Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@srparent15 regarding UVA, I follow what the admissions people say pretty closely because I have a current first year student there and D22 is very interested. One of their admissions deans, Dean J, posts frequently on Instagram, Twitter and Reddit and has a blog. She has said more than once that the test scores really are optional this year. She consistently answers questions on these platforms and is so (refreshingly) clear about UVA’s process, expectations etc. I don’t think they are hiding anything by not releasing those stats as part of the release of info about ED. I feel that this whole process can be very confusing and hard to figure out but I feel that UVA and Dean j (and also David Groves of UGA) are straight shooters. Anyway just my two cents!


We knew the odds were very slim but still DS is very disappointed to get rejected from CalTech. It was the first decision from his high reach schools. Good luck to everyone…it is shaping up to be a tough year it seems.


D19’s friend (really a family friend—we all love her) is one of those people who is curious about everything and a deep thinker. She’s outgoing and sunny but not a partier. Academically, she feels challenged there, but not stressed. She loves the outdoor program!

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Oh , I am sorry to hear that, @kartaqueen. Hugs to your S.

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I am sorry, it stinks to get disappointing news.

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I’m so sorry, it’s tough.

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No idea. Just repeating what I saw and since my son also applied there, we were looking at the stats releasing by them which broke down how many they accepted, how many were in vs out of state, male/female, etc. lots of information, except what percent submitted test scores, and then I saw that this morning and while they obviously didn’t except only people who submitted a test score, I did read previously in her blog a comment about them saying they’re TO but that they’re also not going to discuss that information, so it does make you wonder why they aren’t providing the info either. Doesn’t bother me either way because I think people should do what works for them and not use Covid as an excuse not to submit a test. It’s one thing if Covid is the reason you couldn’t take a test, or couldn’t prep for a test, but there were many people who were done testing last February and had no intention of taking any test after that point of time and then decided to just not submit a test once schools went TO. TO IMO was really meant for people who were not able to get a test or a test under standard testing conditions in the same manner as someone who took it pre-covid, that’s it. Not for people to take advantage of the situation. Just my opinion.


I would agree in that I think UVA may read groups of kids from a particular school together, so they’re aware of where kids had greater access to tests, particularly if their peers were able to test more than once. I love DeanJ and her transparency and follow her as well. TO may also play out differently in EA and RD - it sounds like a lot of TO kids were deferred. I do think they are trying to be thoughtful - I don’t envy how difficult their jobs are this year and I know they are trying their best to take all information they have into account.


Re UVA TO- I agree with what you are both saying. I think I should have said- it seems that they said that if you couldn’t test, don’t worry. I do think that they couldn’t help but notice if the applicants from a certain school or area all/almost all did have a score but another similarly situated student did not.

All of this has been discussed a lot on here in general. I don’t really have any special insights and I feel for the students because it (test optional) can inject more uncertainty and stress in an already stressful process.

Best of luck to all going through it! Fingers crossed for you!!

Sorry for Middlebury! I mean this as in their loss really. I know there is a better landing place for your daughter. I promise. D18’s first thoughts of a college experience would never have lived up to Amherst. We can all see that clearly now. I wish the same for your daughter.


D21 got a letter in the mail inviting her to the Honors College at UNH. So UNH has given D21 three pieces of good news, all arriving separately over the course of a week. One, that she was accepted, two, that she was awarded the highest merit scholarship they offer, and three, that she can join the Honors College. That’s kind of nice that they spread it out like that.

She finds out decisions from two other colleges this coming week. One’s a lotto school and one’s another “safety” (I hate that word though - it’s a college she really likes and would be happy to attend).


I wanted to share the news that D21 was accepted at her ED school today - Middlebury College. She fell in love with it several years ago and has never wavered. We are over the moon with joy and pride! Go Panthers! :blue_heart::white_heart::blue_heart:


Congrats, @Solstice155!

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Congratulations, @Solstice155 ! Great news!

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Hugs - thinking of you and your daughter. I always enjoy your posts and learning about her journey - I hope she is excited or soon will be getting excited about other places. So many wonderful LACs that would want someone just like her.


So my sons was auto admitted like 3 days after he submitted the app in early Oct. He received admit to his major CNS bio and Plan 2 honors when we checked the portal on the Friday before thanksgiving, with deans scholar still pending. He didn’t get an email from Plan 2 until this week sometime. So admission to major and plan 2 ( which is also considered a major- on same date). I’m not sure I’ve seen any admits to the science honors like deans, health sciences or Turing …


@Solstice155 Congrats to your D!


@GoldPenn thank you. It is bittersweet to post news when I know others are hurting. :blue_heart:


I wouldn’t have minded a limit for mine. The district is not considered great and there was no limit so they both had over 2O IB and AP courses . Regular courses hurt your rank in reality. If you wanted to get seen by a selective HS you really needed to take all you could. My oldest had lots of ECs too and it was a lot but he wanted a certain type of college experience, and demographically was competing with private school kids from our city. It is good they get the school profiles on how each one works!