Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)


That is a good thought, @rbc2018–certainly legacy could be at play. I do not know the legacy status for most of these.

Son accepted yesterday to Whitman, with $18,000 merit. We are all very excited! Did not get to visit, but we did a ton of research and he was confident that he would like the school. He is also a recruited athlete, and he likes the coach so there is that. Congrats to all on your acceptances, and hoping for better news in the future for those who did not get into first choice Eds. Can’t believe we are done with the college roller coaster, what a relief!


I think it depends on school, classes and major. I know some of my kids’ dual enrollments didn’t transfer, and some classes went towards as electives. Dd19 started freshman year with 30 credits and will graduate a year early, so at least money was saved.

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Congrats to @EGHopeful, @purplemama, @19and21
@AOP1925 and whiskeyyankee.

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Thank you @whyboydanny @Mjkacmom . She has been accepted at all 3 schools that we are looking at more closely to help decide. Do you think it would be too soon to ask each school (and also who to ask) to know for sure which credits would “count”?

Wonderful! Congrats!

She applied for CNS-Health Science scholars. Did your D’s come with the admission notice? Thank you!

Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about this until after she is accepted. One of my daughter’s schools is very restrictive about what they take for Dual Credit and wouldn’t take her MVC and she had to retake it. The other one gave her the credit for it. It also depends on the major. As for AP credit, similar issues. Depending on the major. For instance, at Michigan, some majors take AP Econ credit and some don’t It can drive you crazy trying to figure it out. Also, some schools have a max as to how many AP credits you can claim anyway and sometimes no matter what school you’re at, if it’s in your major field you want to retake the course regardless if they give you credit.

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Probably true except I thought I read somewhere here in a post (not sure which thread) that someone said they read on reddit that so far they hadn’t seen anyone say that they got into UVA without reporting a test score. Also, in their stats they they reported, the one thing they didn’t report is how many applicants submitted test scores or not. So that is something they obviously (at this point) don’t want to share seeming to imply that test scores do still matter.

@GoldPenn you are correct as far as D school is concerned about what is considered “Most Rigorous”. This is what’s stated on their College Profile document that is sent with their transcripts.

“ Between 2017 and 2019, SF High School limited the number of honors/AP courses a student could take each year to three (3) through a selective application process. Since there are very few honors/AP options for freshmen, SFHS regards a total of eight (8) honors/ AP classes taken in the sophomore, junior, and senior year as a most rigorous course of study. In the 2020-2021 school year, students may enroll in no more than four (4) Honors/AP courses per semester at SF.“

D took 2 more than what is stated above so she was above what is considered most rigorous.

My kids found out when they accepted and met with their asvisore to schedule classes, I have no idea if they could’ve found out before then.

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I have a friend involved with Whitman’s Semester in the West program, taught ever other year. He’s been so impressed with the student’s he’s met. Don’t know what your son’s interests are, but might be worth checking out.

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I am so sorry.

Congrats! Looks like our sons will be in the same class at Whitman!


I’m very sorry to hear this. It is been such a hard year for class of 21 and this just adds to the hardship. I’m sure she will get in a wonderful school!

Yes, congrats to your son!

Guys I have to tell you something that happened because not only was it the most stressful month I can remember, the cherry on top may have been when Mr Meddy and D21 were filling out the FAFSA, the screen alerted them that her social security number had already been used. So after listening from another room that they remained stuck for far too long, I told them to call the helpline immediately as they were about to close. The kind woman on the phone told my daughter, “You see that button underneath the warning? Just press continue.” They laughed at the fact they had both missed it. Some other kid had made a typo when filling theirs out and there was no fraud like what we were all worried about. :nerd_face:


congrats @whyboydanny and @buckythedog and condolences @goldpenn

The fact that so many great kids here getting deferrals or denials is sobering.