Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Not sure what we are doing this year because our school has been all remote so can’t give in person thank yous and gifts, but two years ago we gave gift cards to a local restaurant and candy from a local specialty shop in the school colors (so for example like red licorice and something white colored) and then they wrapped it up in red and white tissue paper and my daughter also wrote her thank you on her red card stock stationery. My kids only did this once they committed to their schools. It was a lot of fun. This go around it’s a boy so we haven’t quite come up with something yet. Restaurants are also closed here other than outside dining but it’s winter so no one is doing that right now so have to think of something more creative.

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@EGHopeful thank you!!

@purplemama I got our counselor and LOR teachers Amazon gift cards and will get the teachers gift cards later. I usually gift teachers gift cards for places that save them time or a place where they can get themselves something for themselves vs sharing with their family–massage, facial. With COVID, it’ll just be amazon or Doordash.

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Georgetown released EA results early - S21 accepted! He is beyond excited. My kid who lives and breathes politics and the news could go to school in DC, with an administration he campaigned for. He wants to get out of our small, Southern, very red town so much.

A big gulp here - I suspect we will be full pay or nearly so. He has already been accepted to in-state schools and would get merit aid that would make tuition nearly zero. But this is probably money well spent.


Congratulations, @SammoJ!

@SammoJ - Fabulous news!!! So very happy for your son!!!

Congrats to your D!!! So happy for her that the crazy process is now complete!!!

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@SammoJ Congratulations!! Sounds like a perfect spot for him!

With D19 we waited to give teachers thank you gifts until D made her decision. We got Tulane Tervis cups and filled them with candy and gave those along with a thank you note.


Congratulations @SammoJ!

Congrats and my D feels exactly like that in our Southern town. Hoping that she also gets into some schools up North!


We did gift cards to a coffee shop last go around, a bigger one to the teacher that provided substantial help on S19’s essays.

Probably will do the same this year, although I do like the Amazon idea too. Very easy to use. Probably $25, but what is insultingly low/inapproprately extravagant will vary wildly from community to community I would think.

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We got little stuffed animals with the college logo on them. I assume most of the college bookstores have something like that available.

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Great news, @SammoJ!

Our D21 gave her teachers (both female) a handwritten card, nice hand cream, and a box of chocolates. She chose everything and was able to deliver in person since her school is not online.

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Congratulations to your son. My son was deferred so he disappointed but doing ok.


AOPS is a great curriculum for math competitions though it may not be as helpful for SAT type math. To do well on AMC 10/12, I would recommend at least Volume 1 and Volume 2. To go deeper, one has to master the individual text books on Algebra, geometry, NT and C&P

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@SammoJ congratulations! Sounds like a perfect fit for your S!

@123Mom123 thank you! Hoping for the best news for your S this week!

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All, thank you for the congrats. @100lbdog, I’m sorry your S was deferred, hope RD goes well!

@anaray, hope your D escapes to the North (apologies to our Southern members, but this has been a particularly bad year for a liberal to live in Dixie).

@momtogkc and @dadof4kids, I like your gift ideas. S is already writing thank you notes to his GC and recommenders, we will have to think what to add.


Lol! Yes.