Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@JanieWalker Congrats!!! That is wonderful news! I’m certain there will be many more on the way soon!!


@JanieWalker Congrats to your daughter! Thats so exciting, and hopefully the first of many acceptances!


Congrats on your D21’s acceptance! Fingers crossed for more good news in 2 weeks. :relaxed:

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Thanks, guys! Hoping to get an acceptance letter with merit money notification in the mail soon (she was notified of her acceptance via portal, but no mention of merit aid). Also hoping she got into the Honors College.


Thank you @srparent15. Late nights this week but he was feeling better yesterday. S Talked with a couple other top kids in his class and seems to be a teacher issue in one class, which we already knew but feels better to know it isn’t just you. COVID test today so he can go back again in person next week. Working on the grit. :muscle:


Question. My D has applied to direct admit nursing programs in Ca. I notice that some programs have a specific track that they assign students too, for their classes. I am a bit concerned because between her AP classes and dual enrollment, she will have all of her general ed completed when she graduates. I saw another post advising against dual enrollment, as some schools may view that as a negative, due to the program track. Has anyone received any feedback from a similar scenario. She has applied to UCLA, UCI, SDSU, CSUF, CSUSM, CSUSB (not diredct admit).
@Gumbymom any feedback?

@MumofCollegeBound: Since Direct admit Nursing programs are so competitive in California and most applicants applying to these programs have taken rigorous HS courses which would include AP and DE courses, I cannot see how these would be viewed as a Negative. I would reach out to each schools program and ask them this question. I have no experience with this situation but perhaps other posters could chime in on their experiences or thoughts.


@JanieWalker Congratulations! Your D must be so happy to have that first acceptance.

Not much going on here. D21 got her last application in last night. It’s funny, it is for a likely school that I asked her to add because I think she would like it if she got a chance to visit. As she was researching and writing the Why Us essay she found so many things about the school that she loved, so it is nice to know she has another likely she would probably be happy with. All that is left now are the scholarship and honors college essays. One she is sure she has no chance at but is thinking it might look good to try anyway to let them know she is serious about the school. I’m not sure abut that one, it is a lot of work and she doesn’t have a ton of time to do it. The others aren’t due until January and February.

I don’t know if you all remember I am trying to help D’s friend who does not have much support at home. She is first generation but her GPA and test scores aren’t great (well, compared to CC kids) although she did take a rigorous schedule. She found out this week she got accepted to two directional state schools here in Florida!! I was almost as happy as when my own D19 got into college. These aren’t her top schools but at one point she kept saying she wouldn’t get in anywhere so I am just excited not only did she get in, but she has choices. :slight_smile: She will find out about her ED dream reach school at the end of December then has a handful of other colleges after that.


@momtogkc It is so nice of you to help your D’s friend. I was a first gen kid and didn’t really have that and it would have been valuable to me to have a mentor. I think that is why I have become so involved in my kids’ college search and selection.


D21 is in her last day of quarantine, there was a student with a positive covid test that she was in close contact with. I hate that she has barely left her room in the past 12 days. They have two more weeks of classes and then exams, I have ask that she remain online until January. I do not want to risk another quarantine over another holiday.

She did get one application done last week, University of Kentucky. Four more to go, they are all super reaches. Writing they essays have be very difficult for her, which surprised me a bit because she is a really strong writer. I guess the topics require a lot of self reflection and the pressure of wanting it to be your best work is taking a toll on her. I have suggested not applying to two of the schools but she said she is not there yet. The idea of not applying just because you do not want to do the essay is unexceptable to her. I guess time will tell where she nets out, at this point I am not sure it is worth all the effort for the super reaches, it is just such a small chance of acceptance for so much work.

Georgia tech sent an email today, decisions will be available at 5pm on Friday. I am not sure how they will view her applications, she is very much a classics kid and would like to double major in psychology and Latin. At GA Tech they do not offer classics or latin.


@1Lotus same here, I was a first generation student and was all on my own when it came to college search. I help some of S21s friends because they are first generation and a couple the parents do not speak English. These are really bright and hard working kids that just need some guidance. I am stressing about their apps as much as I am for S21.


Congratulations on all the acceptances! D21 received acceptances at Delaware and McDaniel last week so we are glad for some good news…The kitten we adopted this summer has been very sick and it seems she has an end stage virus FIP. We are closely monitoring looking for any signs of pain… it’s so sad and unexpected in such a young cat. 2020 can’t end soon enough for me.

@MPT3D, I’m so sorry about your kitten :broken_heart: .

I’m hoping I’ll adjust to the new CC quickly. I remember that it took a couple of weeks last time.

I think it’s possible that D21 will hear from her ED school on Friday. There’s almost no activity on the CC board for her school, so I’ll just count down here so I don’t stress D21 out!


Do you really think so? No one among my D21’s friends feels like they can check out after acceptances because colleges continue to need grade updates and can potentially rescind acceptances.

D21 is sick of online school, but will be online for her entire senior year.

Kids here do check out just a bit. Even the best students find second semester senior year less stressful. They’ll do the work but not worry about getting the highest A and if they get a B, they don’t sweat it. That is a big difference for most of these kids who have felt like they absolutely had to get the highest grade possible in all classes. No college takes away an acceptance for a few Bs.


Yes, 100% think so and more so this year. This is my 4th kid and tons of kids are already checked out at our school. They have been remote since March and will probably be the whole year. Kids aren’t even showing up for classes and there is no consequence. The only kids that care are ones taking the AP Exams and once they know where they’re going and if the AP credit is even taken they may not even bother with it. This year our school (maybe it’s a college board policy) will even refund the fees up until the test so hey why not wait until then. But my daughters once they knew where they were going in December, they still did work but definitely not as intensive as beforehand.

Colleges definitely won’t take away an acceptance for a B and most likely especially in the year of Covid won’t for a C even if it’s a prestigious school.

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2020 has been the worst, couple of days ago I was hopeful that December is almost here and in a few days new year will start and things will turn around. Yesterday, my daughter’s best friend since elementary school suddenly passed away. A happy healthy 17 year old, finished putting in her last application Sunday night and danced with her dad and little brother and did not wake up Monday morning. I am very scared for my daughter, she is not showing any emotion. She told me that her friend would want her to be strong. This year has taken away so much from so many. I hope this ends soon.

It’s nice to relax once you know your fate but definitely can’t check out. My friend’s son’s UCDavis admit was rescinded the month before school started last year! He let his AP class grades slide below a C.

Congrats to your D!!!

Yeah, my S21 is counting the weeks to end of semester (mid-Jan). He only has 3 classes next semester – two are APs, but still. . .

His incentive to keep the pedal to the metal is that if he finishes senior year with all As, he’ll be a valedictorian. (In our district, any student with a 4.0 all four years is a valedictorian.) Three years ago, my D18 was one of 10 in her class at the HS, and I know he is competitive and wants a repeat!

While that’d be great, I’m more interested in him getting a job and earning $$ so he can take a nice trip next summer when things open up. These kids deserve that!