Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congratulations @burghdad, that is such a cute story!

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If that information about work experience is there somewhere in the application, they probably automatically entered him for the scholarship. So I think you donā€™t have to contact. Any experienced parents?

@burghdad Love this!! What a wonderful memory this will always be!

Saw this on twitter form the UGA head of admissions:

Preliminary UGA application numbers for Fall 2021. 39,000+ total EA/RD apps. Up in GA, up in out of state (up in NY by 100%-highest jump). Pretty much up big in all categories. Estimated application increase of almost 40% over last year. Itā€™s going to be a busy next few months!


Similar boat here with S21 who is set with ED2 at a great small university/LAC-type school but tried ED1 at Brown and was deferred. He has acceptances at UVM and UMass Honors College as safety schools and feels good that no matter what shakes out in ED2 and RD that heā€™ll have a place to go. We only applied to 8 schools total as he did his work up-front to know places heā€™d like the best. As amazing as all of our kids are, international apps are up and there is no lack of competition for prestigious schools. ED2 is a smart move to stand apart from RD if the student and family are ready to commit on both the school and likely financial aid. Good luck & fingers crossed!


Donā€™t really know anything or anyone that attends UGA and they almost blew that football game yesterday and shouldā€™ve lost, but what is a normal year for them? Does that tweet or another one mention what they normally get?

Last year UGA stated on there blog


Applications Received: 28,500

Applicants Admitted: 13,700

New First-Year Students Enrolled: 5,600

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Applications up almost 40 percent over last year. The UGA admissions blog is excellent. Sure there will be a breakdown on the blog this week.


Oh wow @aop1925 @VirginiaBelle that is a big increase!

I hope these schools have ways to sift out some of these applications. Interesting about NY having 2x as many as last year.

I just looked and see that they had over 20,500 EA applications this year, up from 17,000 last year so it sounds like their RD pool had a huge increase if last yearā€™s total was 28,500 that would mean only 11,500 were RD last year, and this year 18,500. Yowza!

Their RD pool is always holistic review. EA they admit some super high stats on stats only because their EA turn around is short (a little over a month). They will be busy!

This is their first year on the common app coupled with the test optional thing and this is the result I guess! Will be interesting to see how they manage yield? Georgia Tech moved to the common app in 2014. In 2013 its acceptance rate was over 40 percent. In 2020 it was under 20 percent.

yeah, I do recall hearing something like this beforeā€¦EA is by stats only and ECā€™s generally donā€™t matter but in RD itā€™s a much bigger deal or something like thatā€¦

Did not know that about the common app but makes total sense for sure. I keep saying that I think a lot of these schools are going to reject a huge chunk of kids that they never wouldā€™ve accepted under any circumstance, then a lot are going to defer (EA) or waitlist (RD) kids that they may have otherwise rejected in other years because if kids are applying to 10 schools in a year they normally would have applied to 5 then there may very well be the same kids holding overlapping acceptances and as those whittle down, you may see schools that donā€™t have filled classes when it all shakes out unless they do this.

The lowest level schools will be hurt the most because they canā€™t offer everyone a free ride, but the higher level schools donā€™t have money to offer kids merit either, so maybe that will shake things up somewhat too.

My guess is there will be a lot of waitlist activity this summer as well. Uga has shifted to do a holistic review in EA on borderline candidates. It used to be totally stat-based.

UGA has already accepted over 8000 kids early which would leave 5500 if they are trying to admit the same number as last year. With such a large jump in applications at UGA and many kids applying to lots of schools it seems particularly hard this year to figure how how many you need to admit to fill your class.

It will be interesting to see if Georgia Tech shows a similar jump ( it did with EA). Their RD app closes Jan 1.


@srparent15 I totally agree. I know many kids who applied to upwards of 15 schools this year, and when my son applied to college three years ago, it seemed that kids applied to ten or less. I also think will be tricky with distributing merit this cycle. Some may hold out to see if schools that donā€™t hit their yield may be willing to be a tad more generous with students who are serious about attending but need the money.

I know! Mine applied to only 6 just 2 years ago and both had heard from every school except 1 by this time, although 1 did ED so had heard. This is a different beast.

I think the only school that will give merit we already heard from. The rest at this point if they give merit, itā€™s like $500 if that. Nothing to write home about. At this point, an admit is better than that.

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I posted this in the University of MN thread yesterday, but there is not much activity there. Does any one know how long it will take to get the application tracker/ applicant portal access after submitting the application to UMN Twin cities? TIA

I would give it a few days, and check the spam folder. If you havenā€™t seen it by the end of the week, have your student send an email to their AO

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@AlwaysMoving do you know how UGA based their Oct. admissions, honors, scholarships? I am not on Twitter, but do you have a link to the blog?

@erd1020 Just google UGA admissions blog, and it will pop right up.


At last, the final application is in! And now we wait.


Happy New Year to everyone - I realized over the break (with school news slowing down) I missed checking in on this websiteā€¦ things will ramp up again this month I am sure. Good luck to all the kids!