Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@skkm0906 Exactly. Same with UVA, UNC, Michigan… I think people get antsy after hearing back from schools with rolling admissions or very early notification dates, but it’s just how it is. It really shouldn’t be considered indicative of the quality of the school or if your child would love it there (admissions is separate from academics).


Check with your HS counselor, but for my kids we print out the NPC number and if the university doesn’t hit that number then our GC will let us out of the ED agreement.


I think a lot of kids at our high school use UIUC as a safety and it’s not all that helpful to get the decision in Feb. The result is that more kids applied to the earlier decision Big Ten schools like Iowa and Indiana to get a safety under their belt.

I wish all EA decisions came in Dec. D has one EA that comes in Jan and, while I appreciate that we will get an answer before March, it’s not super helpful when it comes to the management of her list since most deadlines will have past by the time she hears from this late Jan EA.


Thank you! I just re-ran the NPC again using real numbers instead of guesstimates and it really isn’t that unmanageable. I will have D reach out to her guidance counselor too. I want to make sure D also understands that binding is actually binding - lol.


We are also in state for UIUC and my D21 will never let go of the fact that we made her fill out that damn Illini app- only school that wasn’t on CA. Since she was accepted ED she pulled her app but honestly might have pulled it anyway. We have many friends who’s kids did not have a good experience this year. Really did not offer anything for social life or school spirit during this crazy COVID fall.
Let’s face it- the state is broke and with the pension crises looming large cuts are already being made. I was a previous U of I employee and many programs at all locations are already being gutted. If you get in to CS, Geis or Engineering you will be OK as they are heavily privately endowed. The irony is she will go to a private LAC for far less then u of I would have cost us. They give hardly any merit money and we in no way qualify for any financial aid. It’s sad- my brother went in the 80’s and it was an amazing education and everyone wanted to go- good job pleacement etc.



I guess I should congrats on the deferral :slight_smile:

My D likes Case but we have a budget that we want to pay her her UG so ED 2 is not an option. We will find out in March when RD decisions come out.


@ DramaMama2021, Congrats to your D!

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Other than MIT, all of S21s EA apps notify in January and February. Its going to be a long few weeks until mid-January, when he will hopefully get at least one acceptance. His EAs are all pretty reachy and he won’t hear from his safety schools until March. If he could do it over again I think he’d have applied to those schools a few weeks earlier so he’d have a few acceptances by now. D23 is watching this application process closely and says her plan will be a lot different from her brother’s!


lol - thank you! D just came down and told me that ED is out. She has an app in at Purdue and really wants to see how that plays out. I had a feeling. Sometimes it feels like I am on a constantly spinning hamster wheel in this house :slight_smile:


My son considered UIUC but when they weren’t on common app he said it wasn’t worth the extra effort once two of the other schools went with common app this year.

Well, for me it’s kinda exciting and suspenseful with this college process since this is first time with our oldest daughter.

Good luck to your D with Purdue. We will not hear anything until the end of January when our instate UMD comes out with decisions. For now I should stay away from CC, which consume too much time.


UIUC is a bad subject here. We prepaid tuition for both kids when they were young so, if either went there, we’d just have to pay room and board. Neither is interested and neither applied. We do get that money and it was a decent investment but it’s worth full tuition at UIUC and just about $18,000/year in cash to use at other schools.

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This is our first time too and it is super exciting, I agree! So much for me because I didn’t take the traditional college route (went much later, after kids, nights, yadda yadda). So I will admit to doing a little vicarious living, but nothing too crazy, I swear! I am a planner though and the thought of D not making a decision until spring gives me a twitch!


I did too and couldn’t find.

I don’t know how CWRU shakes out on their FA specifically, so YMMV.

Between S19, D21 ED, and a D21 financial preread (Whitman will do this for anyone) at 3 different schools, 2 came in slightly higher than what I was epecting for NPC, and one slightly lower. Neither were in “change my mind” territory.

IDK, it scared me quite a bit with D’s ED app, although I kept that to myself and did not tell her or my wife that I was worried. In the end though, it came out within a couple thousand of when I was guessing. I was a bit more concerned if she used ED2 at Hamilton, which she was quite possibly going to do. For our family, their NPC was coming out at the top range of what I was wanting to spend. If they were $5-10,000 more than I was guessing, it would have been a real dilemma. Happy I didn’t have to find out. Good luck!


I understand schools wanting to wait until after most of the ED decisions are out, to help their yield. But even giving EA decisions on December 26 would give a chance to send out a last round of RD apps if you get a disappointing result.


@Curiosa2 @DavidRoman @DramaMama2021 Congrats on Case Western. It has a lot to offer in a great location (call me weird, I like Cleveland, especially the neighborhood where CWRU is located) and their merit awards can be very attractive. @ttb1263 and @RachelAC don’t give up hope - a deferral is not a rejection! I’m sure you know that demonstrated interest is important there, so an expression of continued interest or addition of new information to the application can’t hurt! Good luck!


Thanks @mamaedefamilia. CWRU is a bit of a mystery to us - a good fit on paper for my son but we don’t know much about it and plans to visit got scrapped by COVID. Our new strategy is to wait and see what options remain after all decisions in and then get serious with the research on the remaining. (that plan is a little stressful for me, also a planner!)

So funny you say that. We live in Illinois and while two of my kids go OOS they have a lot of friends there and they had no issues with social life this year and once UIUC got things under control with the outbreak at the beginning of the semester they did a great job with covid too. But I agree that unless your plan is to go for on of their top programs or your a die hard, there’s really no reason to stay in state. The problem is that many of the competitors like Wisconsin or Michigan don’t give merit either and for kids wanting to go to Iowa or Minnesota they’re then just better off going to Illinois. My son also applied to Purdue though and recently I looked at that cost and all in, that wouldn’t be much more expensive than Illinois so I guess we’ll see if he’s admitted there. He was deferred by his ED school so he has a lot of work to do, both with the deferral, the apps he has outstanding and any others he still has out there. I would love for him to apply to Wisconsin but it’s so far down his list. The plus though is their RD date is 2/1 so by then he will have heard from some of the others and can always decide what to do then. He has one acceptance for full tuition scholarship OOS but not really interested so we’re kind of back at the drawing board. Ugh what a year!

That sucks and that is the exact reason we just invested in the Bright Start 529. But at least you get something back.

My first was supposed to go to CS at Illinois but then chose to take a pass, my next 2 are both OOS, my 4th would definitely go but has higher ranked schools so I guess we just have to wait this one out. If mine goes, I at least feel like it is half the cost of his ED school where he was deferred and I don’t have to stress over the next 4 years, but I was really hoping we were down with this whole thing and my poor kid could just relax second semester considering we’ve been entirely remote since March. :frowning: