that could be for the right kid.


I’m lost. Why does it matter if one brags about their Ivy college or not? Or calls themselves a premed or not? :man_shrugging:

Yesterday, at the gym, I watched a couple guys squat 562 lbs and tell me they’re “going light” today. Bragging? Yes, but I believed them. :laughing:

It’s all good.


Is it an OSU flag? My neighbor went to OSU and they’re the only people I ever see fly flags for a school! When we used to live in Iowa City same thing. The only person on our street with a flag was an OSU person!

Maybe I should now get a Michigan flag just to annoy her for the big OSU v UM game. :wink:

Now that is hysterical. You should’ve said back that you just finished 600lbs.

@tristatecoog Honestly if someone told me they went to school back East in Connecticut, I probably would’ve just assumed they went to UConn or Hartford. Never would even cross my mind about Yale and personally I wouldn’t have cared. I don’t know why people even need to brag anyway. Some people can’t go to those schools not because they couldn’t get in, but a) because they didn’t want to or b) they couldn’t afford it or c) some other reason perhaps. It doesn’t make them any better than someone else.

Also, nowadays when I read up on someone’s biography, like a particular Senator or Representative I am sometimes disgusted at where they went to school and how someone supposedly that smart could have gone to some of those schools and think to myself that maybe they’re really not that smart afterall and boy I would never want to be associated with some of those schools. Yikes!


I doubt the OSU fan would be bothered, since OSU has won the last 15 of 16 football games.


My neighborhood has a ton of college flags flying during college football season. My one neighbor always has a U Miami flag and it gets stolen weekly.

@srparent15 and don’t ever forget, it’s “The Ohio State University!” My coworkers and new hires always make sure we remember that so I always emphasize “THE.” It makes them happy and we all have a good laugh at how big of a deal it is to them for us to say it just like that :).

I have a lot of friends who went to Ivies and they always say “back east,” and I honestly think and know that they’re doing it because they don’t want to come across like they’re showing off. They just don’t really care and don’t think other people would care. If people ask specifics they will openly share the college name, but I’ve never known for them to care about it. It’s not that big of a deal. The only time they’ve ever brought up their alma mater often has been this year, TBH. And that was because they wanted me to know that S21 could reach out to interview prep with them since they do alum interviews when requested. And now they’re excited because they want to take him under their wings and share with him what they experienced and learned and how they think east coast exposure is so different from CA experiences (they’ve taught and then went to grad school in CA or vice versa). Last Friday it dawned on me my friend actually went to Yale after he asked me about S21’s dorm situation.

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We have Michigan, Iowa, Purdue, Michigan State, and OSU all represented on game days. Running joke is that in non covid years the visiting fans outnumber NU fans because it’s impossible to get tickets when most of these teams are at home.

I don’t think any of us took Physics, but I think we all basically understood Newton’s Second Law of Motion F=ma. When you don’t have either mass or acceleration, 600lbs ain’t going to happen.:joy:

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Here in the SF Bay Area, we don’t see many, if any, school flags. Both Cal and Stanford are an embarrassment. :man_shrugging::grimacing: