Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congrats! Do you know much about UMass’s process, i.e. does it notify admits before notifying those not accepted? We are from CA but UMASS is high on my D’s list, and she hasn’t heard anything yet…

@purplemama We bought small gifts on Etsy and D21 made cards for each recommender.

@SammoJ Congrats to your son—it sounds like it’s the perfect place for him!


@SammoJ Congratulations to your son! It really does sound like Georgetown is the perfect college for him!

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Congrats on G-town. What a nice Sunday surprise!

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I don’t know how UMASS decides. They did post on the IG page that this was just one wave of EA admissions though. Good luck!

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Congrats to all getting great news this past week - more to come this week I’m sure. :tada:

I also really feel for those who have not gotten the news they were hoping for and hope that by May 1, these moments in December won’t feel as crushing anymore (though I suppose this could be another year when waitlist season is more active than usual and things drag on)?

I know there is a lot of stress heading into this next week when many schools are giving ED decisions…it’s making me think hard about whether or not my D23 should consider ED when it’s her turn! (not a factor for S21)


the Wash DC area is a great place to live. My son goes to high school down the street from the Capitol and it’s amazing the things they get to see and do just being downtown. A Jesuit education is also amazing. Congrats to your son!


We just had this discussion last night, in the past it was swag from where they decided to attend, this year probably an emailed gift card. Oh, plus a thank you note of course.

I have just quickly read thru all the posts … there has been a lot of activities …

First, I would like congrats to all got accepted! What a great way to go into the holiday season.

I am so sorry to hear all the rejections & the deferrals… My D21 also got deferred from her ED school. It’s hard; but, I firmly believe she will land where she belongs … if she doesn’t like it after a year … I told her, she can always transfer …

Lastly, as a suggestion - some of you might want to check if your bank will issue VISA GC without service charge. I know some bank does as part of their service.


I love your positive attitude! (And am thankful you reminded me about calling CC to see if they will issue gift cards without activation fees. AMEX has done that for us in the past.)

Best wishes for your D as the college process continues. It is such a rollercoaster.

I got everyone a wireless charger. Doubles for earbuds and phone.


@evergreen5, we also had issues with Naviance. Half of the schools my daughter applied to disappeared from her “Applying To” list. For some of the schools like UMD & UGA, UDel, to name a few, the number of applications more than doubled. UGA had more applicants this year than the last 5 years combined!

I am in shock! My daughter was excepted to BU! I really thought she wouldn’t since her SAT score was below the 50% mark and because we are not full pay. So incredibly proud of her!


Congrats, @tellis6653! Great school!

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Us too!


@tellis6653 Congrats on BU! I am from Mass and just love Boston! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: What a great place to go to college!



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@tellis6653 Congratulations!

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@tellis6653 congratulations!! Husky in the house!! :heart::black_heart:


D21 heard she got into a safety today with excellent merit. Although it is moot, shh HT e was happy.