Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

UW is allowing “philosophical” exemptions. That makes the whole vaccination requirement pretty much moot.


She did not know about different forms until I mentioned this–says they didn’t discuss but yes I agree seems to be the same form.
So we are in a private high school: the parents pay for the tests(well, I am sure the kids on financial aid get a break). The school(and other privates here) mandate they take any and all AP tests when the course is labeled an AP course, else lose the labeling and the weighting of the gpa. And the big-practice-test over the weekend counting as the semester final exam is just to ensure they take prep seriously , which the majority do anyway. The school has very high AP pass rates(some courses have almost no 3s ever), and about 35-40% of the class matriculates at a T30uni/T15LAC each year. The median SAT is in the lower 1300s and the 75th%ile is lower 1400s so it is not a typical HS. Maybe that is why giving up some weekends for tests is just normal here. Incidentally, D has a boarding school friend who does the same thing 3 weekends in a row in spring, for AP prep.

My daughter is going to UW and I just got the email today. They say vaccines are mandatory but then allow for medical, religious, and philosophical exemptions so it isn’t really mandatory at all.


Still so interesting how it’s done in different regions. Our public schools are so good in our area that few go to private schools as the public are generally better than private. Those who go to private tend to go for religious reasons, wanting small schools or if they live in Chicago and can’t get into one of those top 5 city schools.

Our report card doesn’t break down 4’s and 5’s from 3’s as I was looking at it last week, but 93% score 3 or better but I do know in our Math BC everyone has gotten a 5 for the last 10 years and the Physics C is the one weak one - considering I know so few get a 5 on E&M hah. They should take a page out of the book at your school! Unfortunately while our school is the better on in our district (we have 2) we have the weaker Physics teacher :(. But I know from my daughter that they at least get a good foundation for when she took it over. The other one didn’t need to retake it and my oldest just skipped college altogether but he was the one who liked Physics. I think it’s such a bummer when a teacher is not good and when they can’t engage students especially girls. This year it’s a new teacher teaching C (he taught Honors Physics before) but my son said he stinks too but everyone knew that before. They just took it because they like him. The rest they have to teach themselves. SMH.

At least it wasn’t just our school that they thought the one section was worth less than they thought. But that’s life. Now how he deals with registration is another story. Ugh!! Would be better off knowing it didn’t count for anything!!!

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I wish we had a public that is near home and work and close to as good as private! Would have saved the 30k+/yr tuition and fees.


Well, that’s mandatory just like any other school is allowing. The expectation is that people will have to verify/fill out an exemption form. It’s good news for those that care about things returning to normal. Some schools will require continued testing for those that are not vaccinating. I’ve even heard of some considering requiring those incurring the cost themselves for the testing, but I can’t imagine how expensive that would be for some and seems almost cruel.

Cornell just announced today that following CDC guidelines no masks required outside. They are going to have a lot more activities outside, are allowing larger indoor groups as well as outdoor gatherings and yay making arrangements for more year-end activities. Graduation is also now in person with 2 tickets per family. Of course that equated to an instant surge in airfare and hotel pricing.

Also as other corrected me last week, the the FDA did officially announce that the Pfizer vaccine will be approved next week for ages 12 and up. No clue how many kids are in that age group or what kind of demand that will have on Pfizer or if it’ll create shortages of Pfizer since that’s the only one this age can get but so happy for all these kids and families!

I bet! We more than make it up in our property taxes. Next year we will be empty nesters but still paying more in annual property taxes than I pay for one of my daughter’s to go to college. Kind of depressing when I think about it like that.

That is just ridiculous. They should just say it is strongly recommended if they are allowing a philosophical exemption.


Same here. My son isn’t on Facebook and has no desire to join lol


Wow that is a lot. Property taxes are “only” around 14-18k a year here.

Makes sense to me to charge the anti-vaxers for weekly testing. They don’t like the cost they can get the free vaccine.


Haha love that response.

I’ve actually been wondering what kind of incentive it would take to get people vaccinated. Like would people do it for $1,000? Of course then you’d have the scammers who said they weren’t vaccinated but really were trying to get the $. But there must be some incentive.

The one story I see over and over is when it hits home (someone dying or getting really sick with covid in their family) for someone that’s when people tend to do it. But it shouldn’t take someone getting covid for someone to wake up and smell the coffee.

That’s the issue in Illinois. Too high of property taxes. I think we may be the state with the highest property taxes.

Our income taxes aren’t that high relative to states that have an income tax, but when you add in that sales tax is about 9-10%, it’s no wonder people are leaving in droves. When I type it out like that, which I’ve never thought of before, I can almost tell my husband I’m ready to move out of state. Haha. There’s just no way I’m moving to any of the states that “retired” people move to so might as well stay here and suck it up! I need to win the lottery.

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Each state maintains a statewide database of all vaccines administered. That’s why there is someone sitting there with a laptop computer when you go to get your vaccine. The paper cards are mostly for show. They know if you’ve been vaccinated or not. So looping back around for multiple shots just to get the cash would quickly be detected.

D thinks the E&M went better for her than Mech today. She really Self taught/self studied very hard for E&M as she 100% wants to take credit for it. She decided to not waste study time on Mech as she WILL take the course in college. At her University E&M is a HUGE weed out class but Mech is not near as hard.
So she plans to pad her GPA with Mech and save her GPA but avoiding E&M.

Our prom is this upcoming Saturday, She will wear the clearance dress I bought and had altered for her jr prom. The prom will be in the school cafeteria, mask are required but no social distancing. Both D and her boyfriend have both their shots completed over 2 weeks ago. @Momof3B what a complete fun time for your son and @homerdog sounds like a great time too.

Edit: Social media: no fb for D. she has insta and snap. She is a lurker but not a poster. She like something caused explore on ista.
Edit: #2. D’s dorm room mate is coming to town this weekend for a wedding. D and I are going to dinner with her family Friday. This is the electrical engineering major I found on Patio. I have my fingers crossed they hit it off. I have lurked for the room mate and the fact that she does not post gives me great hope they are more alike.


That’s so true! My son was like, “FB?! No way.” He doesn’t even use Instagram. He said his class is pretty much on discord.


My son and I volunteered at a COVID vaccine pop up clinic in an underserved area this weekend. We also ran into his pediatrician who was also there to volunteer. Her daughter was there so we had tons of fun. But she did ask me to send her S21’s vax card in case his hospital that issued the vaccine didn’t have it in some state system.

So…if your kiddo got the vax at a provider that isn’t affiliated with the doctor’s office, make sure to send the info to your doctor so they can update their records. We are with Kaiser so all of his immunization records will be printed out together and submitted to college.


agree–we make a copy of Covid vax cards if folks don’t get it from us, and enter it in our records if it isn’t in the state system–sometimes it is not. It can take weeks or months to get it sorted in some states. My own vaccine and many others were never entered(Though that was December–3rd day vaccine was approved so many went unrecorded back then).

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I was wondering about this. I received my first shot through CVS, but had to reschedule my second appointment and did it through different system (VAMS). Same with my teens, so I was wondering how states track who is fully vaccinated versus people who appear as though they didn’t show up for their second shot.


S21 had been declining his admit offers over the past couple weeks, wrapping up with the last few late last week. He was finally able to reverse his commitment to Duke today…weird feeling to decline all those great decisions.