Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

And interesting thing is my son’s name is Gautam too!

Hi all! It’s been a while. Been lurking. Congrats to the many acceptances. And to those facing some disappointment, new doors will soon open.

After S21 received his Pitt acceptance in Sept, I tried not to obsess as we waited on EA decisions to come.

His top choice has been his dad’s and my alma mater, Loyola U Maryland. He was admitted today with presidential and legacy scholarships that bring the COA to below that of Pitt in-state.

He came down to tell us all decked out in Loyola gear and super excited. There are now officially three Greyhounds in our family. And that other kid who goes to Penn State. :joy:


Woohoo!! Great news! Congrats!

@InfiniteWaves , so happy for you! And congrats on the scholarships :partying_face: It’s really fun to have a kid at your alma mater!

@Totoros, @anaray and @rochboy21, I’m sorry for the disappointments. Rejection really hurts, even when you know that eventually good things will come your way :broken_heart:.


Love this news and the visual of your son, so proud in his swag.


Yes @InfiniteWaves that is so great!! I would love if any of our kids went to our alma mater, sadly none of my Florida kids are willing to go to the border of Canada for four years. :joy: :cold_face:


Does anyone know if your kid’s counselor receives notification of admissions decisions?

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ours does not. She likes it when we let her know though!

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I am not sure if D21 counselor received individual admissions decision but she said she received an email with ED stats. She did tell her to state in her LOCI that the school was still her first choice.

I don’t know if the GC receives some type of notification later, but our students are asked to email the GC and class dean and then update Scoir with their decisions.

ETA: As decisions are made, the students also notify whoever manages the school social media. There is an Instagram for Futures of XXXX Class of 2021 (or something along those lines). They update it with a pic of the student and their new college logo. It is fun to see. Just bummed my D won’t be on there until April! lol

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Ours does not. That’s one of the reasons why our Naviance isn’t as accurate as it could be.


Same. Kids update Naviance with their decisions themselves at the end of us year. GCs try to get everyone down to the office to get that done but I’m guessing they don’t get 100 percent of the kids

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@MamaSquale Yes, Georgetown wants it all. My only hesitation with not sending all AP scores - wouldn’t they see those classes on her transcript?

So in seeing some recent posts about the high number of acceptances of TO applicants, here are Penn’s stats which seem to be the opposite.

"The University of Pennsylvania received 7,962 applications under the first-choice Early Decision Program for the entering class of 2025. From this group of highly talented and compelling students from around the globe, 1,194 students were offered admission, approximately 50% of the expected enrolling class in the fall of 2021.

Nationally, 43 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and Guam are represented in the class with the highest concentration of admitted students from Pennsylvania (198), New York (152), California (122), New Jersey (113) and Florida (48). Fifty-six students reside in the city of Philadelphia.

13% of the class are international students based on their citizenship, hailing from 56 countries from Australia to Zimbabwe.

54% percent of the admitted students are female, 50% of the admitted students are U.S. Citizens/Permanent Residents self-identifying as a person of color, and 12% are first-generation college students. 22% of the admitted students had a parent or grandparent attend Penn in prior generations. 13% are estimated to qualify for a Federal Pell Grant.

Admitted students have pursued a most demanding secondary school curriculum in a range of educational settings. The University of Pennsylvania adopted a test-optional policy with regard to standardized tests for the 2020-2021 application cycle. 24% of the Early Decision admitted students did not include testing as part of their application. For the admitted students including testing in their application, the middle 50% testing ranges are 1470-1560 on the SAT and 34-35 on the ACT.

Eric J. Furda C’87, Penn’s Dean of Admissions, commented, “After a year as unusual and challenging as this one, my colleagues and I were inspired by the resilience, creativity and hopefulness exhibited by these applicants to Penn. We are humbled by their commitment to their studies and to their communities despite the extraordinary circumstances of this past year. We look forward to that spirit enriching the Penn community.”

The University of Pennsylvania enrolls a first-year class of 2,400 students across the College of Arts & Sciences, the School of Engineering and Applied Science, the Wharton School and the School of Nursing. Applications for Regular Decision may be submitted via the Common Application or the Coalition Application by January 5, 2021."


Interesting that Furda didn’t say what proportion of total applicants applied TO. The 76% of admitted students that did submit scores have mid-50% ranges that are high as ever, suggesting stronger students were able to test…maybe some of then were done prior to the pandemic.

Edited to add: it’s going to take awhile after the dust settles to really figure out this year’s admission patterns!


@mwfan1921 I thought that was interesting too, but still noted that it makes you wonder if they still preferred to take applicants that perhaps tested over those that didn’t, or if they had 76% submit scores and only 24% not, but if that was the case then that would go against the grain of all the other Ivies so far it seems.

Based on this data release, it looks like applying TO is probably less appealing at Penn.

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Congratulations @InfiniteWaves! I know how much you hoped to have another Greyhound in the family so I’m sure this is exciting news!

My S21 also got into Loyola today. He got a scholarship as well (think it was the Loyola Scholarship) as well as the Baltimore Diocesan Grant for attending a Baltimore Catholic school. While I think it would be a great fit for him, he wants to go further away from home so not his top choice, which I understand. So far, he is 4 for 4, with 3 more to hear from.


Congrats to your S!!! He is on a roll!!!

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Yep. One thing I’m curious about is what percent are international. I think it was Wesleyan that said international apps were up 40%.

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