Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I forgot that you said the school has LORs. That changes things, in my opinion. It will be interesting to see how things turn out. Good luck to her!!

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How does the college have LoRs already? Aren’t those part of common app, and not sent until the app is officially submitted? If the HS sent them directly, did they just go via email?

Our transcripts and letters of rec are sent if requested. CA can follow. D has two schools that have those and not her app yet.


Thanks, didn’t know that. I don’t think our HS does that!

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I dont know if all schools have this, but LOR’s get submitted via Naviance with the common app here. Teacher uploads to Naviance, then it is all automated I guess. Also son said letters are “blind” unless you request to see them.

Our school doesn’t use Naviance any longer but even when they did the LOR’s were only submitted through Common App and only after student selected which teacher they chose for the LOR.

No offense to your school @2Devils but it’s a little creepy that they sent that info on ahead without your daughter’s permission. My son had 3 teacher LOR’s but chose very carefully which LOR he was using for each school and in some cases only submitted 1 not all 3 depending on what and how many the school wanted and which school he applied to based on the program.

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Yes. I can tell because, when D sends CA in and we get the portals, I can see that the transcript, the profile, and the recs were sent before the CA. The dates are there.


My D21 is awaiting her ED results from Davidson, which will be released tonight at 9:00pm. Does anyone else find that time unusual?! They announced the date and time a week ago. This is officially the longest day ever in our household!


Yes, our school sends transcripts directly and early
my kids have sent tons of transcripts to schools they never applied to. But regarding the LoRs, I just didn’t know those went separately or early, prior to the the CA being submitted. I do think it’s a bit odd
and if you haven’t done the CA, how does the school know which LoR to send? At least in the case where there are more than one LoRs, and school only takes one.

Almost all of D’s schools take two teacher recs so GC just sends both. If they only take one, we tell the GC early in fall which one should go.

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The kids do not see the recs. They pick which teachers they ask, teachers can even interview kids and ask for more info before they agree to write one. Then the school sees them and sends them. They kids and parents agree to the list thhey are applying to before thanksgiving often way earlier. You can always add, and of course you can always decide not to finish, but it is just part of how they do it. They have a great track record so we trust the process. When we as a family agree to the list , that is the “permission “. It is all done by the school after that, other than the student part of the CA.

And if the school wants just one or allows an extra? The school decides which . We trust them. All she/we can see is which recs were sent to which school. She has 3 total and it isnt the same 2 sent to all the schools with 2. Again, we trust them. They know D very very well and there were many hours of conversations before this fall that went into all of it.

I love seeing all the good news and doors opening for our 21’s! My heart also goes out to the kids who were deferred/denied.

It reminds me of DH’s journey. As a high school kid, he had his heart set on Princeton. He applied early, didn’t get in, and was devastated. He ended up at University of Miami where he had entirely too much fun, and was asked to leave. Then, he headed to CU Boulder. Eventually, he got serious about academics again, graduated and was accepted to NYU medical school. In his second year, he took a leave of absence, and wasn’t sure he would ever go back.

Now, after a few more detours, he is an MD/PhD. He’s grateful that he didn’t get into Princeton because he would have felt he had to play to his strengths there, and probably would have ended up working for his father’s business. He thinks he learned more on his wandering path. Right now especially, he feels like he ended up where he was meant to be (he’s in infectious disease and immunology).


We use Naviance and there are actually 2 areas that the kids load schools into. First they can pick schools the are interested in for a list. They start doing this end of sophomore year. Tells them when schools are visiting, gets them on the marketing train. As they weed through that list they move schools into a ‘schools I’m applying to’ section. In our case it is those schools that are moved to the second section that get LOR’s and transcripts automatically. The school does this at some point first semester well before any deadlines to apply so that is there are issues or late additions they have time to send them. Our students are also recommended at that time to send ACT and SAT score reports so it is done. There are a lot sent to schools kids end up not applying to for many reasons. My daughter has at least 3 schools in that section that we receive multiple emails and snail mails a day from for her to finish her CA and apply. A couple have also sent scholarship info and application fee waivers based on what they have. It is very big brother. Our school also uses naviance to push the CA out to the schools. I believe different schools buy different modules of naviance so that is why there is a difference between our kids use of the system and what we can see when we visit scatter grams and graphs.

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@2Devils We all get caught up in speculation, and the truth is, we’ll never know. I can’t see an Ivy needing to drum up business (I’m going with the glass half full), so I would have her go for it. She is half way done with the application anyway. Wishing her all the best!


I love these stories!

@3SailAway Was it you who posted about your DH working on the vaccine trial & the phases in which it would be distributed? Any more good news? :slight_smile:

I certainly hope CA is not selling your full list or # of apps to anyone. We don’t want schools worried about yield protection.


I would have thought this was true, bur our D got tons of marketing and letters, several with fee waivers, from Ivies and other T20s, even though she’s never shown interest. Still, if any of them were on her list, I’d encourage her to apply! I just wouldn’t read too much into what it means for the ultimate decision because there is so much uncertainty.

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DH is very very pleased with the vaccine data. His healthcare organization should receive Moderna’s vaccine the weekend after Christmas. He can’t wait to get that jab.


Awhile back in this thread, I thought someone posted that they heard an ND admissions officer say that students should submit test scores, even if they were not at or greater than the 50% ND average. I assumed ND meant Notre Dame. Does anyone know if there is any truth to that or know the source ? I told my D not to submit her ACT score there as she only took once pre-Covid with very lopsided scores- English/reading in the 50% ball park and math/sci way below. Her subsequent tests were all canceled and I told her to let it go. Now I am wondering if it looks worse if she doesn’t send it at all.