Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)


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That is great news! Congrats!

I am scheduled for Pfizer vaccine this Thursday.


If you guys are getting the vaccine, it means you are Tier 1 Frontline workers. Thank you!!!


@srparent15 Yes, but you attach particular recommenders to particular schools, so at least that part would be directed by the student. I agree, it’s weird that parts of the app would be sent before the app is paid for and sent. Obviously that would happen with scores.

Such a strange process, lol. While we of course never see the recs as our students are required to waive their rights of course, there is no minimum or max to how many people they can ask to write them. So when they add a teacher, or coach or whomever, they make the decision who they want to have write their rec for each particular school/program. Interesting how your school does it. I guess your school is a little more involved in reading the recs and ensuring no bad recs go out for any one kids, but I guess I look at that as part of the process if a kid doesn’t know a teacher well enough to know they shouldn’t be asking that teacher or the teacher should be declining.

Also since schools don’t always decide what major a kid is applying to it’s surprising the high school would submit a LOR before an application is even started or completed. One of my kids applied for different majors at different schools depending on the school and strength of major, and then also needed different recs for honors programs.

I guess just another just one of those cool differences among high schools that make them all unique! :slight_smile:

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Kids here choose two teachers for their recs. D is pretty much undecided on major and the advice I’ve always read is choose teachers who know you well and ideally one from the humanities and one from STEM if you can. Like I said above, almost all of her schools require two teacher recs. GC sends both. She has a few schools that only want one. We were responsible for knowing that and giving direction to the GC on which one to send. It’s really pretty simple.


D’s friend who I’ve been helping a little bit may find out about her ED school tonight - they haven’t announced it but it is a possibility. It is a reach but only because she had one bad year that messed up her GPA, she definitely could handle the work if she was there. I am so nervous for her, I feel like it’s my own D about to find out. :grimacing: I did go out and buy her ice cream in case it does come out tonight and she ends up at our house.

Meanwhile D21 has two more this week I think and one is Tulane. She is super stressed about that because she knows SO many kids from our school including some of the very top kids also applied. Her sister is there and I know it would hurt to not get in. Can’t wait for it to be Friday


The same same exact thing happened to my kid with UNH and I"m so glad she has it in hand before the lotto school decision. Thinking the best for your daughter!!!

Hi, I posted that because my S21 heard that at one of their virtual sessions.

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D18 is a contact tracer for our county in NJ (she works remotely from her college in another state) and tells me that our county starts giving the moderna vaccine tomorrow! It’s very limited in the beginning, only 500 doses a week for our county. Strange I hadn’t heard much about the moderna vaccine lately, I thought pfizer vaccine would be the first ones out there.


Thanks, and congrats to your teen on UNH!

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@bestmom888 Moderna was just approved by the FDA today.


Pretty sure it is not going to be given tomorrow but I think it will be given soon and it is great we will have two vaccines out there.


H and I should get vaccine soon
exact timing unknown still.


@3SailAway, I’m glad to hear that. Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy holiday season!

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D21 in at Santa Clara!


Congratulations - two in two days!!

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My boy’s a Jumbo! :elephant: :partying_face:


D21 admitted ED to Hamilton! (No test scores submitted.)

:star_struck: :champagne: :tada: :sparkler:

We are excited beyond description!