Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congratulations to @textbooked, @creaky, and @homerdog! And anyone else I missed

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Congrats to all with acceptances tonight! Letā€™s keep the good news coming! Woot! :partying_face: :crossed_fingers:t3: :confetti_ball:


Listening to Jeff Selingo in a live chat ; he did two back to back on different venues: he mentioned many selective schools have greatly increased early round apps, but then said today he has some information some are down. Anyone know which schools are down? Selfishly hoping some of Dā€™s RD schools will be looking to the regular pool for more of the class than usualā€¦


Iā€™m watching one on this terrible platform. lots of Jr. parents. Not much scoop.

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@mamaedefamilia We havenā€™t visited SCU but she really liked all of the virtual events and thought sheā€™d really fit with the students too. Iā€™m happy for her for this one. LMU next - I think we should hear on Friday.

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Thanks for chiming in and good to hear from a local on SCU. Itā€™s so hard to know the real reputation of schools so far away. Hopefully the state of CA will be marginally more open by April so kids can visit campuses!


As much as Iā€™m happy with all these acceptances, we have a long wait to hear from S21ā€™s list of colleges, maybe Jan endā€¦ Then by March, UCs (Univ of CA) start comingā€¦Such a long waitā€¦


Right there with you. D has one more this week, one in Jan, and ten in March!!


Right there with you both! :slight_smile: Two coming up on the 19th and 21st, 4 in Jan-Feb, and 6 in March. Itā€™s going to be such a long wait!


Congratulations to everyone on all the great acceptances! Such fun to read such positive news on here!

S21ā€™s EA schools donā€™t notify until January and February, except for his biggest lottery school which heā€™ll hear from this weekend (and likely wonā€™t be good news). So I am living vicariously through you all!


Same here!


D21 was accepted into Santa Clara today too. Yay!

SCU isnā€™t at the top of the list, but itā€™s a fantastic local option. SCU is the only decision until March, when sheā€™ll mainly be waiting for the CA publics to release.


Another Santa Clara! Congrats!

Older article, April 2017, SCU (#21) checks in right after MIT (#20) in Silicon Valley hiring.

SCU may be unheard of on the Midwest and East Coast, but itā€™s well-known out here.

You may know this already, but thereā€™s an older film, released in 2002, titled ā€œBend It Like Beckham.ā€ The main character of the film and her soccer teammate/ friend are trying to get a scholarship to play at SCU (from England), which at that time, had a top notch womenā€™s soccer program.

Itā€™s still a very good soccer program, but the powerhouse out here on the West Coast and nationally is and has been Stanford for many, many years.

Brandi Chastain is their famous soccer alumnus. Aly Wagner is another.

And our CA Governor, Gavin Newsom, received his college degree from SCU. Though heā€™s losing a little of his luster out here. :slight_smile:


Tufts alum here. Congrats! This alum canā€™t afford to send her kid there. :frowning: great school in a great area!


Congrats to all who got acceptances yesterday.

Coming in to clarify vaccine information. Only the Pfizer vaccine is being given currently. The Moderna vaccine just got the initial step towards emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA yesterday. There is a hearing Thursday and then they expect EUA Friday. Canā€™t come soon enough for me. I participated in the Moderna trial and will be unblinded once it gets through the FDA, then will either get the Moderna vax through the trial or the Pfizer vax next week.


@mm5678 CC has an Inside Medicine thread for Covid and vaccine related posts. I do hope neither trial unblinds, so more long term data can be collected. At the Pfizer EUA meeting last week, they discussed keeping the Phase 3 blinded, and doing a crossoverā€¦those who received placebo initially would get the vaccine, those who received the vaccine receive placebo injections. Not sure if they have decided what to do yet.

I am not sure if this is the place to post, if not please redirect me. We are from Florida so my daughter sent her SAT score to every school because she felt if she didnā€™t, she would be lying. Her guidance counselor told her she had to send it. Of course now reading all these comments I think she might be at a disadvantage at OOS schools. She ranked 5/600 4.00gpa 5.4hpa 45 college credits (AP,AICE and Dual enrollment), butā€¦1380, she just froze. So my question is should she apply to other schools without test scores? If so any recommendations? College town, football, Greek life, business or communications. Thank you.

We need to know the schools to offer guidance re: applying with or without test scores.

Generally, if they are below the 25%ile of previous yearā€™s admitted student scores, donā€™t send. If 50% or above send. 25%ile to 50%ile is gray area, and school (and applicant) dependent.

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She applied to UNC, Michigan, Tulane, UF (obviously), UT (rejected), UGA (accepted),

She is thinking about Emory, and Wash U. I was wondering if there were any other suggestions, that were still open. Michigan was the only northern school because my brother went there.

One more thing, I was told you canā€™t get merit scholarships without test scores, is that correct? She got a scholarship at UGA.