Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Our HS has a trick for getting Naviance info updated. They add it to the graduation checklist of things that must be done before the GC will send the final transcript. I’m sure they can’t actually hold up the transcript but it’s enough leverage.


Congratulations to your S, @InfiniteWaves!

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D19 never updated her Naviance. And in fact, the schools to which she applied required self-reported grades/scores and no LOC, so she used their own apps and not the CA. As such, the Naviance stats for those schools don’t even include her having applied.

One of the international kids in the Amherst ED thread said that an admissions person from Amherst said on a Zoom that international apps were 2.3X normal this year.

Not necessarily super high quality verifiable info, but it doesn’t surprise me. Amherst may be a bit of an outlier on international apps though since they are one of the few need blind schools for international students.


We finally got our first acceptance just now to Miami (OH) which was a surprise since we had been told EA weren’t coming out until mid-January. Admitted to Engineering, OOS with a full merit scholarship. Great feeling as we head into ED notification tomorrow. I told my son if he deson’t get in he has to go to Miami, lol. Kidding, but it is a great feeling to be wanted.


Congratulations, @4kids4us and @srparent15!!!

Congratulations !

At this point if it’s meant to be it will be. Can’t go back in time.

@erd1020 Exactly. Decisions are made, the envelopes are already stuffed ready to go in the mail, and the portal is ready to release them when the time comes. He applied to 7 schools and likely a few more to go over the next few weeks if tomorrow doesn’t work out. If no good news then my thought is things always happen for a reason and it’s meant to be. It will also mean my 4 kids will be in 4 different states so lots of traveling once we can get past covid, so there are some benefits.

Good luck to everyone waiting for decisions over the next few days.


P&G recruits from Miami (OH). Make sure he applies for internships winter of his college sophomore year! It’s a great school. Some of my favorite VPs at work graduated from Miami.

I had my kids use their own debit cards. I made a deal with them in Freshman year that if I was paying for their college, they were paying for their applications. So, they saved money from summer work, birthday cash, etc for the past 4 years. (This also helped them to limit the number of schools they were applying to) – my DS had $700 for his applications. He used his own debit card to apply and I secretly giggled every time he was “shocked” at how much it costs (welcome to my world DS, welcome to my world :))

I recorded him submitting and the confetti at the end. Will match that video with the decision video.


It’s great he used his own money for the applications! D21 applied to a large number of schools, and she understands part of those application fees are part of her Christmas present this year.

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Congrats to your S!!! And best wishes to him today!!!

@srparent15. Got the email at 12:01 for Miami as well pleasant surprise. Accepted for nursing and got 36K merit money.

@totoros funny we are in the exact same situation. Stressing over D21 at the same time D18 is applying to law school. Your S18 must have some good number for UCLA admit in two weeks. I could not get my D18 to apply to either UCLA or UC Berkeley as she said it was too expensive to live in California…


Congrats! My friend’s daughter has been anxiously awaiting nursing there as well. I texted her when I knew we had ours but didn’t get a response. I thought it was so strange about the email a) because they sent it to both me and my son and b) it kind of ruins the surprise for those who didn’t know it yet, lol. We’re CST so ours came at 11 but we heard beforehand they were there from someone else.

Parents - I saw someone post they were accepted REA at Yale but waiting ED at another school. Unless I completely missed the boat about them applying ED and it’s really RD, isn’t that not allowed?

What is REA? Ty

Actually Yale has what is called Single Choice Early Action. Some schools have REA…Restricted Early Action. Basically limits where else you can apply, often can’t apply SCEA or REA and ED elsewhere.

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