Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Earlier in the Michigan WL thread, I posted the last 5 years of CC “data,” and if you excluded last year with Covid shutting things down, then Michigan usually hits their WL around the last week or two of May.

Now, CC seems to be mainly OOS kids. So, maybe Michigan took some in-state kids off the list.

Might be surge related if they were going earlier. Bad timing for that Covid surge up there.

The University of Michigan is reporting, as of 4/27/21, a decline in COVID-19 cases at the state and county levels.

My son took the physics C test today and said he “felt good” about it, though being overly confident is kind of his thing. :roll_eyes: It doesn’t matter a whole lot as it might exempt him from a class if he takes the next level (which he isn’t even sure he will do). He is opting out of the rest as there is no benefit at his college. Senioritis is setting in big time (for both of us).

As for senior activities, all will be held the first week of June with prom at a local outdoor place that has mini golf, bumper boats, batting cages, volley ball, etc. I’m having trouble envisioning renting a tux to go on a bumper boat and play sand volleyball, but what do I know. They have a max of 150 kids so the event is spread over 2 or 3 nights depending on how many tickets are sold (seniors from their school only). Week wraps up with in person graduation at the football stadium (I think with just 2 parents allowed to attend). Better than nothing which is what our 2020 seniors got.


Agree with that! I can not believe how many people are in the Michigan class of 2025 fb page and keep joining. It seems like thousands upon thousands but then I remembered that UT doesn’t let parents post pics like crazy of their kids in the group and you can’t join until after a certain date. Some of that is a lot more chill than this. You also don’t have parents looking for roommates for their kids in the UT group. I’ve never seen so many parents looking for roommates for their kids before. Too many helicopters whirring around.

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There’s an area (finding a roommate) that I don’t delve into. I don’t even have a FB account. I think my D will be going random in terms of roommates, which makes a wee bit nervous.

D was reading me one of those “finding a roommate” FB posts, where the female student has the same first name (unique/rare), same major, interested in the same movie genre, but D didn’t reach out to her for whatever reason.

Schools need to realize kids do not use FB! Son will not go on FB for his school’s group.


Many college clubs and orgs use FB Groups to communicate with their members.

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I think I have the only 17 year old in America that doesn’t use social media. She has the accounts- she’ll scroll tik tok for hours for a laughs but she doesn’t post really ever or connect with people. She has a few group texts going with friend groups and that’s about it- half the time she doesn’t pick up her phone for days at a time. It’s highly likely she’s not meeting anyone until move in day. Ha. She did request a single, but they’re FAR from guaranteed.


S got a response to his Villanova LOCI that they are unlikely to access their waitlist this year. FYI.


These kids are all on Instagram, patio and discord. I’m talking about the parent group of 2025 and parents looking for roommates for their kids. Their are kids in the fb group but the kids are really all communicating in the other groups. But what I can’t figure out is why there are so many kids without roommates. These kids don’t seem hideous or anything like that so I can’t figure it out other than if it’s helicoptering and the kids don’t really want help from the parent. I must’ve had at least 3 people message me about looking for a roommate for my son. Always right after I stated he was in engineering. I became more reserved after that because he wasn’t looking and I wasn’t going to be his matchmaker. Not to mention if a bad match I didn’t want to be responsible. If my introverted twins could find roommates this kid can no problem. And he did!

Some are willing to go random for whatever reason. It’s all a risk but I view it as less of a risk if you know something about them. Of course I thought knowing my college roommate would be helpful and it ended in disaster. This was a friend before too so what do I know lol?

My husband just told me that U Washington mandates the vaccine today. So there’s another public university. I haven’t had a chance to look up anything about it but is it contingent on full FDA approval or are they going for it? Way to go either way!


No, it is required before fall quarter. There is a thread on CC that lists all schools requiring the vaccine. It is quite a long list.

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You are not alone! I am very relieved her school figures out roommate stuff as she is not on social media and there’s no way she would reach out to someone. I think she uses insta to chat with friends but never posts and her account is a fictitious name she made up freshman year😊 I would like to think this is saving her time somehow, but she makes up for it on apple news and looking at clothes online that she doesn’t end up buying;)

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Yep, took it here! Hard and a huge chunk of Qs on one hard topic. So. I think that sounds similar! Mine isn’t doing for credit/placement so doesn’t matter(just required by school).

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Mine is at tennis but sounds like they had the same form! Did she say the other form people felt was much easier? He said the last unit was supposed to only be a small portion of the test but was a lot more.

I told the AP administrator at the school I work at about your school (not the only one I’ve heard that they’re mandatory) she couldn’t believe it. We’ve never heard of that before. I assume your district pays for them then too? She said a lot of kids there are dropping out from taking tests and she wonders how much of it is teachers being lazy and doing a crappy job teaching and are basically telling kids not to take them so that it doesn’t reflect bad on the teachers. This year I believe it. Also kids not needing the credit at some of the schools. It surprises me because this is a top 10 public school in Illinois. Would be higher if some of the Chicago public schools weren’t at the top, which is a skewed list of those schools because all the top students in the city go to those frw schools since you’re admitted on test scores etc and the lowest students are then stuck at the worst Chicago schools so it an inequitable system. My son’s school is just outside top 10 and no one is dropping out of taking exams and teachers are not discouraging it so I’m shocked it’s happening where I work. The things you learn! But maybe the district should have more skin in the game and pay for them. Then teachers there may care. Next year when parents can’t cancel for refund like in past years maybe it’ll go back to how it was before. I used to have to pay much earlier than I paid this year.

This will make registration for him interesting. If he thinks he got a 5 no physics if not then he has to take it. Ugh so annoying.


UWashington doesn’t say anything about waiting for full FDA approval for the vaccine requirement. Just that it’s required for the Fall, if you come to school without it you will be vaccinated there, there are medical and religious exemptions. Haven’t made a decision on faculty and staff requirement yet. UW announces COVID-19 vaccine requirement for students | UW News

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Mine has last one the night before graduation. She is not happy. But she is going to a state public that takes credits and can eliminate many Gen Ed requirements if she gets above a 3.


AP tests are required here (large TX public school district) so D21 took AP Gov today. One down, three to go with the last one not until 5/24. Then she just has to keep 80 averages to be able to opt out of finals. Graduation is not until mid June but she could likely be done with classes 5/28!

She will have a prom held outside at a botanical garden in early June, COVID testing required. We picked up her dress from the tailor this weekend. $$$$ but it’s the only one I get to do with her!!


OK, but it’s still not used very often by kids.