Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Thank you so much for letting me know. Congrats once again.

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D goes to the only IB school within 300 miles. It is well known if you plan on top 20 (except MIT) then you have to do IB. 2 years ago there was an Brilliant student who got into Harvard and MIT w/o doing IB.
Edit D is not in the IB program as she is STEM and not targeting select schools.

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@Solstice155 It’s so kind of you to say, and I appreciate your thoughtful private message to me. It sounds like Middlebury is ideal for your D and she has loved it for so long. It’s the right place for her.

I’m not certain why my D wasn’t accepted but I tend to think it wasn’t the best fit (despite the many things my D liked about it). From the beginning, my D has been most excited at the idea of an all-women’s college—the prospect makes her eyes light up. She became sidetracked when seeing what some of the co-ed schools, such as Middlebury and Amherst offer, and she switched tracks. I hope and expect that she will find the right place for her, whether all-women’s or co-ed, and that in the end things will turn out okay. In the meantime, it’s hard not to worry and it’s hard to see your child get rejected, as inevitable as it might be. I really appreciate the camaraderie and support of this group. :hearts:


I may have a Minuteman (woman?) here. D is really thrilled about her UMASS acceptance and it comes in affordable. Definitely not the least expensive by far, but affordable. She’s still big school bound and while her application says Science all over it, she’s still thinking about animation. So front runners are UMASS, UCF or the lottery ticket USC.

Congrats to all the ED’ers who had good news! And hugs to those who are hurting.


Congrats! I am a UMASS grad and played basketball there. Loved it. We did not use Minutewomen on any of our gear
 opposing teams frat boys had tooo much fun with that mascot;)


D21 got accepted ED to Amherst last night, I posted on the Amherst board but not here. Thank you to those of you who saw it and congratulated me over there.

Obviously we are over the moon excited in our house. However, like @Solstice155 said, it is tempered by the knowledge that others just like us are hurting. I knew last night was going to be filled with tears, I just didn’t know if they would be happy tears or sad tears. It’s such an emotional thing for these kids, and they are kind of on display in front of their family and friends when it happens. My heart breaks for those that got/will get bad news during the ED season.

I still feel like I did when we decided that D was going to probably use all 20 slots on her CA, this year is going to be even more difficult and random than normal, and a normal year is still pretty difficult and random. In the end, the number of seats hasn’t materially changed. These kids are going to get in somewhere, probably most of them to a high choice. And for many of them it will be a better place for them personally than the ones who rejected them. That’s really hard to see in the moment especially when you are 17. But the reality is that there isn’t usually just one good option.

Fortunately she got lucky. Don’t get me wrong, she worked her butt off the last 4 years, and both of us made choices and sacrifices to make it more likely. But there is still a random element present, and she was fortunate to be on the right side of things. If your son/daughter wasn’t or isn’t, keep your head up. It’s nice to get it over early, but in the end it really only matters where things stand next August, not in December of their senior year. They will get where they need to be. Good luck.


Seats also filled up really quickly.


The couple of IB schools anywhere near us do not take out-of-district students. We aren’t moving, lol.

@dadof4kids congratulations to you and your Daughter.

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I think it is more accurate to say If IB is offered at your school, then you have to do IB unless you have something else compelling about your application.

I would assume they would question why a student wouldn’t take IB if it was available. But I know several current students and very recent grad kids at MIT, Duke, Stanford, and most of the Ivies that went to our HS that does not offer IB. None of the ones I am counting are recruited athletes either, and most are pretty average unhooked white kids. D was just accepted to Amherst, great class rank and lots of AP but the closest IB program is 2 hours from here, and she certainly wasn’t going.


I assumed TVBingeWatcher2 meant that kids at their particular school must do IB to be competitive for selective colleges (since at that school IB is the ‘most rigorous’ option).



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I just received an interesting message
 I have almost reached my limit of allowed “likes/ :heart:”! That is hilarious. I’m sorry I liked so many posts today with all the decisions rolling out. My bad CC. :woman_shrugging: :woman_facepalming:


I did not add the laughing emoji. I think I touched it scrolling accidentally.


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@DramaMama2021 I got a message one day that I had responded to the same person too many times. Um, okay!

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@purplemama Nice job with the avatar


Agree I love the avatar. I always wonder how people will handle this, doubly so in your case because of the rivalry. Great solution!


Our school got rid of naviance a few years ago which is a bummer because what they use now stinks and is inaccurate but is that a feature new to naviance or has your school always shown that? I know when we had naviance ours never showed how many applied to a school until the following year. Also, unless a student themselves actually updated the info, it wasn’t always accurate and that includes our current program. For instance, we have someone who got into MIT last year, was waitlisted at Harvard. She then got into Harvard. There is no dot on the scattergram showing anyone got into MIT or Harvard. We actually have 2 going to Harvard and neither are on there. It is frustrating for current applicants when the data our school provides isn’t accurate when they count on students and wonder if other schools do that too.

My son has schools marked off that he is applying to that he isn’t. So if he went to your school they would be on that list too. One he sent a transcript to early but changed his mind after the virtual tour. I don’t think he’s removed that, so how do those students affect your naviance numbers? Or like I said the ones who don’t report at all?

If your school counseling office does it all that’s fantastic. I think they should or have an assistant hired to keep track of this all since they obviously know which schools they’ve sent transcripts to.

It no doubt would help ease a lot of kids anxiety to see these numbers come down.

No doubt top schools like Michigan, Virginia, GA Tech, Illinois, NU, Ivies for RD, Duke, UNC, on and on will start seeing their EA/RD pool start to go way down. I had seen UVA previously report their EA applicants. I would love to see if they report that number again when they release those decisions in Jan/Feb.

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“I’m applying to” doesn’t mean applying, as you know. In fact “I’m applying” here doesn’t even mean they end up applying at all. D had transcripts send to 15 schools and they are all in here “applying to” bucket since they have to be in order for the GC to send transcripts but now she’s cooling on one of them and likely won’t apply.

I’m guessing you’re right. Kids at your school put colleges in that bucket but then were talked out of it by GCs. You’re also right that this could happen every year and maybe you’ve just not had a reason to look in the past.