Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Well Said

@DramaMama2021, Congratulations to you and your D. If you don’t mind me asking, what is her major? Thanks!

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D got deferred from Case and was sad about it since she likes the school. I was a bit shocked but oh well, kid tried her best but cannot control the outcome.

She will apply for RD and see what will happen. As for us, we are hoping for UMD’s acceptance in January but this college admission process is so unpredictable.

Good luck and happy Holidays with best wishes to all !!!


Gotta say this is sad! Since summer UIUC has said all of their decisions will come out in February on the same day for both EA and RD. Never once have they said December as in the past. Additionally, it is very clear on their application and website. My point being, how is it that applicants don’t read this information when they apply to a school? For every email they received asking where their decision is from an applicant, that student should get denied. I mean seriously, if you can’t read then you have no business attending a school. This is not rocket science.

And for anyone else that doesn’t know, they’re only Admitting, Waitlisting or Denying this year so no deferrals obviously since only one date. They did it this way for Class of 2015 and 2016. It wasn’t fun those years either, and wasn’t ideal which is why they got rid of it, but this isn’t a normal year either.

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See, I think it can vary from school to school. Many schools say they will let you know by a date, but they often release in waves, for example. That is not clearly on the websites, just you’ll hear BY a certain date.

So before I got to CC I honestly had NO idea what colleges release in waves, etc. So a lot of people assume that since some do it, they all do it. Or even colleges who classically haven’t released in waves in 2020 all of the sudden are. It’s a constant moving target.

I haven’t contacted admissions for anything on behalf of my son, but I have been coming here to get information from others.

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My daughter applied to UIUC because it is our in state flagship and personally, I think the Feb notification date is ridiculous and very “State of Illinois”. Please, applicant, rush to get your application in, so we can give ourselves twice as long as every other early action school to respond.

Yes, they told the kids going in, but that doesn’t mean I have to like their policy - it’s very disrespectful to the applicant’s time and effort.


@3kids2dogs a lot of the larger state flagship schools don’t release EA decisions until January or February. I know Maryland doesn’t and neither does Virginia Tech.

I don’t understand the angst re: UIUC releasing EA decisions in Feb., other publics do that too. AFAIK, UIUC EA applicants will still be prioritized with regard to major placement, meaning some competitive majors will be full for RD applicants, just as always
so there still is indeed a benefit to getting the EA app in.


Not going to argue with you on that one. This is my second kid having to go through UofI doing this. My oldest was in this cycle too. My middle were on the December EA date. The one benefit here is that with the December release ED kids at other schools were being notified at the same time so those students were still in the pool. Now however, they are out. Hence why Illinois got rid of that one date in the first place. So to some degree those applicants are gone and kids that would have been waitlisted now will get spots that the ED students will have had. But the waiting 100% sucks for the parents.

It just is what it is and in this year of Covid people just need to be flexible. It’s not much different than people being given the ability to submit test scores or not and how that has turned everything upside down this year. Kids getting into schools that never would have before, and vice versa. We just all have to accept this for what it is and hope it all shakes out for the best.

I think it’s the two decisions coming out on the same day (EA and RD). That’s what bugs me. And it’s all very “trust me” on the EA advantage for majors - they’ve come out and said they want to look at the whole pool.

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I don’t disagree. But, as Andy Borst says: " To get decisions out today, our options would have been to 1) auto deny more students based on “lower” grades (w/o considering context), or 2) defer more students to without reading their files. You worked hard, we need more time to give your efforts due consideration."

No one wants those options either. I am very interested in knowing what their EA application volume was.

What they are doing is looking at all the EA students first. So if they like what they see from that group and fill those spots they will get them. They will go look at the next group as well but the EA group will have priority. No one in the RD group will move above the EA people. But they will be able to see every applicant at the same time. So the best RD person may move to the top of the waitlist but they won’t push someone out of the EA admit pile. My son 100% would not have gotten in that year if he had applied RD.

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I’m sure it’s high since everyone works on their applications pretty much at the same time except one difference with UIUC is that it’s not on the common app, so either you need to fill out the coalition if you haven’t already done so which is annoying, or go directly to myillini and fill it out there. You also need to self report all your own courses and grades which is annoying and time consuming, and then re-input your ECs and Honors and I think they take less than the Common App so you have to re-think those. They also do not take letter of recs so technically it does take less time for them to review than those but it is a very sterile process.

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Congrats to your D on her merit award!!! Always extra nice!!!

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Congrats to your D with Case’ acceptance.

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@GoldPenn “On bad days, it puts a little spring in my step.”


I would much rather the one Feb date instead of the waves that UT does. Why put out a date on your website and then randomly offer admissions to small groups.

I know that people say auto admits shouldn’t worry, but the kids want one of their chosen majors. I know my son will decline admission if he doesn’t get his preferred major.


Same with UNC and UVA

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That I agree with. My son has been in both sides of a waves (got in earlier and then waited until the day before the release date) and it’s frustrating for sure. He feels bad that he’s heard when his friends are still waiting and gets frustrated as to why he didn’t hear and his friends did.

I think I do prefer the all on one day approach honestly.


My D was also deferred from Case but we are on the opposite end - surprised she wasn’t flat out rejected. She went in test-optional with a strong GPA/rigor/LORs and average ECs but knew it was a crapshoot. I never thought I’d see the day when we celebrated a deferral but here we are! :slight_smile:

She is considering switching to ED but that scares me a bit because of the financials. I know CWRU is a meets need school, but not sure how this would all work out. Is a financial aid pre-read for non-athletes a thing? The NPC spits out a doable number, but so far we have found that NPCs have not been very accurate when comparing to what has been actually offered (for better and for worse).