Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@AlmostThere2018 Congrats on WPI! I grew up near there but don’t know much about it, sorry!

@seoace Congrats on being done - very exciting and now you can enjoy winter break!

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Excellent news for you son! Decisions will be in his future which is always a positive thing!! Congrats to him!

Here’s some info about WPI from a recent thread on DCUM College … I know nothing about WPI, just passing on some info I read on the other site:

“I am an engineer, hire a ton of new engineers and have managed over 100 engineers. The smartest group by far, including those that I have hired from MIT … graduated from WPI. Second group of really smart engineers seem to come from Syracuse.”


@seoace Wow!! So incredibly impressive. Congratulations!

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@DramaMama2021, thank you for the input! I think it doesn’t mean too much.

She did tour there, in person, in March right before Covid, and H was with her and they both say they didn’t ask anything other than check her name off on a list. But she has done virtual things since so could be there.

Nothing in forums or anywhere. OR at least not yet. She is going to ask her GC tomorrow to see how common this is from this school. Expecting it is common, of course.

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@lvgnzl – tks for sharing that – I’ll try to track down the thread!

You never know. :slight_smile: Something in the information they have on her or picked up in information sessions, interviews, etc. she attended could have grabbed their attention.

Congratulations to all those with admissions today!

@2Devils My S21 got a phone call from a top school that he has on the common app asking if he needs help completing the application or has any questions. We had no idea that schools are alerted when you add them to the common app. Maybe they are really interested in your D21, is it a major with not a lot of women?


@ Aguadecoco, I never thought it had less women until she won a “women in …” merit scholarship for a summer program (sadly got canceled due to Covid) which mentioned it is a traditionally male (humanities)field.

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The Stanford former AO is live again answering posts so you could maybe ask him his thoughts about your D’s email? @2Devils

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Did your daughter reach out to this dept chair first?

Congratulations! I have a friend who attended, great school!

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Congratulations on the school and the program!

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Getting that first decision is so big - they know that they have someplace to go, and the Scholar program is big!

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@TomMW4 Nope, not at all. His email to her is the first contact from the department.

I obviously have no idea but wonder if they weren’t happy with the quality of apps during their first round. Anyway, I would ask your D to make submitting their app a priority.


@AlmostThere2018 can you please let me know if you find it?

@2Devils - My D has received a few emails from department heads and profs at Columbia. She has done a virtual tour and has it on her “applying to” list on Naviance. I think these are targeted ads more than personal emails. Hope that helps.

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Not sure if this link will be allowed, but here it is. It’s mainly a thread where folks are weighing in on (bashing, lol) UVA engineering for some reason, but then someone chimes in about WPI. Keep scrolling to the bottom. Side note: these DC parents don’t hold back!